It is customary when transcribing mensural music into modern notation to place
an indication of how the initial rests and note or notes of the original version
appeared – including the original clefs. This is called an incipit. The
command uses the indent
of the main staff to set the
width occupied by the incipit, and incipit-width
to set the width of the
incipit staff.
\score { \new Staff << \new Voice = Tenor { \set Staff.instrumentName = "Tenor" \override Staff.InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT \incipit { \clef "mensural-c4" \key f \major r\breve r1 c'1 } \clef "treble_8" \key f \major R1 r2 c'2 | a4. c'8 } \new Lyrics \lyricsto Tenor { Cyn -- thia your } >> \layout { indent = 5\cm incipit-width = 3\cm } }![]()
By default, LilyPond uses a ‘MensuralStaff’ context for
typesetting an incipit. Other contexts can be used by directly
writing \incipit \new contexttype …
; in this
case a ‘MensuralStaff’ wrapper is only used when it can
contain the specified context.
Known issues and warnings
Note that instrumentName must be set in the music for the incipit to be
produced. If no instrument name is required then use
\set Staff.instrumentName = ""