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3.2.108 outside-staff-interface
A grob that could be placed outside staff.
User-settable properties:
(number)By default, an outside-staff-object can be placed so that is it very close to another grob horizontally. If this property is set, the outside-staff-object is raised so that it is not so close to its neighbor.
(number)The padding to place between grobs when spacing according to
. Two grobs with differentoutside-staff-padding
values have the larger value of padding between them.outside-staff-priority
(number)If set, the grob is positioned outside the staff in such a way as to avoid all collisions. In case of a potential collision, the grob with the smaller
is closer to the staff.
This grob interface is used in the following graphical object(s): AccidentalSuggestion
, BarNumber
, BassFigureAlignmentPositioning
, BendSpanner
, BreathingSign
, CaesuraScript
, CenteredBarNumberLineSpanner
, ChordName
, ClefModifier
, CodaMark
, CombineTextScript
, Divisio
, DoublePercentRepeatCounter
, DoubleRepeatSlash
, DynamicLineSpanner
, DynamicText
, Fingering
, FretBoard
, Hairpin
, HorizontalBracket
, HorizontalBracketText
, InstrumentSwitch
, JumpScript
, LigatureBracket
, MeasureCounter
, MeasureGrouping
, MeasureSpanner
, MetronomeMark
, MultiMeasureRest
, MultiMeasureRestNumber
, MultiMeasureRestScript
, MultiMeasureRestText
, OttavaBracket
, PercentRepeatCounter
, PhrasingSlur
, RehearsalMark
, Script
, SectionLabel
, SegnoMark
, Slur
, SostenutoPedalLineSpanner
, StringNumber
, StrokeFinger
, SustainPedalLineSpanner
, TextMark
, TextScript
, TextSpanner
, TrillSpanner
, TupletBracket
, TupletNumber
, UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner
and VoltaBracketSpanner
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