2.4 Internal context properties

associatedVoiceContext (context)

The context object of the Voice that has the melody for this Lyrics.

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)

Signal if a beam is present.

breathMarkDefinitions (list)

The description of breath marks. This is used by the Breathing_sign_engraver. See scm/breath.scm for more information.

busyGrobs (list)

A queue of (end-moment . grob) cons cells. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g., note heads, spanners, etc.).

codaMarkCount (non-negative, exact integer)

Updated at the end of each timestep in which a coda mark appears: not set during the first timestep, 0 up to the first coda mark, 1 from the first to the second, 2 from the second to the third, etc.

currentBarLine (graphical (layout) object)

Set to the BarLine that Bar_engraver has created in the current timestep.

currentChordCause (stream event)

Event cause of the chord that should be created in this time step (if any).

currentChordText (markup)

In contexts printing chord names, this is at any point of time the markup that will be put in the chord name.

currentCommandColumn (graphical (layout) object)

Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable items (clef, key signature, etc.).

currentMusicalColumn (graphical (layout) object)

Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).

currentPerformanceMarkEvent (stream event)

The coda, section, or segno mark event selected by Mark_tracking_translator for engraving by Mark_engraver.

currentRehearsalMarkEvent (stream event)

The ad-hoc or rehearsal mark event selected by Mark_tracking_translator for engraving by Mark_engraver.

currentTupletDescription (ly:tuplet-description)

An object describing the current tuplet description, or '(). Tuplet description objects are opaque to Scheme.

dynamicAbsoluteVolumeFunction (procedure)

A procedure that takes one argument, the text value of a dynamic event, and returns the absolute volume of that dynamic event.

finalizations (list)

A list of expressions to evaluate before proceeding to next time step. This is an internal variable.

forceBreak (boolean)

Set to #t when an event forcing a line break was heard.

graceSettings (list)

Overrides for grace notes. This property should be manipulated through the add-grace-property function.

hasAxisGroup (boolean)

True if the current context is contained in an axis group.

hasStaffSpacing (boolean)

True if currentCommandColumn contains items that will affect spacing.

lastChord (markup)

Last chord, used for detecting chord changes.

lastKeyAlterations (list)

Last key signature before a key signature change.

localAlterations (list)

The key signature at this point in the measure. The format is the same as for keyAlterations, but can also contain ((octave . name) . (alter barnumber . measureposition)) pairs.

measurePosition (moment)

The current point within the measure.

measureStartNow (boolean)

True at the beginning of a measure.

melismaBusy (boolean)

Signifies whether a melisma is active. This can be used to signal melismas on top of those automatically detected.

midiSkipOffset (moment)

This is the accrued MIDI offset to account for time skipped via skipTypesetting.

partialBusy (boolean)

Signal that \partial acts at the current timestep.

propertyStacks (association list (list of pairs))

An alist used by \pushContextProperty and \popContextProperty to emulate a context property stack. Each element of a stack is a list: either an empty list representing the unset state or a one-element list holding the value for the set state.

quotedCueEventTypes (list)

A list of symbols, representing the event types that should be duplicated for \cueDuring commands.

quotedEventTypes (list)

A list of symbols, representing the event types that should be duplicated for \quoteDuring commands. This is also a fallback for \cueDuring if quotedCueEventTypes is not set

rootSystem (graphical (layout) object)

The System object.

scriptDefinitions (list)

The description of scripts. This is used by the Script_engraver for typesetting note-superscripts and subscripts. See scm/script.scm for more information.

segnoMarkCount (non-negative, exact integer)

Updated at the end of each timestep in which a segno appears: not set during the first timestep, 0 up to the first segno, 1 from the first to the second segno, 2 from the second to the third segno, etc.

slurMelismaBusy (boolean)

Signal if a slur is present.

stavesFound (list of grobs)

A list of all staff-symbols found.

stringFretFingerList (list)

A list containg three entries. In TabVoice and FretBoards they determine the string, fret and finger to use

tieMelismaBusy (boolean)

Signal whether a tie is present.

voltaBracketMusicalLength (non-negative moment with no grace part)

The maximum musical length of a VoltaBracket when its musical-length property is not set.

This property is deprecated; overriding the musical-length property of VoltaBracket is recommended.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).