Bagpipe example

This is what the well known tune Amazing Grace looks like in bagpipe notation.

\include ""
\layout {
  indent = 0.0\cm
  \context { \Score \remove Bar_number_engraver }

\header {
  title = "Amazing Grace"
  meter = "Hymn"
  arranger = "Trad. arr."

  \time 3/4
  \grg \partial 4 a8. d16
  \slurd d2 \grg f8[ e32 d16.]
  \grg f2 \grg f8 e
  \thrwd d2 \grg b4
  \grG a2 \grg a8. d16
  \slurd d2 \grg f8[ e32 d16.]
  \grg f2 \grg e8. f16
  \dblA A2 \grg A4
  \grg A2 f8. A16
  \grg A2 \hdblf f8[ e32 d16.]
  \grg f2 \grg f8 e
  \thrwd d2 \grg b4
  \grG a2 \grg a8. d16
  \slurd d2 \grg f8[ e32 d16.]
  \grg f2 e4
  \thrwd d2.
  \slurd d2
  \bar "|."
[image of music]

See also

Snippets: Winds.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).