3.1.99 OttavaBracket

An ottava bracket.

OttavaBracket objects are created by the following engraver(s): Ottava_spanner_engraver.

Standard settings:

dash-fraction (number):


Size of the dashes, relative to dash-period. Should be between 0.1 and 1.0 (continuous line). If set to 0.0, a dotted line is produced

edge-height (pair):
'(0 . 0.8)

A pair of numbers specifying the heights of the vertical edges: (left-height . right-height).

font-series (symbol):


Select the series of a font. Common choices are normal and bold. The full list of symbols that can be used is: thin, ultralight (or extralight), light, semilight (or demilight), book, normal (or regular), medium, semibold (or demibold), bold, ultrabold (or extrabold), heavy (or black), and ultraheavy (or ultrablack or extrablack).

font-shape (symbol):


Select the shape of a font. Possible values are upright, italic, oblique, and slanted (which is the same as oblique).

minimum-length (dimension, in staff space):


Try to make a spanner at least this long, normally in the horizontal direction. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property. If added to a Tie, this sets the minimum distance between noteheads.

outside-staff-priority (number):


If set, the grob is positioned outside the staff in such a way as to avoid all collisions. In case of a potential collision, the grob with the smaller outside-staff-priority is closer to the staff.

padding (dimension, in staff space):


Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

shorten-pair (pair of numbers):
'(-0.8 . -0.6)

The lengths to shorten on both sides a hairpin or text-spanner such as a pedal bracket. Positive values shorten the hairpin or text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):


Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamics p and f) on their baselines.

stencil (stencil):


The symbol to print.

style (symbol):


This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

vertical-skylines (pair of skylines):

#<unpure-pure-container ly:grob::vertical-skylines-from-stencil ly:grob::pure-simple-vertical-skylines-from-extents >

Two skylines, one above and one below this grob.

Y-offset (number):

#<unpure-pure-container ly:side-position-interface::y-aligned-side ly:side-position-interface::pure-y-aligned-side >

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent.

Note that many objects have special positioning considerations, which cause any setting of Y-offset to be ignored or modified, even though the object supports the self-alignment-interface.

This object supports the following interface(s): font-interface, grob-interface, horizontal-bracket-interface, line-interface, ottava-bracket-interface, outside-staff-interface, side-position-interface, spanner-interface and text-interface.

This object is of class Spanner (characterized by spanner-interface).

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).