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Displaying figured bass
Figured bass can be displayed using the FiguredBass
or in most staff contexts.
When displayed in a FiguredBass
context, the vertical location
of the figures is independent of the notes on the staff.
<< \relative { c''4 c'8 r8 c,4 c' } \new FiguredBass { \figuremode { <4>4 <10 6>8 s8 <6 4>4 <6 4> } } >>![]()
In the example above, the FiguredBass
context must be
explicitly instantiated to avoid creating a second (empty) staff.
Figured bass can also be added to Staff
directly. In this case, the vertical position of the
figures is adjusted automatically.
<< \new Staff = "myStaff" \figuremode { <4>4 <10 6>8 s8 <6 4>4 <6 4> } %% Put notes on same Staff as figures \context Staff = "myStaff" { \clef bass c4 c'8 r8 c4 c' } >>![]()
When added in a Staff
context, figured bass can be displayed above
or below the staff.
<< \new Staff = "myStaff" \figuremode { <4>4 <10 6>8 s8 \bassFigureStaffAlignmentDown <6 4>4 <6 4> } %% Put notes on same Staff as figures \context Staff = "myStaff" { \clef bass c4 c'8 r8 c4 c' } >>![]()
The horizontal alignment of numbers in a figured bass stack that
have more than a single digit can be controlled with the context
property figuredBassLargeNumberAlignment
<< \new Voice { \clef bass r2 d | d d | a2 } \new FiguredBass \figuremode { s2 <10+ 8> | \set figuredBassLargeNumberAlignment = #RIGHT <11 9>2 \set figuredBassLargeNumberAlignment = #LEFT <10+ 9>2 | <_+>2 } >>![]()
The vertical distance of figured bass elements can be controlled
with subproperties minimum-distance
and padding
<< { \clef bass g,2 c, } \figures { \once \override BassFigureLine .staff-staff-spacing.minimum-distance = 3 <7 _-> <7- _-> } >>![]()
Predefined commands
See also
Snippets: Chords.
Internals Reference: BassFigure, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureLine, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation, FiguredBass.
Known issues and warnings
To ensure that continuation lines work properly, it is safest to use the same rhythm in the figure line as in the bass line.
<< { \clef bass \repeat unfold 4 { f16. g32 } f8. es16 d8 es } \figures { \bassFigureExtendersOn % The extenders are correct here, % with the same rhythm as the bass. \repeat unfold 4 { <6 4->16. <6 4->32 } <5>8. r16 <6>8 <6\! 5-> } >> << { \clef bass \repeat unfold 4 { f16. g32 } f8. es16 d8 es } \figures { \bassFigureExtendersOn % The extenders are incorrect here, % even though the timing is the same. <6 4->4 <6 4->4 <5>8. r16 <6>8 <6\! 5-> } >>![]()
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