A.2 Text markup list commands

The following commands can all be used with \markuplist.

\column-lines args (markup list)

Stack the markups in args vertically.

Like \column, but return a list of lines instead of a single markup. The property baseline-skip determines the space between each markup in args.

Used properties:

  • baseline-skip
\justified-lines args (markup list)

Print args as lines aligned both at the left and the right.

Like \justify, but return a list of lines instead of a single markup. Use \override-lines #'(line-width . X) to set the line width; X is the number of staff spaces.

Used properties:

  • text-direction (1)
  • word-space
  • line-width (#f)
  • baseline-skip
\override-lines new-prop (pair) args (markup list)

Add the argument new-prop to the property list for printing args.

Like \override but for markup lists.

\score-lines score (score)

Inline an image of music as specified by score.

Like \score but return a list of lines instead of a single markup.

\string-lines str (string)

Split string str into lines.

The character to split at is specified by the property split-char, defaulting to #\newline. Surrounding whitespace is removed from every resulting string. The returned list of markups is ready to be formatted by other markup or markup list commands like \column, \line, etc.

\markup {
     "foo, foo,
     bar, bar,
     buzz, buzz!"
[image of music]

Used properties:

  • split-char (#\newline)
\table column-align (number list) lst (markup list)

Print a table.

column-align specifies how each column is aligned; possible values are -1, 0, and 1. The number of elements in column-align determines how many columns will be printed.

The entries to print are given by lst, a markup list. If needed, the last row is filled up with point-stencils.

Override the padding property to increase the horizontal distance between columns. Override baseline-skip to increase the vertical distance between rows.

% A markup command to print a fixed-width number.
\markup fwnum =
  \markup \override #'(font-features . ("ss01" "-kern"))
    \number \etc

\markuplist {
  \override #'(padding . 2)
  \table #'(0 1 0 -1) {
    \underline { center-aligned right-aligned
                 center-aligned left-aligned }
    one      \fwnum    1 thousandth \fwnum 0.001
    eleven   \fwnum   11 hundredth  \fwnum 0.01
    twenty   \fwnum   20 tenth      \fwnum 0.1
    thousand \fwnum 1000 one        \fwnum 1.0
[image of music]

Used properties:

  • baseline-skip
  • padding (0)

Print a table of contents.

This function uses the paper variable tocTitleMarkup for the title; it then prints \tocItem entries line by line.

See Table of contents for a complete discussion.

Used properties:

  • baseline-skip
\wordwrap-lines args (markup list)

Print args as left-aligned lines.

Like \wordwrap, but return a list of lines instead of a single markup. Use \override-lines #'(line-width . X) to set the line width, where X is the number of staff spaces.

Used properties:

  • text-direction (1)
  • word-space
  • line-width (#f)
  • baseline-skip

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).