Writing music in parallel

Music for multiple parts can be interleaved in input code. The function \parallelMusic accepts a list with the names of a number of variables to be created, and a musical expression. The content of alternate measures from the expression become the value of the respective variables, so you can use them afterwards to print the music.

Note: Bar checks | must be used, and the measures must be of the same length.

\parallelMusic voiceA,voiceB,voiceC {
  % Bar 1
  r8 g'16 c'' e'' g' c'' e'' r8 g'16 c'' e'' g' c'' e'' |
  r16 e'8.~   4              r16 e'8.~   4              |
  c'2                        c'2                        |

  % Bar 2
  r8 a'16 d'' f'' a' d'' f'' r8 a'16 d'' f'' a' d'' f'' |
  r16 d'8.~   4              r16 d'8.~   4              |
  c'2                        c'2                        |

\new StaffGroup <<
  \new Staff << \voiceA \\ \voiceB >>
  \new Staff { \clef bass \voiceC }
[image of music]

Relative mode may be used. Note that the \relative command is not used inside \parallelMusic itself. The notes are relative to the preceding note in the voice, not to the previous note in the input – in other words, relative notes for voiceA ignore the notes in voiceB.

\parallelMusic voiceA,voiceB,voiceC {
  % Bar 1
  r8 g16 c e g, c e r8 g,16 c e g, c e  |
  r16 e8.~ 4        r16 e8.~  4         |
  c2                c                   |

  % Bar 2
  r8 a,16 d f a, d f r8 a,16 d f a, d f |
  r16 d8.~  4        r16 d8.~  4        |
  c2                 c                  |

\new StaffGroup <<
  \new Staff << \relative c'' \voiceA \\ \relative c' \voiceB >>
  \new Staff \relative c' { \clef bass \voiceC }
[image of music]

This works quite well for piano music. This example maps four consecutive measures to four variables:

global = {
  \key g \major
  \time 2/4

\parallelMusic voiceA,voiceB,voiceC,voiceD {
  % Bar 1
  a8    b     c   d     |
  d4          e         |
  c16 d e fis d e fis g |
  a4          a         |

  % Bar 2
  e8      fis  g     a   |
  fis4         g         |
  e16 fis g  a fis g a b |
  a4           a         |

  % Bar 3 ...

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
     \new Staff {
         \relative c'' \voiceA
         \relative c'  \voiceB
     \new Staff {
       \global \clef bass
         \relative c \voiceC
         \relative c \voiceD
[image of music]

See also

Learning Manual: Organizing pieces with variables.

Snippets: Simultaneous notes.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).