Plantilla de salm del cant anglicà

Aquesta plantilla mostra una forma de preparar un càntic salmòdic anglicà. També mostra com es poden afegir estrofes addicionals com text independent per sota de la música. Les dues estrofes es codifiquen en estils diferents per il·lustrar més possibilitats.

\paper { tagline = ##f }

SopranoMusic = \relative g' {
  g1 | c2 b | a1 | \bar "||"
  a1 | d2 c | c b | c1 | \bar "||"

AltoMusic = \relative c' {
  e1 | g2 g | f1 |
  f1 | f2 e | d d | e1 |

TenorMusic = \relative a {
  c1 | c2 c | c1 |
  d1 | g,2 g | g g | g1 |

BassMusic =  \relative c {
  c1 | e2 e | f1 |
  d1 | b2 c | g' g | c,1 |

global = {
  \time 2/2

dot = \markup {
  \raise #0.7 \musicglyph ""

tick = \markup {
  \raise #1 \fontsize #-5 \musicglyph "scripts.rvarcomma"

% Use markup to center the chant on the page
\markup {
  \fill-line {
    \score {  % centered
        \new ChoirStaff <<
          \new Staff <<
            \clef "treble"
            \new Voice = "Soprano" <<
            \new Voice = "Alto" <<
          \new Staff <<
            \clef "bass"
            \new Voice = "Tenor" <<
            \new Voice = "Bass" <<
      \layout {
        \context {
          \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration =
                      \musicLength 2
        \context {
          \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
    }  % End score
}  % End markup

\markup {
  \fill-line {
    \column {
      \left-align {
        \null \null \null
        \line {
          \fontsize #5 O
          \fontsize #3 come
          let us \bold sing | unto \dot the | Lord : let
        \line {
          us heartily
          \concat { re \bold joice }
          in the | strength of | our
        \line {
          sal | vation.
        \line {
          \hspace #2.5 8. Today if ye will hear his voice *
        \line {
          \concat { \bold hard en }
          \tick not your \tick hearts : as in the pro-
        \line {
          vocation * and as in the \bold day of tempt- \tick
        \line {
          -ation \tick in the \tick wilderness.

[image of music]

Fragments del LilyPond v2.25.20 (branca de desenvolupament).