\paper variables for shifts and indents

Default values (before scaling) that are not listed here are defined in ly/paper-defaults-init.ly.


The amount that all systems (including titles and system separators) are shifted to the right. Default: 0.0\mm.


The level of indentation for the first system in a score. If the paper size is modified, this dimension’s default value is scaled accordingly. The space within line-width available for the first system is reduced by this amount. indent may also be specified in \layout blocks to set indents on a score-by-score basis.


The level of indentation for all systems in a score besides the first system. If the paper size is modified, this dimension’s default value is scaled accordingly. The space within line-width available for systems other than the first is reduced by this amount. short-indent may also be specified in \layout blocks to set short indents on a score-by-score basis.

See also

Notation Reference: Automatic scaling to paper size.

Installed Files: ly/paper-defaults-init.ly.

Snippets: Spacing.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).