Painting objects white

Every layout object has a color property which by default is set to black. If this is overridden to white the object will be indistinguishable from the white background. However, if the object crosses other objects the color of the crossing points will be determined by the order in which they are drawn, and this may leave a ghostly image of the white object, as shown here:

\override Staff.Clef.color = #white
[image of music]

This may be avoided by changing the order of printing the objects. All layout objects have a layer property which should be set to an integer. Objects with the lowest value of layer are drawn first, then objects with progressively higher values are drawn, so objects with higher values overwrite objects with lower values. By default most objects are assigned a layer value of 1, although a few objects, including StaffSymbol and BarLine, are assigned a value of 0. The order of printing objects with the same value of layer is indeterminate.

In the example above the white clef, with a default layer value of 1, is drawn after the staff lines (default layer value 0), so overwriting them. To change this, the Clef object must be given in a lower value of layer, say -1, so that it is drawn earlier:

\override Staff.Clef.color = #white
\override Staff.Clef.layer = -1
[image of music]

Selected Snippets

Using the whiteout property

Any graphical object can be printed over a white background to mask parts of objects that lie beneath. This can be useful to improve the appearance of collisions in complex situations when repositioning objects is impractical. It is necessary to explicitly set the layer property to control which objects are masked by the white background.

In this example the collision of the tie with the time signature is improved by masking out the part of the tie that crosses the time signature, setting the whiteout property of TimeSignature. To do this, TimeSignature is moved to a layer above Tie, which is left in the default layer 1, and StaffSymbol is moved to a layer above TimeSignature so it is not masked.

  \override Score.StaffSymbol.layer = 4
  \override Staff.TimeSignature.layer = 3
  b'2 b'~
  \once \override Staff.TimeSignature.whiteout = ##t
  \time 3/4
  b' r4
[image of music]

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).