2.2.104 Paper_column_engraver

Take care of generating columns.

This engraver decides whether a column is breakable. The default is that a column is always breakable. However, every Bar_engraver that does not have a barline at a certain point will set forbidBreaks in the score context to stop line breaks. In practice, this means that you can make a break point by creating a bar line (assuming that there are no beams or notes that prevent a break point).

Music types accepted: break-event and label-event

Properties (read)

forbidBreak (boolean)

If set to #t, prevent a line break at this point, except if explicitly requested by the user.

Properties (write)

currentCommandColumn (graphical (layout) object)

Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable items (clef, key signature, etc.).

currentMusicalColumn (graphical (layout) object)

Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).

forbidBreak (boolean)

If set to #t, prevent a line break at this point, except if explicitly requested by the user.

forceBreak (boolean)

Set to #t when an event forcing a line break was heard.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): NonMusicalPaperColumn and PaperColumn.

Paper_column_engraver is part of the following context(s) in \layout: ChordGridScore, Score, StandaloneRhythmScore and VaticanaScore.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).