2.2.82 Mark_tracking_translator

This translator chooses which marks Mark_engraver should engrave.

Music types accepted: ad-hoc-mark-event, coda-mark-event, rehearsal-mark-event, section-label-event and segno-mark-event

Properties (read)

codaMarkCount (non-negative, exact integer)

Updated at the end of each timestep in which a coda mark appears: not set during the first timestep, 0 up to the first coda mark, 1 from the first to the second, 2 from the second to the third, etc.

rehearsalMark (integer)

The next rehearsal mark to print.

segnoMarkCount (non-negative, exact integer)

Updated at the end of each timestep in which a segno appears: not set during the first timestep, 0 up to the first segno, 1 from the first to the second segno, 2 from the second to the third segno, etc.

Properties (write)

codaMarkCount (non-negative, exact integer)

Updated at the end of each timestep in which a coda mark appears: not set during the first timestep, 0 up to the first coda mark, 1 from the first to the second, 2 from the second to the third, etc.

currentPerformanceMarkEvent (stream event)

The coda, section, or segno mark event selected by Mark_tracking_translator for engraving by Mark_engraver.

currentRehearsalMarkEvent (stream event)

The ad-hoc or rehearsal mark event selected by Mark_tracking_translator for engraving by Mark_engraver.

rehearsalMark (integer)

The next rehearsal mark to print.

segnoMarkCount (non-negative, exact integer)

Updated at the end of each timestep in which a segno appears: not set during the first timestep, 0 up to the first segno, 1 from the first to the second segno, 2 from the second to the third segno, etc.

Mark_tracking_translator is part of the following context(s) in \layout: ChordGridScore, Score, StandaloneRhythmScore and VaticanaScore; in \midi: ChordGridScore and Score.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).