Phrasing slurs

Phrasing slurs (or phrasing marks) that indicate a musical sentence are written using the commands \( and \) respectively:

\relative {
  c''4\( d( e) f(
  e2) d\)
[image of music]

Typographically, a phrasing slur behaves almost exactly like a normal slur. However, they are treated as different objects; a \slurUp will have no effect on a phrasing slur. Phrasing may be manually placed above or below the staff; see Direction and placement.

Simultaneous or overlapping phrasing slurs are entered using \= as with regular slurs, see Slurs.

Phrasing slurs can be solid, dotted, or dashed. Solid is the default style for phrasing slurs:

\relative {
  c'4\( e g2\)
  g4\( e c2\)
  c4\( e g2\)
  g4\( e c2\)
[image of music]

Phrasing slurs can also be made half-dashed (the first half dashed, the second half solid) or half-solid (the first half solid, the second half dashed):

\relative {
  c'4\( e g2\)
  g4\( e c2\)
  c4\( e g2\)
  g4\( e c2\)
[image of music]

Custom dash patterns for phrasing slurs can be defined:

\relative {
  c'4\( e g2\)
  \phrasingSlurDashPattern 0.7 0.75
  g4\( e c2\)
  \phrasingSlurDashPattern 0.5 2.0
  c4\( e g2\)
  g4\( e c2\)
[image of music]

Dash pattern definitions for phrasing slurs have the same structure as dash pattern definitions for slurs. For more information about complex dash patterns, see the snippets under Slurs.

Predefined commands

\phrasingSlurUp, \phrasingSlurDown, \phrasingSlurNeutral, \phrasingSlurDashed, \phrasingSlurDotted, \phrasingSlurHalfDashed, \phrasingSlurHalfSolid, \phrasingSlurDashPattern, \phrasingSlurSolid.

See also

Learning Manual: On the un-nestedness of brackets and ties.

Notation Reference: Direction and placement, Slurs.

Snippets: Expressive marks.

Internals Reference: PhrasingSlur.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).