2.2.57 Grace_beam_engraver

Handle Beam events by engraving beams. If omitted, then notes are printed with flags instead of beams. Only engraves beams when we are at grace points in time.

Music types accepted: beam-event

Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)

Signal if a beam is present.

beatBase (positive exact rational or +inf.0)

The musical length corresponding to one unit of beatStructure.

beatStructure (list)

A sequence describing the length of each beat in the measure in units of beatBase.

subdivideBeams (boolean)

If set, beams of mulitple stems may be subdivided by omitting a number of beamlets, dependent on beamMaximumSubdivision, between beats at mulitiples of beamMinimumSubdivision.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): Beam.

Grace_beam_engraver is part of the following context(s) in \layout: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, KievanVoice, MensuralVoice, PetrucciVoice, StandaloneRhythmVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).