2.2.91 Midi_control_change_performer

This performer listens to SetProperty events on context properties for generating MIDI control changes and prepares them for MIDI output.

Properties (read)

midiBalance (number)

Stereo balance for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from -1 to 1, where the values -1 (#LEFT), 0 (#CENTER) and 1 (#RIGHT) correspond to leftmost emphasis, center balance, and rightmost emphasis, respectively.

midiChorusLevel (number)

Chorus effect level for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from 0 to 1 (0=off, 1=full effect).

midiExpression (number)

Expression control for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from 0 to 1 (0=off, 1=full effect).

midiPanPosition (number)

Pan position for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from -1 to 1, where the values -1 (#LEFT), 0 (#CENTER) and 1 (#RIGHT) correspond to hard left, center, and hard right, respectively.

midiReverbLevel (number)

Reverb effect level for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from 0 to 1 (0=off, 1=full effect).

Midi_control_change_performer is part of the following context(s) in \midi: DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, KievanStaff, MensuralStaff, PetrucciStaff, RhythmicStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).