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Eigene Schlagzeugsysteme
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#(define mydrums '( (bassdrum default #f -1) (snare default #f 0) (hihat cross #f 1) (halfopenhihat cross halfopen 1) (pedalhihat xcircle stopped 2) (lowtom diamond #f 3))) up = \drummode { hh8 hh hhho hhho hhp4 hhp } down = \drummode { bd4 sn bd toml8 toml } \new DrumStaff << \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums) \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \up } \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \down } >>![]()
Ausgewählte Schnipsel
Hier einige Beispiele:
Zwei Holzblöcke, notiert mit wbh (hoch) und wbl (tief)
% These lines define the position of the woodblocks in the stave; % if you like, you can change it or you can use special note heads % for the woodblocks. #(define mydrums '((hiwoodblock default #f 3) (lowoodblock default #f -2))) woodstaff = { % This defines a staff with only two lines. % It also defines the positions of the two lines. \override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-positions = #'(-2 3) % This is necessary; if not entered, the barline would be too short! \override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(-1.5 . 1.5) } \new DrumStaff { \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums) % with this you load your new drum style table \woodstaff \drummode { \time 2/4 wbl8 wbl16 wbl wbh8-> wbl | wbl8 wbl16 wbh-> ~ wbh wbl16 r8 | } }![]()
In diesem Spezialfalls muss die Länge der Taktlinie mit
\override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent #'(von . bis)
angepasst werden.
Andernfalls wäre sie zu kurz. Die Position der beiden Linien muss
auch definiert werden.
Tamburin, notiert mit tamb
#(define mydrums '((tambourine default #f 0))) tambustaff = { \override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-positions = #'( 0 ) \override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(-1.5 . 1.5) \set DrumStaff.instrumentName = "Tambourine" } \new DrumStaff { \tambustaff \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums) \drummode { \time 6/8 tamb8. tamb16 tamb8 tamb tamb tamb | tamb4. tamb8 tamb tamb | % the trick with the scaled duration and the shorter rest % is neccessary for the correct ending of the trill-span! tamb2.*5/6 \startTrillSpan s8 \stopTrillSpan | } }![]()
Noten für Tam-Tam (notiert mit tt
#(define mydrums '((tamtam default #f 0))) tamtamstaff = { \override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-positions = #'( 0 ) \override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(-1.5 . 1.5) \set DrumStaff.instrumentName = "Tamtam" } \new DrumStaff { \tamtamstaff \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums) \drummode { tt 1 \pp \laissezVibrer } }![]()
Zwei Glocken, notiert mit cb
(Kuhglocke) und rb
#(define mydrums '((ridebell default #f 3) (cowbell default #f -2))) bellstaff = { \override DrumStaff.StaffSymbol.line-positions = #'(-2 3) \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums) \override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(-1.5 . 1.5) \set DrumStaff.instrumentName = "Different Bells" } \new DrumStaff { \bellstaff \drummode { \time 2/4 rb8 rb cb cb16 rb-> ~ | 16 rb8 rb16 cb8 cb | } }![]()
Hier ein kurzes Beispiel von Stravinsky (aus „L’Histoire du soldat“):
#(define mydrums '((bassdrum default #f 4) (snare default #f -4) (tambourine default #f 0))) global = { \time 3/8 s4. \time 2/4 s2*2 \time 3/8 s4. \time 2/4 s2 } drumsA = { \context DrumVoice << { \global } { \drummode { \autoBeamOff \stemDown sn8 \stemUp tamb s8 | sn4 \stemDown sn4 | \stemUp tamb8 \stemDown sn8 \stemUp sn16 \stemDown sn \stemUp sn8 | \stemDown sn8 \stemUp tamb s8 | \stemUp sn4 s8 \stemUp tamb } } >> } drumsB = { \drummode { s4 bd8 s2*2 s4 bd8 s4 bd8 s8 } } \layout { indent = #40 } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new DrumStaff { \set DrumStaff.instrumentName = \markup { \column { "Tambourine" "et" "caisse claire s. timbre" } } \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums) \drumsA } \new DrumStaff { \set DrumStaff.instrumentName = "Grosse Caisse" \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums) \drumsB } >> }![]()
Siehe auch
Schnipsel: Percussion.
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