List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables

The names of these variables follow the format upper-lower-spacing, where upper and lower are the items to be spaced. Each distance is measured between the reference points of the two items (see the description of the alist structure above). Note that in these variable names, the term ‘markup’ refers to both title markups (bookTitleMarkup or scoreTitleMarkup) and top-level markups (see File structure). All distances are measured in staff spaces.

Default settings are defined in ly/


the distance between a (title or top-level) markup and the system that follows it.


the distance between the last system of a score and the (title or top-level) markup that follows it.


the distance between the last system of a score and the first system of the score that follows it, when no (title or top-level) markup exists between them.


the distance between two systems in the same score.


the distance between two (title or top-level) markups.


the distance from the last system or top-level markup on a page to the bottom of the printable area (i.e., the top of the bottom margin).


the distance from the top of the printable area (i.e., the bottom of the top margin) to the first system on a page, when there is no (title or top-level) markup between the two.


the distance from the top of the printable area (i.e., the bottom of the top margin) to the first (title or top-level) markup on a page, when there is no system between the two.

See also

Notation Reference: Flexible vertical spacing within systems.

Installed Files: ly/

Snippets: Spacing.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).