3.2.139 span-bar-stub-interface

A stand-in for a bar line that is used when engraving span bars. This is an internal interface even though some of its properties are documented as user properties.

User-settable properties:

allow-span-bar (boolean)

If false, no inter-staff bar line will be created below this bar line.

Internal properties:

allow-span-bar-above (boolean)

If false, no inter-staff bar line will be created above this item.

has-span-bar (pair)

A pair of grobs containing the span bars to be drawn below and above the staff. If no span bar is in a position, the respective element is set to #f.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical object(s): SpanBarStub.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).