Rotating layout objects

All layout objects which support the grob-interface can be rotated by setting their rotation property. This takes a list of three items: the angle of rotation counter-clockwise, and the x and y coordinates of the point relative to the object’s reference point about which the rotation is to be performed. The angle of rotation is specified in degrees and the coordinates in staff spaces.

The angle of rotation and the coordinates of the rotation point must be determined by trial and error.

There are only a few situations where the rotation of layout objects is useful; the following example shows one situation where they may be:

g4\< e' d'' f''\!
\override Hairpin.rotation = #'(15 -1 0)
g4\< e' d'' f''\!
[image of music]

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).