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Objects may be parenthesized by prefixing the music event with
\relative { c''2 \parenthesize d c2 \tweak Parentheses.font-size 2 \parenthesize <c e g> c2 <c e \parenthesize g> }![]()
Non-note objects may be parenthesized as well. For articulations,
a hyphen is needed before the \parenthesize
\relative { c''2-\parenthesize -. d c2 \parenthesize r }![]()
To parenthesize a group of notes in a chord, use a parallel music
construct << … >>
\new Voice \relative c { << { \tweak Parentheses.font-size 0 \parenthesize <ces des> } { \parenthesize ees' } { \tweak Parentheses.font-size -2 \parenthesize <c' e> } >> }![]()
In tablature specify NoteColumn
to parenthesize the chord.
\new TabVoice { \override Parentheses.font-size = 0 \parenthesize <f g> \parenthesize NoteColumn <f g> }![]()
This second form of the \parenthesize
command involves
a grob path: either \parenthesize ContextName.GrobName
or just \parenthesize GrobName
(the latter implying
the bottommost context, typically Voice
). This should be
added before the musical moment, like a \once \override
This form makes it possible to parenthesize grobs that are only
caused indirectly by events.
\new Staff \relative << { \parenthesize NoteHead c'1 } \new CueVoice { s2 \voiceOne \once \override Staff.Parentheses.font-size = 3 \parenthesize Staff.CueClef \cueClef treble e'8 f a g } >>![]()
See also
Snippets: Editorial annotations.
Internals Reference: Parenthesis_engraver, Parentheses, parentheses-interface.
Known issues and warnings
Currently, the font-size
property of the Parentheses
grob has to be adjusted manually to obtain correctly sized parentheses
on chords and some other objects.
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