3.1.61 GridLine

A vertical line between staves, indicating rhythmic synchronization. See also GridPoint.

GridLine objects are created by the following engraver(s): Grid_line_span_engraver.

Standard settings:

layer (integer):


An integer which determines the order of printing objects. Objects with the lowest value of layer are drawn first, then objects with progressively higher values are drawn, so objects with higher values overwrite objects with lower values. By default most objects are assigned a layer value of 1.

parent-alignment-X (number):


Specify on which point of the parent the object is aligned. The value -1 means aligned on parent’s left edge, 0 on center, and 1 right edge, in X direction. Other numerical values may also be specified - the unit is half the parent’s width. If not a number, align on the parent’s reference point. If unset, the value from self-alignment-X property will be used.

self-alignment-X (number):


Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Other numerical values may also be specified - the unit is half the object width. If not a number, align on the object’s reference point.

stencil (stencil):


The symbol to print.

X-extent (pair of numbers):


Extent (size) in the X direction, measured in staff-space units, relative to object’s reference point.

X-offset (number):


The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent.

Note that many objects have special positioning considerations, which cause any setting of X-offset to be ignored or modified, even though the object supports the self-alignment-interface.

This object supports the following interface(s): grid-line-interface, grob-interface, item-interface and self-alignment-interface.

This object is of class Item (characterized by item-interface).

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).