Balloon help

Elements of notation can be marked and named with the help of a square balloon. The primary purpose of this feature is to explain notation.

\new Voice \with { \consists Balloon_engraver }
\relative c'' {
  \balloonGrobText #'Stem #'(3 . 4) \markup { "I'm a Stem" }
  \balloonGrobText #'Rest #'(-4 . -4) \markup { "I'm a rest" }
  <c, g'-\balloonText #'(-2 . -2) \markup { "I'm a note head" } c>2.
[image of music]

There are two music functions, balloonText and balloonGrobText; the former is used like \tweak, but only within chords, to attach text to an individual note of the chord; the latter is used like \once \override to attach text to any grob anywhere.

Balloon text does not influence note spacing, but this can be altered:

\new Voice \with { \consists Balloon_engraver }
\relative c'' {
  \balloonGrobText #'Stem #'(3 . 4) \markup { "I'm a Stem" }
  \balloonGrobText #'Rest #'(-4 . -4) \markup { "I'm a rest" }
  <c, g'-\balloonText #'(-2 . -2) \markup { "I'm a note head" } c>2.
[image of music]

The default behavior for the attachment point of the line on the frame and the alignment of the balloon text is demonstrated below.

[image of music]

The default calculation of the attachment point can be overruled using the X-attachment and Y-attachment properties, which take values between -1 and 1, with the limits corresponding to the left (resp. bottom) and right (resp. top) of the frame. Alignment of the text is controlled by text-alignment-X and text-alignment-Y, which have a similar form.

\new Voice \with {
  \consists Balloon_engraver
  \once \override BalloonText.Y-attachment = -0.5
  \once \override BalloonText.text-alignment-X = 0.0
  \balloonGrobText Rest #'(1 . 3.5) "rest"
[image of music]

Predefined commands

\balloonLengthOn, \balloonLengthOff.

See also

Snippets: Editorial annotations.

Internals Reference: AnnotateOutputEvent, Balloon_engraver, BalloonText, balloon-interface.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).