
Without any explicit command, the default clef for LilyPond is the treble (or G) clef.

c'2 c'
[image of music]

However, the clef can be changed by using the \clef command and an appropriate clef name. Middle C is shown in each of the following examples.

\clef treble
c'2 c'
\clef alto
c'2 c'
\clef tenor
c'2 c'
\clef bass
c'2 c'
[image of music]

For the full range of possible clef names see Clef styles.

Specialized clefs, such as those used in Ancient music, are described in Mensural clefs and Gregorian clefs. Music that requires tablature clefs is discussed in Default tablatures and Custom tablatures.

For mixing clefs when using cue notes, see the \cueClef and \cueDuringWithClef commands in Formatting cue notes.

By adding _8 or ^8 to the clef name, the clef is transposed one octave down or up respectively, and _15 and ^15 transpose by two octaves. Other integers can be used if required. Clef names containing non-alphabetic characters must be enclosed in quotes

\clef treble
c'2 c'
\clef "treble_8"
c'2 c'
\clef "bass^15"
c'2 c'
\clef "alto_2"
c'2 c'
\clef "G_8"
c'2 c'
\clef "F^5"
c'2 c'
[image of music]

Optional octavation can be obtained by enclosing the numeric argument in parentheses or brackets:

\clef "treble_(8)"
c'2 c'
\clef "bass^[15]"
c'2 c'
[image of music]

The pitches are displayed as if the numeric argument were given without parentheses/brackets.

By default, a clef change taking place at a line break causes the new clef symbol to be printed at the end of the previous line, as a ‘warning clef’, as well as at the beginning of the next. This warning clef can be suppressed.

\clef treble c'2 c' \break
\clef bass c'2 c' \break
\set Staff.explicitClefVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible
\clef alto c'2 c' \break
\unset Staff.explicitClefVisibility
\clef bass c'2 c'
[image of music]

By default, a clef that has previously been printed will not be reprinted if the same \clef command is issued again and will be ignored. The command \set Staff.forceClef = ##t changes this behavior.

\clef treble
\clef treble
\set Staff.forceClef = ##t
\clef treble
[image of music]

To be more precise, it is not the \clef command itself that prints a clef. Instead, it sets or changes a property of the Clef_engraver, which then decides by its own whether to display a clef or not in the current staff. The forceClef property overrides this decision locally to reprint a clef once.

When there is a manual clef change, the glyph of the changed clef will be smaller than normal. This behavior can be overridden.

\clef "treble"
\clef "bass"
\clef "treble"
\override Staff.Clef.full-size-change = ##t
\clef "bass"
\clef "treble"
\revert Staff.Clef.full-size-change
\clef "bass"
\clef "treble"
[image of music]

Selected Snippets

Tweaking clef properties

Changing the clef glyph, its position, or the ottavation does not change the position of subsequent notes on the staff. To get key signatures on their correct staff lines, middleCClefPosition must also be specified, with positive or negative values moving middle C up or down respectively, relative to the staff’s center line.

For example, \clef "treble_8" is equivalent to setting the clefGlyph, clefPosition (the vertical position of the clef itself on the staff), middleCPosition, and clefTransposition. Note that when any of these properties (except middleCPosition) are changed a new clef symbol is printed.

The following examples show the possibilities when setting these properties manually. On the first line, the manual changes preserve the standard relative positioning of clefs and notes, whereas on the second line, they do not.

  % The default treble clef
  \key f \major
  % The standard bass clef
  \set Staff.clefGlyph = "clefs.F"
  \set Staff.clefPosition = 2
  \set Staff.middleCPosition = 6
  \set Staff.middleCClefPosition = 6
  \key g \major
  % The baritone clef
  \set Staff.clefGlyph = "clefs.C"
  \set Staff.clefPosition = 4
  \set Staff.middleCPosition = 4
  \set Staff.middleCClefPosition = 4
  \key f \major
  % The standard choral tenor clef
  \set Staff.clefGlyph = "clefs.G"
  \set Staff.clefPosition = -2
  \set Staff.clefTransposition = -7
  \set Staff.middleCPosition = 1
  \set Staff.middleCClefPosition = 1
  \key f \major
  % A non-standard clef
  \set Staff.clefPosition = 0
  \set Staff.clefTransposition = 0
  \set Staff.middleCPosition = -4
  \set Staff.middleCClefPosition = -4
  \key g \major
  c'1 \break

  % The following clef changes do not preserve
  % the normal relationship between notes, key signatures
  % and clefs:

  \set Staff.clefGlyph = "clefs.F"
  \set Staff.clefPosition = 2
  \set Staff.clefGlyph = "clefs.G"
  \set Staff.clefGlyph = "clefs.C"
  \set Staff.clefTransposition = 7
  \set Staff.clefTransposition = 0
  \set Staff.clefPosition = 0

  % Return to the normal clef:

  \set Staff.middleCPosition = 0

\paper { tagline = ##f }
[image of music]

See also

Notation Reference: Mensural clefs, Gregorian clefs, Default tablatures, Custom tablatures, Formatting cue notes.

Installed Files: scm/parser-clef.scm.

Snippets: Pitches.

Internals Reference: Clef_engraver, Clef, ClefModifier, clef-interface.

Known issues and warnings

Ottavation numbers attached to clefs are treated as separate grobs. So any \override done to the Clef will also need to be applied, as a separate \override, to the ClefModifier grob.

\new Staff \with {
  \override Clef.color = #(universal-color 'blue)
  \override ClefModifier.color = #(universal-color 'vermillion)

\clef "treble_8" c'4
[image of music]

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).