2.2.80 Mark_engraver

This engraver creates rehearsal marks, segno and coda marks, and section labels.

Mark_engraver creates marks, formats them, and places them vertically outside the set of staves given in the stavesFound context property.

If Mark_engraver is added or moved to another context, Staff_collecting_engraver also needs to be there so that marks appear at the intended Y location.

By default, Mark_engravers in multiple contexts create a common sequence of marks chosen by the Score-level Mark_tracking_translator. If independent sequences are desired, multiple Mark_tracking_translators must be used.

Properties (read)

codaMarkFormatter (procedure)

A procedure that creates a coda mark (which in conventional D.S. al Coda form indicates the start of the alternative endings), taking as arguments the mark sequence number and the context. It should return a markup object.

currentPerformanceMarkEvent (stream event)

The coda, section, or segno mark event selected by Mark_tracking_translator for engraving by Mark_engraver.

currentRehearsalMarkEvent (stream event)

The ad-hoc or rehearsal mark event selected by Mark_tracking_translator for engraving by Mark_engraver.

rehearsalMarkFormatter (procedure)

A procedure taking as arguments the context and the sequence number of the rehearsal mark. It should return the formatted mark as a markup object.

segnoMarkFormatter (procedure)

A procedure that creates a segno (which conventionally indicates the start of a repeated section), taking as arguments the mark sequence number and the context. It should return a markup object.

stavesFound (list of grobs)

A list of all staff-symbols found.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): CodaMark, RehearsalMark, SectionLabel and SegnoMark.

Mark_engraver is part of the following context(s) in \layout: ChordGridScore, Score, StandaloneRhythmScore and VaticanaScore.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).