2.2.28 Completion_rest_engraver

This engraver replaces Rest_engraver. It plays some trickery to break long rests into the next measure.

Music types accepted: rest-event

Properties (read)

completionFactor (an exact rational or procedure)

When Completion_heads_engraver and Completion_rest_engraver need to split a note or rest with a scaled duration, such as c2*3, this specifies the scale factor to use for the newly-split notes and rests created by the engraver.

If #f, the completion engraver uses the scale-factor of each duration being split.

If set to a callback procedure, that procedure is called with the context of the completion engraver, and the duration to be split.

completionUnit (positive exact rational or +inf.0)

Sub-bar unit of completion.

measureLength (positive exact rational or +inf.0)

The musical length of the current measure.

measurePosition (moment)

The current point within the measure.

middleCPosition (number)

The place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at middleCClefPosition and middleCOffset.

Properties (write)

restCompletionBusy (boolean)

Signal whether a completion-rest is active.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): Rest.

Completion_rest_engraver is not part of any context

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).