3.1.124 StaffEllipsis

A visual marker (usually three consecutive dots) to indicate that typesetting of music is skipped.

StaffEllipsis objects are created by the following engraver(s): Skip_typesetting_engraver.

Standard settings:

break-align-symbol (symbol):


This key is used for aligning, ordering, and spacing breakable items. See break-alignment-interface.

break-visibility (vector):

#<procedure at lily/output-lib.scm:1733:0 (grob)>

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

break-visibility-passage-default (vector):
#(#t #t #f)

The value to use for break-visibility when the item does not specifically mark the start or end of a passage. (It might be both or neither, depending on the type of item.)

break-visibility-passage-end (vector):
#(#t #t #f)

The value to use for break-visibility when the item marks the end of a passage.

break-visibility-passage-start (vector):
#(#f #t #t)

The value to use for break-visibility when the item marks the start of a passage.

layer (integer):


An integer which determines the order of printing objects. Objects with the lowest value of layer are drawn first, then objects with progressively higher values are drawn, so objects with higher values overwrite objects with lower values. By default most objects are assigned a layer value of 1.

non-musical (boolean):


True if the grob belongs to a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

space-alist (alist, with symbols as keys):
'((ambitus extra-space . 1.0)
  (breathing-sign extra-space . 1.0)
  (custos extra-space . 1.0)
  (key-signature extra-space . 1.0)
  (left-edge extra-space . 0.0)
  (time-signature extra-space . 1.0)
  (signum-repetitionis extra-space . 1.0)
  (staff-bar extra-space . 1.0)
  (clef extra-space . 1.0)
  (cue-clef extra-space . 1.0)
  (cue-end-clef extra-space . 1.0)
  (optional-material-end-bracket extra-space . 1.0)
  (first-note extra-space . 1.0)
  (right-edge fixed-space . 0))

An alist that specifies distances from this grob to other breakable items, using the format:

'((break-align-symbol . (spacing-style . space))
  (break-align-symbol . (spacing-style . space))

Standard choices for break-align-symbol are listed in break-alignment-interface. Additionally, three special break-align symbols available to space-alist are:


used when the grob is just left of the first note on a line


used when the grob is just left of any other note; if not set, the value of first-note gets used


used when the grob is the last item on the line (only compatible with the extra-space spacing style)

If space-alist is defined for a grob that gets spaced in a staff, an entry for first-note must be present. If there is no next-note entry, the value of first-note is used instead.

Choices for spacing-style are:


Put this much space between the two grobs. The space is stretchable and shrinkable when paired with first-note or next-note; otherwise it is fixed.


Put at least this much space between the left sides of both grobs, without allowing them to collide. The space is stretchable and shrinkable when paired with first-note or next-note; otherwise it is fixed. Not compatible with right-edge.


Only compatible with first-note and next-note. Put this much fixed space between the grob and the note.


Only compatible with first-note and next-note. Put at least this much fixed space between the left side of the grob and the left side of the note, without allowing them to collide.


Only compatible with first-note and next-note. Put this much space between the grob and the note, such that half of the space is fixed and half is stretchable and shrinkable.


Only compatible with first-note and next-note. Put this much space between the two grobs. The space is only shrinkable.


Only compatible with first-note and next-note. Put this much space between the grob and the note, such that half of the space is fixed and half is shrinkable.

Rules for this spacing are much more complicated than this. See [Wanske] page 126–134, [Ross] page 143–147.

stencil (stencil):


The symbol to print.

text (markup):
'(#<procedure line-markup (layout props args)>
  ((#<procedure null-markup (layout props)>)
   (#<procedure musicglyph-markup (layout props glyph-name)>
   (#<procedure musicglyph-markup (layout props glyph-name)>
   (#<procedure musicglyph-markup (layout props glyph-name)>
   (#<procedure null-markup (layout props)>)))

Text markup. See Formatting text.

whiteout (boolean-or-number):


If a number or true, the grob is printed over a white background to white-out underlying material, if the grob is visible. A number indicates how far the white background extends beyond the bounding box of the grob as a multiple of the staff-line thickness. The LyricHyphen grob uses a special implementation of whiteout: A positive number indicates how far the white background extends beyond the bounding box in multiples of line-thickness. The shape of the background is determined by whiteout-style.

Usually #f by default. If whiteout-color is set, use this color instead of white for the background.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

#<unpure-pure-container ly:grob::stencil-height staff-ellipsis::pure-height >

Extent (size) in the Y direction, measured in staff-space units, relative to object’s reference point.

This object supports the following interface(s): break-aligned-interface, font-interface, grob-interface, item-interface, passage-delimiter-interface, staff-ellipsis-interface and text-interface.

This object is of class Item (characterized by item-interface).

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).