2.3 Tunable context properties

accidentalGrouping (symbol)

If set to 'voice, accidentals on the same note in different octaves may be horizontally staggered if in different voices.

additionalBassStrings (list)

The additional tablature bass-strings, which will not get a seprate line in TabStaff. It is a list of the pitches of each string (starting with the lowest numbered one).

additionalPitchPrefix (string)

Text with which to prefix additional pitches within a chord name.

aDueText (markup)

Text to print at a unisono passage.

alignAboveContext (string)

Where to insert newly created context in vertical alignment.

alignBelowContext (string)

Where to insert newly created context in vertical alignment.

alterationGlyphs (list)

Alist mapping alterations to accidental glyphs. Alterations are given as exact numbers, e.g., -1/2 for flat. This applies to all grobs that can print accidentals.

alternativeNumber (non-negative, exact integer)

When set, the first volta number for the current \alternative element. Not set outside of alternatives.

alternativeNumberingStyle (symbol)

The scheme and style for numbering bars in repeat alternatives. If not set (the default), bar numbers continue through alternatives. Can be set to numbers to reset the bar number at each alternative, or set to numbers-with-letters to reset and also include letter suffixes.

alternativeRestores (symbol list)

Timing variables that are restored to their value at the start of the first alternative in subsequent alternatives.

associatedVoice (string)

Name of the context (see associatedVoiceType for its type, usually Voice) that has the melody for this Lyrics line.

associatedVoiceType (symbol)

Type of the context that has the melody for this Lyrics line.

autoAccidentals (list)

List of different ways to typeset an accidental.

For determining when to print an accidental, several different rules are tried. The rule that gives the highest number of accidentals is used.

Each entry in the list is either a symbol or a procedure.


The symbol is the name of the context in which the following rules are to be applied. For example, if context is Score then all staves share accidentals, and if context is Staff then all voices in the same staff share accidentals, but staves do not.


The procedure represents an accidental rule to be applied to the previously specified context.

The procedure takes the following arguments:


The current context to which the rule should be applied.


The pitch of the note to be evaluated.


The current bar number.

The procedure returns a pair of booleans. The first states whether an extra natural should be added. The second states whether an accidental should be printed. (#t . #f) does not make sense.

autoBeamCheck (procedure)

A procedure taking three arguments, context, dir [start/stop (-1 or 1)], and test [shortest note in the beam]. A non-#f return value starts or stops the auto beam.

autoBeaming (boolean)

If set to #t then beams are generated automatically. If set to #f, auto-beaming is switched off as soon as the current beam (if any) is finished according to the auto-beaming rules.

autoCautionaries (list)

List similar to autoAccidentals, but it controls cautionary accidentals rather than normal ones. Both lists are tried, and the one giving the most accidentals wins. In case of draw, a normal accidental is typeset.

barCheckSynchronize (boolean)

If true then reset measurePosition when finding a bar check.

barExtraVelocity (integer)

Extra MIDI velocity added by the ‘Beat_performer’ at the start of each measure.

barNumberFormatter (procedure)

A procedure that takes a bar number, measure position, and alternative number and returns a markup of the bar number to print.

barNumberVisibility (procedure)

A procedure that takes a bar number and a measure position and returns whether the corresponding bar number should be printed. Note that the actual print-out of bar numbers is controlled with the break-visibility property.

The following procedures are predefined:


Enable bar numbers for all bars, including the first one and broken bars (which get bar numbers in parentheses).


Enable bar numbers for all bars (including broken bars) except the first one. If the first bar is broken, it doesn’t get a bar number either.


Enable bar numbers for all bars (including broken bars) except the first one. A broken first bar gets a bar number.


Enable bar numbers for all bars except the first bar and broken bars. This is the default.

(every-nth-bar-number-visible n)

Assuming n is value 2, for example, this enables bar numbers for bars 2, 4, 6, etc.

(modulo-bar-number-visible n m)

If bar numbers 1, 4, 7, etc., should be enabled, n (the modulo) must be set to 3 and m (the division remainder) to 1.

beamExceptions (list)

An alist of exceptions to autobeam rules that normally end on beats.

beamHalfMeasure (boolean)

Whether to allow a beam to begin halfway through the measure in triple time, which could look like 6/8.

beamMaximumSubdivision (non-negative exact rational or +inf.0)

Maximum interval to subdivide beams, limiting the depth of beamlets removed from subdivision. Ranges from 0 to infinity ( 0=no subdivision, +inf.0=no limit).

beamMinimumSubdivision (non-negative exact rational or +inf.0)

Minimum interval to subdivide beams, ignoring beamlets whose subdivision depth is too shallow. Ranges from 0 to infinity ( 0=no limit, +inf.0=no subdivision).

beatBase (positive exact rational or +inf.0)

The musical length corresponding to one unit of beatStructure.

beatExtraVelocity (integer)

Extra MIDI velocity added by the ‘Beat_performer’ at the start of each beat.

beatStructure (list)

A sequence describing the length of each beat in the measure in units of beatBase.

breathMarkType (symbol)

The type of BreathingSign to create at \breathe.

caesuraType (list)

An alist

((bar-line . bar-type)
 (breath . breath-type)
 (scripts . script-type…)
 (underlying-bar-line . bar-type))

specifying which breath mark, bar line, and scripts to create at \caesura. All entries are optional.

bar-line has higher priority than a measure bar line and underlying-bar-line has lower priority than a measure bar line.

caesuraTypeTransform (procedure)

An engraver callback taking three arguments and returning an alist of the same kind as caesuraType.

The first argument is the context.

The second argument is the value of caesuraType with an additional entry (articulations . symbol-list) identifying the articulations attached to the caesura in the music. If the transform function returns this second argument unmodified, it is as if no transform function were set; the function is free to return a different value. The transform function can remove articulations, but any added articulations are ignored.

The third argument is a symbol-list identifying certain things the engraver has observed. bar-line indicates that the engraver has observed a BarLine at the current moment.

centerBarNumbers (boolean)

Whether to center bar numbers in their measure instead of aligning them on the bar line.

chordChanges (boolean)

Only show changes in chords scheme?

chordNameExceptions (list)

An alist of chord exceptions. Contains (chord . markup) entries.

chordNameFunction (procedure)

The function that converts lists of pitches to chord names.

chordNameLowercaseMinor (boolean)

Downcase roots of minor chords?

chordNameSeparator (markup)

The markup object used to separate parts of a chord name.

chordNoteNamer (procedure)

A function that converts from a pitch object to a text markup. Used for single pitches.

chordPrefixSpacer (number)

The space added between the root symbol and the prefix of a chord name.

chordRootNamer (procedure)

A function that converts from a pitch object to a text markup. Used for chords.

clefGlyph (string)

Name of the symbol within the music font.

clefPosition (number)

Where should the center of the clef symbol go, measured in half staff spaces from the center of the staff.

clefTransposition (integer)

Add this much extra transposition to a clef. Values of 7 and -7 are common.

clefTranspositionFormatter (procedure)

A procedure that takes the transposition number of a Clef grob as a string and the style as a symbol and returns a markup.

clefTranspositionStyle (symbol)

Determines the way the ClefModifier grob of a clef is displayed. Possible values are 'default, 'parenthesized, and 'bracketed.

codaMarkFormatter (procedure)

A procedure that creates a coda mark (which in conventional D.S. al Coda form indicates the start of the alternative endings), taking as arguments the mark sequence number and the context. It should return a markup object.

completionBusy (boolean)

Whether a completion-note head is playing.

completionFactor (an exact rational or procedure)

When Completion_heads_engraver and Completion_rest_engraver need to split a note or rest with a scaled duration, such as c2*3, this specifies the scale factor to use for the newly-split notes and rests created by the engraver.

If #f, the completion engraver uses the scale-factor of each duration being split.

If set to a callback procedure, that procedure is called with the context of the completion engraver, and the duration to be split.

completionUnit (positive exact rational or +inf.0)

Sub-bar unit of completion.

connectArpeggios (boolean)

If set, connect arpeggios across piano staff.

countPercentRepeats (boolean)

If set, produce counters for percent repeats.

createKeyOnClefChange (boolean)

Print a key signature whenever the clef is changed.

createSpacing (boolean)

Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.

crescendoSpanner (symbol)

The type of spanner to be used for crescendi. Available values are ‘hairpin’ and ‘text’. If unset, a hairpin crescendo is used.

crescendoText (markup)

The text to print at start of non-hairpin crescendo, i.e., ‘cresc.’.

cueClefGlyph (string)

Name of the symbol within the music font.

cueClefPosition (number)

Where should the center of the clef symbol go, measured in half staff spaces from the center of the staff.

cueClefTransposition (integer)

Add this much extra transposition to a cue clef. Values of 7 and -7 are common.

cueClefTranspositionFormatter (procedure)

A procedure that takes the transposition number of a cueClef grob as a string and the style as a symbol and returns a markup.

cueClefTranspositionStyle (symbol)

Determines the way the ClefModifier grob of a cue clef is displayed. Possible values are 'default, 'parenthesized, and 'bracketed.

currentBarNumber (integer)

Contains the current bar number. This property is incremented at every bar line.

dalSegnoTextFormatter (procedure)

Format a jump instruction such as D.S.

The first argument is the context.

The second argument is the number of times the instruction is performed.

The third argument is a list of three markups: start-markup, end-markup, and next-markup.

If start-markup is #f, the form is da capo; otherwise the form is dal segno and start-markup is the sign at the start of the repeated section.

If end-markup is not #f, it is either the sign at the end of the main body of the repeat, or it is a Fine instruction. When it is a Fine instruction, next-markup is #f.

If next-markup is not #f, it is the mark to be jumped to after performing the body of the repeat, e.g., Coda.

decrescendoSpanner (symbol)

The type of spanner to be used for decrescendi. Available values are ‘hairpin’ and ‘text’. If unset, a hairpin decrescendo is used.

decrescendoText (markup)

The text to print at start of non-hairpin decrescendo, i.e., ‘dim.’.

defaultStrings (list)

A list of strings to use in calculating frets for tablatures and fretboards if no strings are provided in the notes for the current moment.

doubleRepeatBarType (string)

Bar line to insert where the end of one \repeat volta coincides with the start of another. The default is ‘:..:’.

doubleRepeatSegnoBarType (string)

Bar line to insert where an in-staff segno coincides with the end of one \repeat volta and the beginning of another. The default is ‘:|.S.|:’.

doubleSlurs (boolean)

If set, two slurs are created for every slurred note, one above and one below the chord.

drumPitchTable (hash table)

A table mapping percussion instruments (symbols) to pitches.

drumStyleTable (hash table)

A hash table which maps drums to layout settings. Predefined values: ‘drums-style’, ‘agostini-drums-style’, ‘weinberg-drums-style’, ‘timbales-style’, ‘congas-style’, ‘bongos-style’, and ‘percussion-style’.

The layout style is a hash table, containing the drum-pitches (e.g., the symbol ‘hihat’) as keys, and a list (notehead-style script vertical-position) as values.

endAtSkip (boolean)

End DurationLine grob on skip-event

endRepeatBarType (string)

Bar line to insert at the end of a \repeat volta. The default is ‘:|.’.

endRepeatSegnoBarType (string)

Bar line to insert where an in-staff segno coincides with the end of a \repeat volta. The default is ‘:|.S’.

explicitClefVisibility (vector)

break-visibility’ function for clef changes.

explicitCueClefVisibility (vector)

break-visibility’ function for cue clef changes.

explicitKeySignatureVisibility (vector)

break-visibility’ function for explicit key changes. ‘\override’ of the break-visibility property will set the visibility for normal (i.e., at the start of the line) key signatures.

extendersOverRests (boolean)

Whether to continue extenders as they cross a rest.

extraNatural (boolean)

Whether to typeset an extra natural sign before accidentals that reduce the effect of a previous alteration.

figuredBassAlterationDirection (direction)

Where to put alterations relative to the main figure.

figuredBassCenterContinuations (boolean)

Whether to vertically center pairs of extender lines. This does not work with three or more lines.

figuredBassFormatter (procedure)

A routine generating a markup for a bass figure.

figuredBassLargeNumberAlignment (number)

Horizontal alignment to use for numbers in figured bass that contain more than a single digit.

figuredBassPlusDirection (direction)

Where to put plus signs relative to the main figure.

figuredBassPlusStrokedAlist (list)

An alist mapping figured bass digits to glyphs. The default is mapping numbers 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 to the six glyphs figbass.*plus and figbass.*stroked, respectively.

finalFineTextVisibility (boolean)

Whether \fine at the written end of the music should create a Fine instruction.

fineBarType (string)

Bar line to insert at \fine. Where there is also a repeat bar line, the repeat bar line takes precedence and this value is appended to it as an annotation. The default is ‘|.’.

fineSegnoBarType (string)

Bar line to insert where an in-staff segno coincides with \fine. The default is ‘|.S’.

fineStartRepeatSegnoBarType (string)

Bar line to insert where an in-staff segno coincides with \fine and the start of a \repeat volta. The default is ‘|.S.|:’.

fineText (markup)

The text to print at \fine.

fingeringOrientations (list)

A list of symbols, containing ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘up’ and/or ‘down’. This list determines where fingerings are put relative to the chord being fingered.

firstClef (boolean)

If true, create a new clef when starting a staff.

followVoice (boolean)

If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line.

fontSize (number)

The relative size of all grobs in a context.

forbidBreak (boolean)

If set to #t, prevent a line break at this point, except if explicitly requested by the user.

forbidBreakBetweenBarLines (boolean)

If set to #t, Bar_engraver forbids line breaks where there is no bar line.

forceClef (boolean)

Show clef symbol, even if it has not changed. Only active for the first clef after the property is set, not for the full staff.

fretLabels (list)

A list of strings or Scheme-formatted markups containing, in the correct order, the labels to be used for lettered frets in tablature.

glissandoMap (list)

A map in the form of ’((source1 . target1) (source2 . target2) (sourcen . targetn)) showing the glissandi to be drawn for note columns. The value ’() will default to ’((0 . 0) (1 . 1) (n . n)), where n is the minimal number of note-heads in the two note columns between which the glissandi occur.

gridInterval (positive exact rational or +inf.0)

Interval for which to generate GridPoints.

handleNegativeFrets (symbol)

How the automatic fret calculator should handle calculated negative frets. Values include 'ignore, to leave them out of the diagram completely, 'include, to include them as calculated, and 'recalculate, to ignore the specified string and find a string where they will fit with a positive fret number.

harmonicAccidentals (boolean)

If set, harmonic notes in chords get accidentals.

harmonicDots (boolean)

If set, harmonic notes in dotted chords get dots.

highStringOne (boolean)

Whether the first string is the string with highest pitch on the instrument. This used by the automatic string selector for tablature notation.

ignoreBarChecks (boolean)

Ignore bar checks.

ignoreBarNumberChecks (boolean)

Ignore bar number checks.

ignoreFiguredBassRest (boolean)

Don’t swallow rest events.

ignoreMelismata (boolean)

Ignore melismata for this Lyrics line.

implicitBassFigures (list)

A list of bass figures that are not printed as numbers, but only as extender lines.

includeGraceNotes (boolean)

Do not ignore grace notes for Lyrics.

initialTimeSignatureVisibility (vector)

break visibility for the initial time signature.

instrumentCueName (markup)

The name to print if another instrument is to be taken.

This property is deprecated

instrumentEqualizer (procedure)

A function taking a string (instrument name), and returning a (min . max) pair of numbers for the loudness range of the instrument.

instrumentName (markup)

The name to print left of a staff. The instrumentName property labels the staff in the first system, and the shortInstrumentName property labels following lines.

instrumentTransposition (pitch)

Define the transposition of the instrument. Its value is the pitch that sounds when the instrument plays written middle C. This is used to transpose the MIDI output, and \quotes.

internalBarNumber (integer)

Contains the current bar number. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.

keepAliveInterfaces (list)

A list of symbols, signifying grob interfaces that are worth keeping a staff with remove-empty set around for.

keyAlterationOrder (list)

A list of pairs that defines in what order alterations should be printed. The format of an entry is (step . alter), where step is a number from 0 to 6 and alter from -1 (double flat) to 1 (double sharp), with exact rationals for alterations in between, e.g., 1/2 for sharp.

keyAlterations (list)

The current key signature. This is an alist containing (step . alter) or ((octave . step) . alter), where step is a number in the range 0 to 6 and alter a fraction, denoting alteration. For alterations, use symbols, e.g., keyAlterations = #`((6 . ,FLAT)).

lyricMelismaAlignment (number)

Alignment to use for a melisma syllable.

lyricRepeatCountFormatter (procedure)

A procedure taking as arguments the context and the numeric repeat count. It should return the formatted repeat count as markup. If it does not return markup, no grob is created.

magnifyStaffValue (positive number)

The most recent value set with \magnifyStaff.

majorSevenSymbol (markup)

How should the major 7th be formatted in a chord name?

maximumFretStretch (number)

Don’t allocate frets further than this from specified frets.

measureBarType (string)

Bar line to insert at a measure boundary.

measureLength (positive exact rational or +inf.0)

The musical length of the current measure.

melismaBusyProperties (list)

A list of properties (symbols) to determine whether a melisma is playing. Setting this property will influence how lyrics are aligned to notes. For example, if set to '(melismaBusy beamMelismaBusy), only manual melismata and manual beams are considered. Possible values include melismaBusy, slurMelismaBusy, tieMelismaBusy, and beamMelismaBusy.

metronomeMarkFormatter (procedure)

How to produce a metronome markup. Called with two arguments: a TempoChangeEvent and context.

middleCClefPosition (number)

The position of the middle C, as determined only by the clef. This can be calculated by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.

middleCCuePosition (number)

The position of the middle C, as determined only by the clef of the cue notes. This can be calculated by looking at cueClefPosition and cueClefGlyph.

middleCOffset (number)

The offset of middle C from the position given by middleCClefPosition This is used for ottava brackets.

middleCPosition (number)

The place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at middleCClefPosition and middleCOffset.

midiBalance (number)

Stereo balance for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from -1 to 1, where the values -1 (#LEFT), 0 (#CENTER) and 1 (#RIGHT) correspond to leftmost emphasis, center balance, and rightmost emphasis, respectively.

midiChannelMapping (symbol)

How to map MIDI channels: per staff (default), instrument or voice.

midiChorusLevel (number)

Chorus effect level for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from 0 to 1 (0=off, 1=full effect).

midiExpression (number)

Expression control for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from 0 to 1 (0=off, 1=full effect).

midiInstrument (string)

Name of the MIDI instrument to use.

midiMaximumVolume (number)

Analogous to midiMinimumVolume.

midiMergeUnisons (boolean)

If true, output only one MIDI note-on event when notes with the same pitch, in the same MIDI-file track, overlap.

midiMinimumVolume (number)

Set the minimum loudness for MIDI. Ranges from 0 to 1.

midiPanPosition (number)

Pan position for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from -1 to 1, where the values -1 (#LEFT), 0 (#CENTER) and 1 (#RIGHT) correspond to hard left, center, and hard right, respectively.

midiReverbLevel (number)

Reverb effect level for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from 0 to 1 (0=off, 1=full effect).

minimumFret (number)

The tablature auto string-selecting mechanism selects the highest string with a fret at least minimumFret.

minorChordModifier (markup)

Markup displayed following the root for a minor chord

noChordSymbol (markup)

Markup to be displayed for rests in a ChordNames context.

noteNameFunction (procedure)

Function used to convert pitches into strings and markups.

noteNameSeparator (string)

String used to separate simultaneous NoteName objects.

noteToFretFunction (procedure)

Convert list of notes and list of defined strings to full list of strings and fret numbers. Parameters: The context, a list of note events, a list of tabstring events, and the fretboard grob if a fretboard is desired.

nullAccidentals (boolean)

The Accidental_engraver generates no accidentals for notes in contexts were this is set. In addition to supressing the printed accidental, this option removes any effect the note would have had on accidentals in other voices.

ottavaStartNow (boolean)

Is an ottava starting in this time step?

ottavation (markup)

If set, the text for an ottava spanner. Changing this creates a new text spanner.

ottavationMarkups (list)

An alist defining the markups used for ottava brackets. It contains entries of the form (number of octaves . markup).

output (music output)

The output produced by a score-level translator during music interpretation.

pageTurnMinimumRepeatLength (non-negative exact rational or +inf.0)

Minimum length of a repeated section for a page turn to be allowed within that section.

pageTurnMinimumRestLength (non-negative exact rational or +inf.0)

Minimum length of a rest for a page turn to be allowed.

partCombineForced (symbol)

Override for the partCombine decision. Can be apart, chords, unisono, solo1, or solo2.

partCombineTextsOnNote (boolean)

Print part-combine texts only on the next note rather than immediately on rests or skips.

pedalSostenutoStrings (list)

See pedalSustainStrings.

pedalSostenutoStyle (symbol)

See pedalSustainStyle.

pedalSustainStrings (list)

A list of strings to print for sustain-pedal. Format is (up updown down), where each of the three is the string to print when this is done with the pedal.

pedalSustainStyle (symbol)

A symbol that indicates how to print sustain pedals: text, bracket or mixed (both).

pedalUnaCordaStrings (list)

See pedalSustainStrings.

pedalUnaCordaStyle (symbol)

See pedalSustainStyle.

predefinedDiagramTable (hash table)

The hash table of predefined fret diagrams to use in FretBoards.

printAccidentalNames (boolean or symbol)

Print accidentals in the NoteNames context.

printInitialRepeatBar (boolean)

Use a special bar line at the start of a volta repeat even at the beginning of the piece.

printKeyCancellation (boolean)

Print restoration alterations before a key signature change.

printNotesLanguage (string)

Use a specific language in the NoteNames context.

printOctaveNames (boolean or symbol)

Print octave marks in the NoteNames context.

printPartCombineTexts (boolean)

Set ‘Solo’ and ‘A due’ texts in the part combiner?

printTrivialVoltaRepeats (boolean)

Notate volta-style repeats even when the repeat count is 1.

proportionalNotationDuration (non-negative exact rational or +inf.0)

Global override for shortest-playing duration. This is used for switching on proportional notation.

rehearsalMark (integer)

The next rehearsal mark to print.

rehearsalMarkFormatter (procedure)

A procedure taking as arguments the context and the sequence number of the rehearsal mark. It should return the formatted mark as a markup object.

repeatCommands (list)

A list of commands related to volta-style repeats. In general, each element is a list, '(command args…), but a command with no arguments may be abbreviated to a symbol; e.g., '((start-repeat)) may be given as '(start-repeat).

end-repeat return-count

End a repeated section. return-count is the number of times to go back from this point to the beginning of the section.

start-repeat repeat-count

Start a repeated section. repeat-count is the number of times to perform this section.

volta text

If text is markup, start a volta bracket with that label; if text is #f, end a volta bracket.

repeatCountVisibility (procedure)

A procedure taking as arguments an integer and context, returning whether the corresponding percent repeat number should be printed when countPercentRepeats is set.

respectIncompleteBeams (boolean)

When subdividing beams, limit the beam subdivision interval until it is less than or equal to the remaining length from the current moment. Note that it is somewhat unclear whether to treat incomplete beams specially or not in beam subdivision is the correct way of valid notation. The default value of false is said to be the correct option, although beam subdivision as if this property is true is not unpopular.

restCompletionBusy (boolean)

Signal whether a completion-rest is active.

restNumberThreshold (number)

If a multimeasure rest has more measures than this, a number is printed.

restrainOpenStrings (boolean)

Exclude open strings from the automatic fret calculator.

searchForVoice (boolean)

Signal whether a search should be made of all contexts in the context hierarchy for a voice to provide rhythms for the lyrics.

sectionBarType (string)

Bar line to insert at \section. Where there is also a repeat bar line, the repeat bar line takes precedence and this value is appended to it as an annotation. The default is ‘||’.

segnoBarType (string)

Bar line to insert at an in-staff segno. The default is ‘S’.

segnoMarkFormatter (procedure)

A procedure that creates a segno (which conventionally indicates the start of a repeated section), taking as arguments the mark sequence number and the context. It should return a markup object.

segnoStyle (symbol)

A symbol that indicates how to print a segno: bar-line or mark.

shapeNoteStyles (vector)

Vector of symbols, listing style for each note head relative to the tonic (q.v.) of the scale.

shortInstrumentName (markup)

See instrumentName.

shortVocalName (markup)

Name of a vocal line, short version.

skipBars (boolean)

If set to #t, then skip the empty bars that are produced by multimeasure notes and rests. These bars will not appear on the printed output. If not set (the default), multimeasure notes and rests expand into their full length, printing the appropriate number of empty bars so that synchronization with other voices is preserved.

  r1 r1*3 R1*3
  \set Score.skipBars= ##t
  r1*3 R1*3
skipTypesetting (boolean)

If true, no typesetting is done, speeding up the interpretation phase. Useful for debugging large scores.

slashChordSeparator (markup)

The markup object used to separate a chord name from its root note in case of inversions or slash chords.

soloIIText (markup)

The text for the start of a solo for voice ‘two’ when part-combining.

soloText (markup)

The text for the start of a solo when part-combining.

squashedPosition (integer)

Vertical position of squashing for Pitch_squash_engraver.

staffLineLayoutFunction (procedure)

Layout of staff lines, traditional, or semitone.

stanza (markup)

Stanza ‘number’ to print before the start of a verse. Use in Lyrics context.

startAtNoteColumn (boolean)

Start DurationLine grob at entire NoteColumn.

startAtSkip (boolean)

Start DurationLine grob at skip-event.

startRepeatBarType (string)

Bar line to insert at the start of a \repeat volta. The default is ‘.|:’.

startRepeatSegnoBarType (string)

Bar line to insert where an in-staff segno coincides with the start of a \repeat volta. The default is ‘S.|:’.

stemLeftBeamCount (integer)

Specify the number of beams to draw on the left side of the next note. Overrides automatic beaming. The value is only used once, and then it is erased.

stemRightBeamCount (integer)

See stemLeftBeamCount.

strictBeatBeaming (boolean)

Should partial beams reflect the beat structure even if it causes flags to hang out?

stringNumberOrientations (list)

See fingeringOrientations.

stringOneTopmost (boolean)

Whether the first string is printed on the top line of the tablature.

stringTunings (list)

The tablature strings tuning. It is a list of the pitches of each string (starting with the lowest numbered one).

strokeFingerOrientations (list)

See fingeringOrientations.

subdivideBeams (boolean)

If set, beams of mulitple stems may be subdivided by omitting a number of beamlets, dependent on beamMaximumSubdivision, between beats at mulitiples of beamMinimumSubdivision.

suggestAccidentals (boolean or symbol)

If set to #t, accidentals are typeset as suggestions above the note. Setting it to 'cautionary only applies that to cautionary accidentals.

supportNonIntegerFret (boolean)

If set in Score the TabStaff will print micro-tones as ‘

suspendMelodyDecisions (boolean)

When using the Melody_engraver, stop changing orientation of stems based on the melody when this is set to #t.

suspendRestMerging (boolean)

When using the Merge_rest_engraver do not merge rests when this is set to #t.

systemStartDelimiter (symbol)

Which grob to make for the start of the system/staff? Set to SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket or SystemStartBar.

systemStartDelimiterHierarchy (pair)

A nested list, indicating the nesting of a start delimiters.

tabFullNotation (boolean)

Flag whether \tabFullNotation is used

tablatureFormat (procedure)

A function formatting a tablature note head. Called with three arguments: context, string number and, fret number. It returns the text as a markup.

tabStaffLineLayoutFunction (procedure)

A function determining the staff position of a tablature note head. Called with two arguments: the context and the string.

tempoHideNote (boolean)

Hide the note = count in tempo marks.

tempoWholesPerMinute (positive exact rational or +inf.0)

The tempo in whole notes per minute.

tieWaitForNote (boolean)

If true, tied notes do not have to follow each other directly. This can be used for writing out arpeggios.

timeSignatureFraction (simple time signature)

A pair of numbers, signifying the time signature. For example, '(4 . 4) is a 4/4 time signature.

timeSignatureSettings (list)

A nested alist of settings for time signatures. Contains elements for various time signatures. The element for each time signature contains entries for beatBase, beatStructure, and beamExceptions.

timing (boolean)

Keep administration of measure length, position, bar number, etc.? Switch off for cadenzas.

tonic (pitch)

The tonic of the current scale.

topLevelAlignment (boolean)

If true, the Vertical_align_engraver will create a VerticalAlignment; otherwise, it will create a StaffGrouper

tupletFullLength (boolean)

If set, the tuplet is printed up to the start of the next note.

tupletFullLengthNote (boolean)

If set, end at the next note, otherwise end on the matter (time signatures, etc.) before the note.

tupletSpannerDuration (non-negative exact rational or +inf.0)

Normally, a tuplet bracket is as wide as the \times expression that gave rise to it. This property can shorten the bracket.

  \set tupletSpannerDuration = #1/4
  \times 2/3 { c8 c c c c c }
underlyingRepeatBarType (string)

Bar line to insert at points of repetition or departure where no bar line would normally appear, for example at the end of a system broken in mid measure where the next system begins with a segno. Where there is also a repeat bar line, the repeat bar line takes precedence and this value is appended to it as an annotation. The default is ‘||’.

useBassFigureExtenders (boolean)

Whether to use extender lines for repeated bass figures.

vocalName (markup)

Name of a vocal line.

whichBar (string)

The current bar line type, or '() if there is no bar line. Setting this explicitly in user code is deprecated. Use \bar or related commands to set it.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).