2.2.3 Ambitus_engraver

Create an ambitus.

Properties (read)

keyAlterations (list)

The current key signature. This is an alist containing (step . alter) or ((octave . step) . alter), where step is a number in the range 0 to 6 and alter a fraction, denoting alteration. For alterations, use symbols, e.g., keyAlterations = #`((6 . ,FLAT)).

middleCClefPosition (number)

The position of the middle C, as determined only by the clef. This can be calculated by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.

middleCCuePosition (number)

The position of the middle C, as determined only by the clef of the cue notes. This can be calculated by looking at cueClefPosition and cueClefGlyph.

middleCOffset (number)

The offset of middle C from the position given by middleCClefPosition This is used for ottava brackets.

middleCPosition (number)

The place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at middleCClefPosition and middleCOffset.

staffLineLayoutFunction (procedure)

Layout of staff lines, traditional, or semitone.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): AccidentalPlacement, Ambitus, AmbitusAccidental, AmbitusLine and AmbitusNoteHead.

Ambitus_engraver is not part of any context

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).