Automatic note splitting

Long notes which overrun bar lines can be converted automatically to tied notes. This is done by replacing the Note_heads_engraver with the Completion_heads_engraver. Similarly, long rests which overrun bar lines are split automatically by replacing the Rest_engraver with the Completion_rest_engraver. In the following example, notes and rests crossing the bar lines are split, notes are also tied.

\new Voice \with {
  \remove Note_heads_engraver
  \consists Completion_heads_engraver
  \remove Rest_engraver
  \consists Completion_rest_engraver
\relative {
  c'2. c8 d4 e f g a b c8 c2 b4 a g16 f4 e d c8. c2 r1*2
[image of music]

These engravers split all running notes and rests at the bar line, and inserts ties for notes. One of its uses is to debug complex scores: if the measures are not entirely filled, then the ties show exactly how much each measure is off.

The property completionUnit sets a preferred duration for the split notes.

\new Voice \with {
  \remove Note_heads_engraver
  \consists Completion_heads_engraver
} \relative {
  \time 9/8 g\breve. d''4. \bar "||"
  \set completionUnit = #3/8
  g\breve. d4.
[image of music]

These engravers split notes with scaled duration, such as those in tuplets, into notes with the same scale factor as in the input note.

\new Voice \with {
  \remove Note_heads_engraver
  \consists Completion_heads_engraver
} \relative {
  \time 2/4 r4
  \tuplet 3/2 {g'4 a b}
  \scaleDurations 2/3 {g a b}
  g4*2/3 a b
  \tuplet 3/2 {g4 a b}
[image of music]

See also

Music Glossary: tie

Learning Manual: Engravers explained, Adding and removing engravers.

Snippets: Rhythms.

Internals Reference: Note_heads_engraver, Completion_heads_engraver, Rest_engraver, Completion_rest_engraver, Forbid_line_break_engraver.

Known issues and warnings

For consistency with previous behavior, notes and rests with duration longer than a measure, such as c1*2, are split into notes without any scale factor, { c1 c1 }. The property completionFactor controls this behavior, and setting it to #f cause split notes and rests to have the scale factor of the input durations.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).