Top-level contexts – staff containers


Connect staves vertically by adding a bracket on the left side. The bar lines of the contained staves are connected vertically, too.


Identical to StaffGroup except that the bar lines of the contained staves are not connected vertically.


Connect staves vertically by adding a brace on the left side. The bar lines of the contained staves are connected vertically, too.


Just like GrandStaff, but the staves are only removed together, never separately.


Provides a common axis for the contained staves, making all of them appear in the same vertical space. This can be useful for typesetting staves of different types in immediate succession or for temporarily changing the character of one staff or overlaying it with a different one. Often used with \stopStaff and \startStaff for best results.


Top-level context replacing Score for Gregorian chant notated in Vaticana style. Compared to Score, it changes the staff line color to red, uses packed spacing, and removes bar numbers.


Top-level context replacing Score in chord grid notation. Compared to Score, it uses proportional notation, and has a few other settings like removing bar numbers.


A Score-level context for use by \markup \rhythm.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).