2.1.14 GregorianTranscriptionLyrics

A lyrics context for notating Gregorian chant in modern style.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s): Lyrics.

This context creates the following layout object(s): InstrumentName, LyricExtender, LyricHyphen, LyricRepeatCount, LyricSpace, LyricText, StanzaNumber, VerticalAxisGroup and VowelTransition.

This context sets the following properties:

This is a ‘Bottom’ context; no contexts will be created implicitly from it.

This context cannot contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engraver(s):


Group all objects created in this context in a VerticalAxisGroup spanner.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (graphical (layout) object)

Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable items (clef, key signature, etc.).

hasAxisGroup (boolean)

True if the current context is contained in an axis group.

keepAliveInterfaces (list)

A list of symbols, signifying grob interfaces that are worth keeping a staff with remove-empty set around for.

Properties (write)

hasAxisGroup (boolean)

True if the current context is contained in an axis group.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): VerticalAxisGroup.


Create lyric extenders.

Music types accepted: completize-extender-event and extender-event

Properties (read)

extendersOverRests (boolean)

Whether to continue extenders as they cross a rest.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): LyricExtender.


Put fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)

The relative size of all grobs in a context.


Create lyric hyphens, vowel transitions and distance constraints between words.

Music types accepted: hyphen-event and vowel-transition-event

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): LyricHyphen, LyricSpace and VowelTransition.


Create a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (graphical (layout) object)

Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable items (clef, key signature, etc.).

instrumentName (markup)

The name to print left of a staff. The instrumentName property labels the staff in the first system, and the shortInstrumentName property labels following lines.

shortInstrumentName (markup)

See instrumentName.

shortVocalName (markup)

Name of a vocal line, short version.

vocalName (markup)

Name of a vocal line.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): InstrumentName.


Engrave text for lyrics.

Music types accepted: lyric-event

Properties (read)

ignoreMelismata (boolean)

Ignore melismata for this Lyrics line.

lyricMelismaAlignment (number)

Alignment to use for a melisma syllable.

searchForVoice (boolean)

Signal whether a search should be made of all contexts in the context hierarchy for a voice to provide rhythms for the lyrics.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): LyricText.


Create repeat counts within lyrics for modern transcriptions of Gregorian chant.

Music types accepted: volta-repeat-end-event

Properties (read)

lyricRepeatCountFormatter (procedure)

A procedure taking as arguments the context and the numeric repeat count. It should return the formatted repeat count as markup. If it does not return markup, no grob is created.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): LyricRepeatCount.


Coordinates items that get their pure heights from their neighbors.


Engrave stanza numbers.

Properties (read)

stanza (markup)

Stanza ‘number’ to print before the start of a verse. Use in Lyrics context.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): StanzaNumber.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).