A.18 Identificadors de modificació de contextos

Es defineixen les ordres següents per al seu ús com modificacions de context dins d’un bloc \layout o \with.


Configure division commands such as \section to create Divisio grobs rather than BarLine grobs. This does not affect measure bar lines or the properties of the grobs themselves.

  • Sets translator property caesuraTypeTransform to caesura-to-divisio.
  • Sets translator property doubleRepeatBarType to '().
  • Sets translator property endRepeatBarType to '().
  • Sets translator property fineBarType to "".
  • Sets translator property sectionBarType to "".
  • Sets translator property startRepeatBarType to '().
  • Sets translator property underlyingRepeatBarType to "".
  • Sets translator property doubleRepeatSegnoBarType to "S-||".
  • Sets translator property endRepeatSegnoBarType to "S-||".
  • Sets translator property fineSegnoBarType to "S-||".
  • Sets translator property fineStartRepeatSegnoBarType to "S-||".
  • Sets translator property segnoBarType to "S-||".
  • Sets translator property startRepeatSegnoBarType to "S-||".

Remove staves which are considered to be empty according to the list of interfaces set by keepAliveInterfaces, including those in the first system.


Remove staves which are considered to be empty according to the list of interfaces set by keepAliveInterfaces.

Referència de la notació del GNU LilyPond v2.25.24 (development-branch).