\paper variables for page numbering

Default values not listed here are defined in ly/paper-defaults-init.ly


The page breaking algorithm is affected by the first page number being odd or even. If set to #t, the page breaking algorithm will decide whether to start with an odd or even number. This will result in the first page number remaining as is or being increased by one. Default: #f.


The value of the page number on the first page.


If set to #t, a page number is printed on the first page.


If set to #f, page numbers are not printed.


The type of numerals used for page numbers. Choices include 'arabic, 'roman-ij-lower, 'roman-ij-upper, 'roman-lower, and 'roman-upper. Default: 'arabic.


If set to #t, each book part has its independent sequence of page numbers, starting at first-page-number (1 by default).

This may also be used for one book part only. The typical use case is numbering pages of the first book part independently and in roman numerals, as may be wished for an analytical introduction to the work being published.

\book {
  \bookpart {
    \paper {
      bookpart-level-page-numbering = ##t
      page-number-type = #'roman-lower
    \markuplist \wordwrap-lines {
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  \bookpart {

See also

Installed Files: ly/paper-defaults-init.ly.

Known issues and warnings

Odd page numbers are always on the right. If you want the music to start on page 1 there must be a blank page on the back of the cover page so that page 1 is on the right-hand side.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).