Special note heads

The appearance of note heads may be altered:

\relative c'' {
  c4 b
  \override NoteHead.style = #'cross
  c4 b
  \revert NoteHead.style
  a b
  \override NoteHead.style = #'harmonic
  a b
  \revert NoteHead.style
  c4 d e f
[image of music]

To see all note head styles, see Note head styles.

The cross style is used to represent a variety of musical intentions. The following generic predefined commands modify the note head in both staff and tablature contexts and can be used to represent any musical meaning:

\relative {
  c''4 b
   a b c4 b
  c4 d
[image of music]

The music function form of this predefined command may be used inside and outside chords to generate crossed note heads in both staff and tablature contexts:

\relative {
  c''4 b
  \xNote { e f }
  c b < g \xNote c f > b
[image of music]

As synonyms for \xNote, \xNotesOn and \xNotesOff, \deadNote, \deadNotesOn and \deadNotesOff can be used. The term dead note is commonly used by guitarists.

There is also a similar shorthand for diamond shapes:

\relative c'' {
  <c f\harmonic>2 <d a'\harmonic>4 <c g'\harmonic> f\harmonic
[image of music]

Predefined commands

\harmonic, \xNotesOn, \xNotesOff, \xNote.

See also

Snippets: Pitches.

Notation Reference: Note head styles, Chorded notes, Indicating harmonics and dampened notes.

Internals Reference: note-event, Note_heads_engraver, Ledger_line_engraver, NoteHead, LedgerLineSpanner, note-head-interface, ledger-line-spanner-interface.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).