3.2.56 gregorian-ligature-interface

A gregorian ligature.

Internal properties:

ascendens (boolean)

Is this neume of ascending type?

auctum (boolean)

Is this neume liquescentically augmented?

cavum (boolean)

Is this neume outlined?

context-info (integer)

Within a ligature, the final glyph or shape of a head may be affected by the left and/or right neighbour head. context-info holds for each head such information about the left and right neighbour, encoded as a bit mask.

deminutum (boolean)

Is this neume deminished?

descendens (boolean)

Is this neume of descendent type?

inclinatum (boolean)

Is this neume an inclinatum?

linea (boolean)

Attach vertical lines to this neume?

oriscus (boolean)

Is this neume an oriscus?

pes-or-flexa (boolean)

Shall this neume be joined with the previous head?

prefix-set (number)

A bit mask that holds all Gregorian head prefixes, such as \virga or \quilisma.

quilisma (boolean)

Is this neume a quilisma?

stropha (boolean)

Is this neume a stropha?

virga (boolean)

Is this neume a virga?

This grob interface is used in the following graphical object(s): NoteHead.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).