Automatic fret diagrams

Fret diagrams can be automatically created from entered notes using the FretBoards context. If no predefined diagram is available for the entered notes in the active stringTunings, this context calculates strings and frets that can be used to play the notes.

  \new ChordNames {
    \chordmode {
      f1 g
  \new FretBoards {
    <f, c f a c' f'>1
    <g,\6 b, d g b g'>1
  \new Staff {
    \clef "treble_8"
    <f, c f a c' f'>1
    <g, b, d g b g'>1
[image of music]

As no predefined diagrams are loaded by default, automatic calculation of fret diagrams is the default behavior. Once default diagrams are loaded, automatic calculation can be enabled and disabled with predefined commands:

\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table
                        <c e g c' e'>
  \new ChordNames {
    \chordmode {
      c1 c c
  \new FretBoards {
    <c e g c' e'>1
    <c e g c' e'>1
    <c e g c' e'>1
  \new Staff {
    \clef "treble_8"
    <c e g c' e'>1
    <c e g c' e'>1
    <c e g c' e'>1
[image of music]

Sometimes the fretboard calculator will be unable to find an acceptable diagram. This can often be remedied by manually assigning a note to a string. In many cases, only one note need be manually placed on a string; the rest of the notes will then be placed appropriately by the FretBoards context.

Fingerings can be added to FretBoard fret diagrams.

  \new ChordNames {
    \chordmode {
      c1 d:m
  \new FretBoards {
    <c-3 e-2 g c'-1 e'>1
    <d a-2 d'-3 f'-1>1
  \new Staff {
    \clef "treble_8"
    <c e g c' e'>1
    <d a d' f'>1
[image of music]

The minimum fret to be used in calculating strings and frets for the FretBoard context can be set with the minimumFret property.

  \new ChordNames {
    \chordmode {
      d1:m d:m
  \new FretBoards {
    <d a d' f'>1
    \set FretBoards.minimumFret = 5
    <d a d' f'>1
  \new Staff {
    \clef "treble_8"
    <d a d' f'>1
    <d a d' f'>1
[image of music]

The strings and frets for the FretBoards context depend on the stringTunings property, which has the same meaning as in the TabStaff context. See Custom tablatures for information on the stringTunings property.

The graphical layout of a fret diagram can be customized according to user preference through the properties of the fret-diagram-interface. Details are found at fret-diagram-interface; see Fret diagrams explained and developed for an exhaustive example. For a FretBoards fret diagram, the interface properties belong to FretBoards.FretBoard.

Predefined commands

\predefinedFretboardsOff, \predefinedFretboardsOn.

See also

Notation Reference: Custom tablatures.

Snippets: Fretted strings.

Internals Reference: fret-diagram-interface.

Known issues and warnings

Automatic fretboard calculations do not work properly for instruments with non-monotonic tunings.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).