Appendix E LilyPond index

In addition to all the LilyPond commands and keywords, this index lists musical terms and words that relate to each of them, with links to those sections of the manual that describe or discuss that topic. Each link is in two parts. The first part points to the exact location in the manual where the topic appears; the second part points to the start of the section of the manual where that topic is discussed.

Jump to:   !   "   #   %   '   (   )   ,   -   .   /   1   8   :   <   =   >   ?   [   \   ]   ^   _   |   ~    
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X  
Index Entry  Section

! Accidentals
\! Dynamics

"|" Bar and bar number checks

#f (false) A.26 Predefined type predicates
#t (true) A.26 Predefined type predicates

% 3.2.1 Structure of a score
% 3.2.5 File structure
%{ … %} 3.2.1 Structure of a score
%{ … %} 3.2.5 File structure

' Absolute octave entry

( Slurs
\( Phrasing slurs

) Slurs
\) Phrasing slurs

, Absolute octave entry

- Articulations and ornamentations
\- 2.8.3 Graphical notation
- Articulation direction indicators
-! A.15 List of articulations
-+ Fermata scripts
-- A.15 List of articulations
-. A.15 List of articulations
-> A.15 List of articulations
-^ A.15 List of articulations
-_ A.15 List of articulations

. Durations

/ Extended and altered chords
/+ Extended and altered chords

15ma Ottava brackets
15mb Ottava brackets

8va Ottava brackets
8vb Ottava brackets

: Tremolo repeats

\< Dynamics
< Chorded notes
<...> Chorded notes
<< Simultaneous expressions
<< ... \\ ... >> Single-staff polyphony
<< ... >> Simultaneous expressions
<> Chorded notes
<> Changing staff manually

= Octave checks
\= Slurs
\= A.22 Available music functions

\> Dynamics
> Chorded notes
>> Simultaneous expressions

? Accidentals

[ Manual beams
\[ Ligatures

\\ Single-staff polyphony

] Manual beams
\] Ligatures

^ Extended and altered chords
^ Articulation direction indicators

_ Multiple syllables to one note
_ Articulation direction indicators

| Bar and bar number checks
| Bar and bar number checks

~ Ties

‘accentus’ Gregorian articulation Gregorian articulation signs
‘accentus’ Gregorian articulation Repeat sign scripts
‘accent’ articulation Articulations and ornamentations
‘accent’ articulation A.15 List of articulations
‘circulus’ Gregorian articulation Gregorian articulation signs
‘circulus’ Gregorian articulation Repeat sign scripts
‘coda’ sign Articulations and ornamentations
‘coda’ sign Instrument-specific scripts
‘coda’ sign, manual Manual repeat marks
‘coda’ sign, variant Articulations and ornamentations
‘coda’ sign, variant Segno repeat appearance
‘coda’ sign, variant Instrument-specific scripts
‘coda’ sign, with repeats Segno repeat structure
‘down pralltriller’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘down pralltriller’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘down-bow’ bowing indication Articulations and ornamentations
‘down-bow’ bowing indication Fermata scripts
‘episem finis’ Gregorian articulation Gregorian articulation signs
‘episem initium’ Gregorian articulation Gregorian articulation signs
‘espressivo’ articulation Articulations and ornamentations
‘espressivo’ articulation A.15 List of articulations
‘flageolet’ harmonics Articulations and ornamentations
‘flageolet’ harmonics Fermata scripts
‘half open’ articulation Articulations and ornamentations
‘half open’ articulation Fermata scripts
‘Haydn turn’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘Haydn turn’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘heel’ pedal mark Articulations and ornamentations
‘heel’ pedal mark Fermata scripts
‘ictus’ Gregorian articulation Gregorian articulation signs
‘ictus’ Gregorian articulation Repeat sign scripts
‘lower mordent’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘lower mordent’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘marcato’ articulation Articulations and ornamentations
‘marcato’ articulation A.15 List of articulations
‘mordent, lower’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘mordent, lower’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘mordent, upper’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘mordent, upper’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘mordent’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘mordent’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘open’ articulation Articulations and ornamentations
‘open’ articulation Fingerings
‘open’ articulation Fermata scripts
‘portato’ articulation Articulations and ornamentations
‘portato’ articulation A.15 List of articulations
‘pralltriller, down’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘pralltriller, down’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘pralltriller, long’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘pralltriller, long’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘pralltriller, up’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘pralltriller, up’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘pralltriller’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘pralltriller’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘reverse turn’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘reverse turn’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘segno’ sign Articulations and ornamentations
‘segno’ sign Instrument-specific scripts
‘segno’ sign, bar line Bar lines
‘segno’ sign, bar line Segno repeat appearance
‘segno’ sign, manual Manual repeat marks
‘segno’ sign, with repeats Segno repeat structure
‘segno’ sign, with repeats Segno repeat appearance
‘semicirculus’ Gregorian articulation Gregorian articulation signs
‘semicirculus’ Gregorian articulation Repeat sign scripts
‘signum congruentiae’ mensural notation Repeat sign scripts
‘signum congruentiae’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘slash turn’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘slash turn’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘snappizzicato’ sign Articulations and ornamentations
‘snappizzicato’ sign Fermata scripts
‘staccatissimo’ articulation Articulations and ornamentations
‘staccatissimo’ articulation A.15 List of articulations
‘staccato’ articulation Articulations and ornamentations
‘staccato’ articulation A.15 List of articulations
‘stopped’ articulation Articulations and ornamentations
‘stopped’ articulation Fingerings
‘stopped’ articulation Fermata scripts
‘tenuto’ articulation Articulations and ornamentations
‘tenuto’ articulation A.15 List of articulations
‘thumb’ fingering Articulations and ornamentations
‘thumb’ fingering Fingering instructions
‘thumb’ fingering Fermata scripts
‘toe’ pedal mark Articulations and ornamentations
‘toe’ pedal mark Fermata scripts
‘trill’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘trill’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘turn’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘turn’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘up pralltriller’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘up pralltriller’ ornament Articulation scripts
‘up-bow’ bowing indication Articulations and ornamentations
‘up-bow’ bowing indication Fermata scripts
‘upper mordent’ ornament Articulations and ornamentations
‘upper mordent’ ornament Articulation scripts

a due part Automatic part combining
\abs-fontsize Selecting font and font size
\abs-fontsize A.12.1 Font markup
\abs-hspace A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\abs-vspace A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
absolute Absolute octave entry
\absolute A.22 Available music functions
absolute dynamics Dynamics
absolute octave entry Absolute octave entry
absolute octave specification Absolute octave entry
\accent Articulations and ornamentations
accent Articulations and ornamentations
\accent A.15 List of articulations
\accentus Gregorian articulation signs
\accentus Repeat sign scripts
\accepts 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
\accepts 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
\accepts 5.1.7 Context layout order
\acciaccatura Grace notes
acciaccatura Grace notes
\acciaccatura A.22 Available music functions
acciaccatura, multi-note Grace notes
accidental Accidentals
accidental Automatic accidentals
\accidental A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
accidental glyph set A.10 Accidental glyph sets
accidental style Automatic accidentals
accidental style, choral Automatic accidentals
accidental style, choral-cautionary Automatic accidentals
accidental style, default Automatic accidentals
accidental style, default Automatic accidentals
accidental style, dodecaphonic Automatic accidentals
accidental style, dodecaphonic-first Automatic accidentals
accidental style, dodecaphonic-no-repeat Automatic accidentals
accidental style, forget Automatic accidentals
accidental style, modern Automatic accidentals
accidental style, modern Automatic accidentals
accidental style, modern-cautionary Automatic accidentals
accidental style, modern-cautionary Automatic accidentals
accidental style, modern-voice-cautionary Automatic accidentals
accidental style, neo-modern Automatic accidentals
accidental style, neo-modern-cautionary Automatic accidentals
accidental style, neo-modern-voice Automatic accidentals
accidental style, neo-modern-voice-cautionary Automatic accidentals
accidental style, no-reset Automatic accidentals
accidental style, piano Automatic accidentals
accidental style, piano-cautionary Automatic accidentals
accidental style, teaching Automatic accidentals
accidental style, voice Automatic accidentals
accidental, alternate glyphs Alternate accidental glyphs
accidental, and simultaneous notes Automatic accidentals
accidental, automatic Automatic accidentals
accidental, cautionary Accidentals
accidental, Gregorian Gregorian accidentals and key signatures
accidental, hiding, on tied notes at start of system Accidentals
accidental, in cadenzas Unmetered music
accidental, in chords Automatic accidentals
accidental, in unmetered music Unmetered music
accidental, Kievan Kievan accidentals
accidental, mensural Mensural accidentals and key signatures
accidental, modern style Automatic accidentals
accidental, multi-voice Automatic accidentals
accidental, musica ficta Annotational accidentals (musica ficta)
accidental, on tied note Accidentals
accidental, parenthesized Accidentals
accidental, quarter tone Accidentals
accidental, reminder Accidentals
\accidentalStyle Automatic accidentals
\accidentalStyle A.22 Available music functions
AccidentalSuggestion Articulations and ornamentations
accordion 2.2.3 Accordion
accordion discant symbol Discant symbols
accordion register symbol Discant symbols
accordion shift symbol Discant symbols
acoustic bass A.17 Percussion notes
acoustic snare A.17 Percussion notes
add-grace-property Grace notes
add-stem-support Fingering instructions
add-toc-item! 3.3.7 Table of contents
\addChordShape Predefined fret diagrams
\addChordShape A.22 Available music functions
adding custom fret diagram Predefined fret diagrams
adding white background, to text A.12.8 Other markup commands
\addInstrumentDefinition A.22 Available music functions
addition, in chords Extended and altered chords
additional voices in polyphonic music Collision resolution
additionalPitchPrefix Customizing chord names
\addlyrics Aligning lyrics to a melody
\addlyrics Automatic syllable durations
\addlyrics Automatic syllable durations
\addQuote Quoting other voices
\addQuote A.22 Available music functions
adjusting start and end, slur Slurs
\aeolian Key signature
Aeolian Key signature
\after Dynamics
\after Percent repeats
\after A.22 Available music functions
\afterGrace Grace notes
\afterGrace A.22 Available music functions
afterGraceFraction A.21 Technical glossary
agogo A.17 Percussion notes
Aiken shape note head Shape note heads
Aiken shape note head, thin variant Shape note heads
\aikenHeads Shape note heads
\aikenHeadsMinor Shape note heads
\aikenThinHeads Shape note heads
\aikenThinHeadsMinor Shape note heads
al coda Segno repeat structure
al fine Segno repeat structure
al niente, hairpin Dynamics
\alias 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
\alias 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
align to object Using the break-alignable-interface
\align-on-other A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
alignAboveContext Ossia staves
alignAboveContext 5.1.7 Context layout order
alignBelowContext Ossia staves
alignBelowContext Lyrics and repeats
alignBelowContext 5.1.7 Context layout order
aligning markup Text alignment
aligning markup text Text alignment
aligning text Text alignment
aligning to cadenza Aligning to cadenzas
alignment breaking vertical, text scripts Dynamics
alignment, bar numbers Bar numbers
alignment, breaking vertical, dynamics Dynamics
alignment, horizontal, lyrics Placing syllables horizontally
alignment, text, commands Text alignment
alignment, vertical, dynamics Dynamics
alignment, vertical, text Text alignment
alignment, vertical, text scripts Dynamics
alist A.21 Technical glossary
alla coda Segno repeat structure
\allowPageTurn Optimal page turning
\allowPageTurn A.22 Available music functions
\allowVoltaHook A.22 Available music functions
alpha transparency Coloring objects
alteration, figured bass, glyphs Entering figured bass
alteration, figured bass, position Entering figured bass
\alterBroken Modifying broken spanners
\alterBroken A.22 Available music functions
altered chord Extended and altered chords
alternate accidental glyph Alternate accidental glyphs
alternate fretboard table Predefined fret diagrams
\alternative Alternative endings
\alternative Alternative endings
alternative chord name Customizing chord names
alternative ending Alternative endings
alternative ending, and lyrics Lyrics and repeats
alternative ending, with ties Ties
alternative melody, switching to Stanzas with different rhythms
alternative style of breve notes Durations
alto clef Clef
alto clef A.11 Clef styles
alto varC clef A.11 Clef styles
Amazing Grace bagpipe example Bagpipe example
ambitus Ambitus
ambitus, line gap Ambitus
ambitus, multiple voices Ambitus
ambitus, per voice Ambitus
ambitus, placement Ambitus
ambitusAfter Ambitus
\ambitusAfter A.22 Available music functions
AmbitusLine Ambitus
anacrusis Upbeats
anacrusis, in a repeat Simple repeats
analysis bracket, musicological Analysis brackets
analysis bracket, with label Analysis brackets
ancient clef Clef
ancient music clef Mensural clefs
ancient music clef A.11 Clef styles
angled hairpin Rotating layout objects
annotate-spacing 4.6.1 Displaying spacing
annotate-spacing A.24 Paper variables
anthem 2.1.5 Choral
\appendToTag Using tags
\appendToTag A.22 Available music functions
\applyContext 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts
\applyContext A.22 Available music functions
\applyMusic A.22 Available music functions
\applyOutput A.22 Available music functions
\applySwing The swing script
\applySwingWithOffset The swing script
\appoggiatura Grace notes
appoggiatura Grace notes
\appoggiatura A.22 Available music functions
Arabic improvisation Arabic time signatures
Arabic key signatures Arabic key signatures
Arabic maqam Extending notation and tuning systems
Arabic music References for Arabic music
Arabic music example Arabic music example
Arabic music template Arabic music example
Arabic note name Arabic note names
Arabic semi-flat symbol Arabic note names
Arabic time signatures Arabic time signatures
\arabicStringNumbers String number indications
\arpeggio Arpeggio
arpeggio Arpeggio
arpeggio and ties Ties
arpeggio bracket, cross-staff Staff-change lines
arpeggio bracket, marking divided voices Score layouts for choral
arpeggio symbol, special Arpeggio
arpeggio, cross-staff Arpeggio
arpeggio, cross-staff parenthesis-style Arpeggio
arpeggio, cross-voice Arpeggio
arpeggio-direction Arpeggio
\arpeggioArrowDown Arpeggio
\arpeggioArrowUp Arpeggio
\arpeggioBracket Arpeggio
\arpeggioNormal Arpeggio
\arpeggioParenthesis Arpeggio
\arpeggioParenthesisDashed Arpeggio
arranger Default layout of bookpart and score titles
\arrow-head Graphic notation inside markup
\arrow-head A.12.3 Graphical markup
\articulate The articulate script
articulate script The articulate script The articulate script
articulation, accent Articulations and ornamentations
articulation, accent A.15 List of articulations
articulation, default values, modifying Articulations and ornamentations
articulation, espressivo Articulations and ornamentations
articulation, espressivo A.15 List of articulations
articulation, Gregorian Gregorian articulation signs
articulation, Gregorian, accentus Gregorian articulation signs
articulation, Gregorian, accentus Repeat sign scripts
articulation, Gregorian, circulus Gregorian articulation signs
articulation, Gregorian, circulus Repeat sign scripts
articulation, Gregorian, episem finis Gregorian articulation signs
articulation, Gregorian, episem initium Gregorian articulation signs
articulation, Gregorian, ictus Gregorian articulation signs
articulation, Gregorian, ictus Repeat sign scripts
articulation, Gregorian, semicirculus Gregorian articulation signs
articulation, Gregorian, semicirculus Repeat sign scripts
articulation, half open Articulations and ornamentations
articulation, half open Fermata scripts
articulation, marcato Articulations and ornamentations
articulation, marcato A.15 List of articulations
articulation, open Articulations and ornamentations
articulation, open Fingerings
articulation, open Fermata scripts
articulation, portato Articulations and ornamentations
articulation, portato A.15 List of articulations
articulation, staccatissimo Articulations and ornamentations
articulation, staccatissimo A.15 List of articulations
articulation, staccato Articulations and ornamentations
articulation, staccato A.15 List of articulations
articulation, stopped Articulations and ornamentations
articulation, stopped Fingerings
articulation, stopped Fermata scripts
articulation, tenuto Articulations and ornamentations
articulation, tenuto A.15 List of articulations
articulation-event Quoting other voices
articulations A.15 List of articulations
artificial harmonics Harmonics
\ascendens Gregorian square neume ligatures
\ascendens Gregorian square neume ligatures
\assertBeamQuant A.22 Available music functions
\assertBeamSlope A.22 Available music functions
associatedVoice Aligning lyrics to a melody
associatedVoice Automatic syllable durations
associatedVoice Stanzas with different rhythms
association list A.21 Technical glossary
\auctum Gregorian square neume ligatures
\auctum Gregorian square neume ligatures
aug Common chords
augmentation dot, change number of Durations
\augmentum Gregorian square neume ligatures
\augmentum A.22 Available music functions
auto-beaming, properties for time signatures Time signature
auto-first-page-number \paper variables for page numbering
auto-first-page-number A.24 Paper variables
\auto-footnote A.12.8 Other markup commands
autoBeaming Setting automatic beam behavior
autoBeaming Output definitions – blueprints for contexts
\autoBeamOff Automatic beams
\autoBeamOff Staff-change lines
\autoBeamOn Automatic beams
\autoBreaksOff 4.3.1 Line breaking
\autoBreaksOn 4.3.1 Line breaking
\autoChange Changing staff automatically
\autoChange A.22 Available music functions
\autoChange, and relative music Changing staff automatically
\autoLineBreaksOff 4.3.1 Line breaking
\autoLineBreaksOn 4.3.1 Line breaking
automatic accidental Automatic accidentals
automatic bar line Automatic bar lines
automatic chord diagram Automatic fret diagrams
automatic fret diagram Automatic fret diagrams
automatic part combining Automatic part combining
automatic replacement, of strings ASCII aliases
automatic staff change Changing staff automatically
\autoPageBreaksOff Manual page breaking
\autoPageBreaksOn Manual page breaking

backslashed digit A.12.8 Other markup commands
\backslashed-digit A.12.8 Other markup commands
bagpipe Bagpipe definitions
bagpipe example Bagpipe example
balance in MIDI 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
balloon Balloon help
balloon help Balloon help
\balloonGrobText Balloon help
\balloonGrobText A.22 Available music functions
\balloonLengthOff Balloon help
\balloonLengthOn Balloon help
\balloonText Balloon help
\balloonText A.22 Available music functions
Balloon_engraver Balloon help
banjo tablature 2.4 Fretted string instruments
banjo tablature Banjo tablatures
banjo tuning Banjo tablatures
banjo-c-tuning Banjo tablatures
banjo-double-c-tuning Banjo tablatures
banjo-double-d-tuning Banjo tablatures
banjo-modal-tuning Banjo tablatures
banjo-open-d-tuning Banjo tablatures
banjo-open-dm-tuning Banjo tablatures
banjo-open-g-tuning Banjo tablatures
\bar Bar lines
\bar Bar lines
\bar A.22 Available music functions
bar check Bar and bar number checks
bar check, with repeats Simple repeats
bar line Bar lines
bar line, automatic Automatic bar lines
bar line, avoided by lyrics Placing syllables horizontally
bar line, between staves Bar lines
bar line, between staves Grouping staves
bar line, cadenzas Unmetered music
bar line, caesura Automatic bar lines
bar line, caesura Automatic bar lines
bar line, default Automatic bar lines
bar line, default, changing Bar lines
bar line, defining Bar lines
bar line, double Bar lines
bar line, double Automatic bar lines
bar line, double Automatic bar lines
bar line, double Section divisions
bar line, final Bar lines
bar line, final Automatic bar lines
bar line, final Section divisions
bar line, for repeat at start of piece Simple repeats
bar line, hairpin, stopping at Dynamics
bar line, in ChordNames Customizing chord names
bar line, in Gregorian chant Divisiones
bar line, in hymns Phrase bar lines in hymn tunes
bar line, in Kievan chant Kievan bar lines
bar line, in markup A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
bar line, invisible Bar lines
bar line, list of A.18 List of bar lines
bar line, manual Bar lines
bar line, measure Automatic bar lines
bar line, phrase Automatic bar lines
bar line, phrase Automatic bar lines
bar line, repeat Automatic bar lines
bar line, section Automatic bar lines
bar line, section Section divisions
bar line, segno Bar lines
bar line, segno Automatic bar lines
bar line, segno Segno repeat appearance
bar line, short Bar lines
bar line, single Automatic bar lines
bar line, symbols on Text marks
bar line, text over Text marks
bar line, tick Bar lines
bar line, underlying repeat Automatic bar lines
bar line, unmetered music Unmetered music
bar number Bar numbers
bar number Time administration
bar number check Bar and bar number checks
bar number, alignment Bar numbers
bar number, alternative, in repeat Segno repeat appearance
bar number, broken measure Bar numbers
bar number, cadenzas Unmetered music
bar number, centered Bar numbers
bar number, collision Bar numbers
bar number, modulo bar number Bar numbers
bar number, printed at regular intervals Bar numbers
bar number, printed in first measure Bar numbers
bar number, regular spacing Bar numbers
bar number, removal Bar numbers
bar number, style Bar numbers
bar number, unmetered music Unmetered music
bar number, with letter, in repeat Segno repeat appearance
\bar-line A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
baritone clef Clef
baritone clef A.11 Clef styles
baritone varC clef A.11 Clef styles
baritone varF clef A.11 Clef styles
BarNumber Bar numbers
\barNumberCheck Bar and bar number checks
\barNumberCheck A.22 Available music functions
barNumberVisibility Bar numbers
barré indication Fret diagram markups
barré line Indicating position and barring
bartype Bar lines
Bartók pizzicato Snap (Bartók) pizzicato
base-shortest-duration 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview
baseMoment Setting automatic beam behavior
baseMoment Setting automatic beam behavior
bass A.17 Percussion notes
bass clef Clef
bass clef A.11 Clef styles
bass note, for chords Extended and altered chords
bass, figured Introduction to figured bass
bass, thorough Introduction to figured bass
\bassFigureExtendersOff Entering figured bass
\bassFigureExtendersOn Entering figured bass
\bassFigureStaffAlignmentDown Displaying figured bass
\bassFigureStaffAlignmentNeutral Displaying figured bass
\bassFigureStaffAlignmentUp Displaying figured bass
basso continuo Introduction to figured bass
\beam A.12.3 Graphical markup
beam, cadenzas Unmetered music
beam, cross-staff Changing staff manually
beam, customizing rules Automatic beams
beam, endings, in a score Setting automatic beam behavior
beam, endings, with multiple voices Setting automatic beam behavior
beam, feathered Feathered beams
beam, horizontal Default tablatures
beam, in tablature Default tablatures
beam, line breaks Automatic beams
beam, line breaks Automatic beams
beam, manual Automatic beams
beam, manual Manual beams
beam, nibs Manual beams
beam, \partCombine with \autoBeamOff Automatic beams
beam, subdividing Setting automatic beam behavior
beam, unmetered music Unmetered music
beam, with knee gap Automatic beams
beam, with knee gap, changing Automatic beams
beam, with lyrics Setting automatic beam behavior
beam, with melisma Automatic beams
beam, with polymetric meters Polymetric notation
beamed tuplet, line break within Tuplets
\beamExceptions Setting automatic beam behavior
\beamExceptions A.22 Available music functions
beaming, strict-beat Setting automatic beam behavior
beaming, time signature default properties Time signature
beamlet, orientation Setting automatic beam behavior
beat repeat Percent repeats
beat, grouping Setting automatic beam behavior
beats per minute Metronome marks
beatStructure Setting automatic beam behavior
beatStructure Setting automatic beam behavior
beginners’ music Easy notation note heads
\bendAfter Falls and doits
\bendAfter A.22 Available music functions
\bendHold Default tablatures
\bendHold A.22 Available music functions
bending, string, in tablature notation Default tablatures
\bendStartLevel Default tablatures
\bendStartLevel A.22 Available music functions
big point (bp) 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
binding gutter \paper variables for two-sided mode
binding-offset \paper variables for two-sided mode
binding-offset A.24 Paper variables
bisbigliando References for harps
bison program A.21 Technical glossary
black mensural clef Mensural clefs
black mensural clef A.11 Clef styles
\blackTriangleMarkup Customizing chord names
blank-after-score-page-penalty \paper variables for page breaking
blank-after-score-page-penalty A.24 Paper variables
blank-last-page-penalty \paper variables for page breaking
blank-last-page-penalty A.24 Paper variables
blank-page-penalty \paper variables for page breaking
blank-page-penalty A.24 Paper variables
block comment 3.2.1 Structure of a score
block comment 3.2.5 File structure
blot-diameter A.24 Paper variables
BNF A.21 Technical glossary
\bold Selecting font and font size
\bold A.12.1 Font markup
bongo A.17 Percussion notes
\book 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book
\book 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book
\book 3.2.5 File structure
\book, and \layout 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book
\book, and variables 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book
book-title A.24 Paper variables
book-title-properties A.24 Paper variables
bookmarks 3.3.6 Reference to page numbers
bookmarks 3.3.7 Table of contents
\bookOutputName A.22 Available music functions
\bookOutputSuffix A.22 Available music functions
\bookpart 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book
\bookpart 3.2.5 File structure
\bookpart Manual page breaking
\bookpart, and \layout 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book
\bookpart, and variables 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book
bookpart-level-page-numbering \paper variables for page numbering
bookpart-level-page-numbering A.24 Paper variables
bookTitleMarkup Custom layout for titles
bookTitleMarkup A.24 Paper variables
bottom-margin 4.1.3 Fixed vertical spacing \paper variables
bottom-margin A.24 Paper variables
bounding box 5.4.3 Dimensions
bounding box, of glyph A.12.8 Other markup commands
bowing indication Bowing indications
bowing, down Articulations and ornamentations
bowing, down Fermata scripts
bowing, up Articulations and ornamentations
bowing, up Fermata scripts
\box Graphic notation inside markup
\box A.12.1 Font markup
\bp 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
bp A.24 Paper variables
brace, at start of single staff Grouping staves
brace, in markup A.12.8 Other markup commands
brace, nesting of Nested staff groups
brace, vertical Grouping staves
\bracket New dynamic marks
\bracket Graphic notation inside markup
bracket Piano pedals
\bracket A.12.3 Graphical markup
bracket Parentheses
bracket Analysis brackets
bracket, angle Chorded notes
bracket, at start of single staff Grouping staves
bracket, cross-staff Staff-change lines
bracket, horizontal Analysis brackets
bracket, nesting of Nested staff groups
bracket, phrasing Analysis brackets
bracket, phrasing, with label Analysis brackets
bracket, square, at start of staff group Grouping staves
bracket, vertical Grouping staves
bracket, vertical, marking divided voices Score layouts for choral
bracket, volta Manual repeat marks
\break 4.3.1 Line breaking
break, in unmetered music Unmetered music
break-align symbol Spacing between adjacent non-musical items
break-align-orders Spacing between adjacent non-musical items
break-align-symbols Using the break-alignable-interface
break-visibility Using break-visibility
breakable Automatic beams
breakable glissando Glissando
breakbefore Default layout of bookpart and score titles
\breakDynamicSpan Dynamics
breaking lines 4.3.1 Line breaking
breaking pages 4.5.5 Line width
breath mark Breath marks
breath mark symbol, changing Breath marks
breath mark symbol, list of A.16 List of breath marks
\breathe Breath marks
\breathe A.22 Available music functions
\breve Durations
\breve Rests
breve note, alternative style Durations
breve rest Rests
broken chord Arpeggio
broken spanner, modifying Modifying broken spanners
Bézier curve, control points Modifying ties and slurs

C clef Clef
C clef A.11 Clef styles
cabasa A.17 Percussion notes
cadenza Unmetered music
cadenza Aligning to cadenzas
cadenza, accidentals Unmetered music
cadenza, aligning to Aligning to cadenzas
cadenza, bar lines Unmetered music
cadenza, bar numbers Unmetered music
cadenza, beams Unmetered music
cadenza, line breaks Unmetered music
cadenza, page breaks Unmetered music
\cadenzaOff Unmetered music
\cadenzaOn Unmetered music
\caesura Caesuras
\caesura Caesuras
\caesura Automatic bar lines
\caesura Automatic bar lines
caesura Caesuras
\caesura Phrase bar lines in hymn tunes
\caesura Divisiones
\caesura Kievan bar lines
\caesura A.22 Available music functions
caesura bar line Automatic bar lines
caesura bar line Automatic bar lines
caesura bar line, in hymns Phrase bar lines in hymn tunes
caesura bar line, in Kievan chant Kievan bar lines
callback A.21 Technical glossary
canticle 2.1.7 Chants psalms and hymns
canticle Setting a chant
capo Fret diagram markups
\caps A.12.1 Font markup
cautionary accidental Accidentals
\cavum Gregorian square neume ligatures
\cavum Gregorian square neume ligatures
\center-align Text alignment
\center-align A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\center-column Text alignment
\center-column A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
centered dynamics in piano music References for keyboards
centering column of text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
centering text on page Text alignment
centimeter (cm) 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
\change Changing staff manually
change number of augmentation dots Durations
change tempo without metronome mark Metronome marks
change tuplet number Tuplets
changing breath mark symbol Breath marks
changing chord separator Customizing chord names
changing direction of text column A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
changing font Selecting font and font size
changing instrument name Instrument names
changing properties 5.3.2 \set and \unset
changing properties 5.3.6 \tweak and \single
changing staff automatically Changing staff automatically
changing staff manually Changing staff manually
chant 2.1.7 Chants psalms and hymns
chant Setting a chant
\char A.12.8 Other markup commands
character name Character names
chart, fingering Fingerings
check mark Breath marks
check-consistency \paper variables for widths and margins
check-consistency A.24 Paper variables
Chinese cymbal A.17 Percussion notes
choir staff Grouping staves
choral Automatic accidentals
choral accidental style Automatic accidentals
choral tenor clef Clef
choral-cautionary Automatic accidentals
choral-cautionary accidental style Automatic accidentals
chord Chorded notes
chord 2.7.1 Chord mode
chord Printing chord names
chord diagram Fret diagram markups
chord diagram Predefined fret diagrams
chord diagram, automatic Automatic fret diagrams
chord grid Chord grids
chord inversion Chord inversions and specific voicings
chord mode Chord mode overview
chord name Chord mode overview
chord name Printing chord names
chord name, with fret diagrams Predefined fret diagrams
chord names, exceptions Customizing chord names
chord quality Common chords
chord separator, changing Customizing chord names
chord shape, for fretted instrument Predefined fret diagrams
chord step, altering Extended and altered chords
chord voicing Chord inversions and specific voicings
chord, accidentals in Automatic accidentals
chord, alternative name Customizing chord names
chord, and relative octave entry Relative octave entry
chord, and tie Ties
chord, broken Arpeggio
chord, cross-staff Staff-change lines
chord, empty Grace notes
chord, empty Dynamics
chord, empty Chorded notes
chord, empty Changing staff manually
chord, fingering Fingering instructions
chord, glissando, in tablatures Default tablatures
chord, jazz Customizing chord names
chord, major 7, layout Customizing chord names
chord, modifying a single note 5.3.6 \tweak and \single
chord, power Indicating power chords
chord, relative pitch Chorded notes
chord, repetition Chord repetition
chord, repetition Default tablatures
chord, rotating Chord inversions and specific voicings
chord, splitting across staves with \autoChange Changing staff automatically
chord, suppressing repeated Predefined fret diagrams
chord, suppressing repeated Printing chord names
chordChanges Predefined fret diagrams
chordChanges Printing chord names
ChordGrid Chord grids
\chordmode Relative octave entry
\chordmode Transpose
\chordmode Predefined fret diagrams
\chordmode 3.1 Input modes
chordNameExceptions Customizing chord names
chordNameExceptions Customizing chord names
chordNameLowercaseMinor Customizing chord names
ChordNames Predefined fret diagrams
ChordNames, with bar lines Customizing chord names
chordNameSeparator Customizing chord names
chordNameSeparator Customizing chord names
chordNoteNamer Customizing chord names
chordPrefixSpacer Customizing chord names
\chordRepeats Default tablatures
\chordRepeats A.22 Available music functions
chordRootNamer Customizing chord names
\chords Printing chord names
\chords 3.1 Input modes
chords, volta repeat, below Customizing chord names
chorus level in MIDI 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
Christian Harmony note head Shape note heads
church mode Key signature
church rest Compressing empty measures
\circle Graphic notation inside markup
\circle A.12.3 Graphical markup
circling text A.12.3 Graphical markup
\circulus Gregorian articulation signs
\circulus Repeat sign scripts
claves A.17 Percussion notes
clef Accidentals
\clef Clef
clef Clef
\clef A.22 Available music functions
clef Gregorian clefs
clef Kievan clefs
clef style Mensural clefs
clef style A.11 Clef styles
clef, alto Clef
clef, alto A.11 Clef styles
clef, alto varC A.11 Clef styles
clef, ancient Clef
clef, ancient music Mensural clefs
clef, ancient music A.11 Clef styles
clef, baritone Clef
clef, baritone varC A.11 Clef styles
clef, baritone varF A.11 Clef styles
clef, bass Clef
clef, bass A.11 Clef styles
clef, black mensural Mensural clefs
clef, black mensural A.11 Clef styles
clef, C Clef
clef, C A.11 Clef styles
clef, F Clef
clef, F A.11 Clef styles
clef, french Clef
clef, french A.11 Clef styles
clef, G Clef
clef, G A.11 Clef styles
clef, G2 A.11 Clef styles
clef, GG A.11 Clef styles
clef, Kievan Mensural clefs
clef, Kievan A.11 Clef styles
clef, mensural Mensural clefs
clef, mensural A.11 Clef styles
clef, mezzo-soprano Clef
clef, mezzo-soprano A.11 Clef styles
clef, moderntab Custom tablatures
clef, percussion Basic percussion notation
clef, percussion A.11 Clef styles
clef, Petrucci Mensural clefs
clef, Petrucci A.11 Clef styles
clef, soprano Clef
clef, soprano A.11 Clef styles
clef, subbass Clef
clef, subbass A.11 Clef styles
clef, tab Custom tablatures
clef, tab A.11 Clef styles
clef, tenor Clef
clef, tenor A.11 Clef styles
clef, tenor G A.11 Clef styles
clef, tenor varC A.11 Clef styles
clef, transposing Clef
clef, treble Clef
clef, treble A.11 Clef styles
clef, tweaking properties Clef
clef, varbaritone Clef
clef, varbaritone A.11 Clef styles
clef, varC A.11 Clef styles
clef, violin Clef
clef, violin A.11 Clef styles
clef, visibility following explicit change Special considerations
clef, visibility of transposition Special considerations
clef, with cue notes Clef
clip-regions 3.5 Controlling output
clip-regions A.24 Paper variables
closure A.21 Technical glossary
cluster Clusters
\cm 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
cm A.24 Paper variables
\coda Articulations and ornamentations
coda Segno repeat structure
\coda A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\coda Instrument-specific scripts
coda sign, variant Instrument-specific scripts
\codaMark Automatic bar lines
\codaMark Segno repeat appearance
\codaMark Manual repeat marks
\codaMark A.22 Available music functions
collision Collision resolution
collision, bar number Bar numbers
collision, cross-staff voices Changing staff manually
collision, ignoring Simultaneous expressions
collision, ignoring Collision resolution
color Coloring objects
color Coloring objects
color blind Coloring objects
color in chord Coloring objects
color, CSS-like codes Coloring objects
color, list of A.7 List of colors
color, rgb Coloring objects
color, suitable for dichromatism A.7 List of colors
colored note Coloring objects
colored note in chord Coloring objects
colored object Coloring objects
coloring note Coloring objects
coloring object Coloring objects
coloring object Painting objects white
coloring text A.12.8 Other markup commands
coloring voice Voice styles
\column Text alignment
\column A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
column Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks
column, text Separate text
column, text Text alignment
\column-lines A.13 Text markup list commands
\combine Graphic notation inside markup
\combine A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
combining parts Automatic part combining
combining parts, changing text Automatic part combining
comma interval References for Turkish classical music
comment 3.2.1 Structure of a score
comment 3.2.5 File structure
common-shortest-duration 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview
Completion_heads_engraver Automatic note splitting
Completion_rest_engraver Automatic note splitting
composer Default layout of bookpart and score titles
compound time signature Polymetric notation
\compound-meter A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\compoundMeter Polymetric notation
\compoundMeter A.22 Available music functions
\compressEmptyMeasures Compressing empty measures
compressing music Scaling durations
\compressMMRests Full measure rests
\compressMMRests Full measure rests
\compressMMRests Compressing empty measures
\compressMMRests A.22 Available music functions
\concat A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
concatenating text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
condensing rests Full measure rests
conducting signs Setting automatic beam behavior
conga A.17 Percussion notes
\consists 5.1.4 Modifying context plug-ins
\consists 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
\consists 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
constante hairpin Dynamics
contemporary glissando Glissando
\context 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts
\context Changing all contexts of the same type
context definitions with MIDI Setting MIDI block properties
\context in \layout block Changing all contexts of the same type
context property, changing default 5.1.5 Changing context default settings
context, adding alias 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
context, creating and referencing 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts
context, defining in MIDI 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
context, defining new 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
context, implicit 5.1.7 Context layout order
context, keeping alive 5.1.3 Keeping contexts alive
context, layout order 5.1.7 Context layout order
context, lifetime 5.1.3 Keeping contexts alive
context, properties 5.3.2 \set and \unset
context, Score-level 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
context-spec-music Collision resolution
contexts, overlaying Grouping staves
continuation, of notes 2.8.3 Graphical notation
control pitch Octave checks
control point, Bézier curve Modifying ties and slurs
control point, tweaking 5.3.6 \tweak and \single
controlling general text alignment A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
controlpitch Octave checks
copyright Default layout of bookpart and score titles
copyright sign Unicode
count visibility of percent repeats Percent repeats
counter, percent repeat Percent repeats
countPercentRepeats Percent repeats
cowbell A.17 Percussion notes
\cr Dynamics
crash cymbal A.17 Percussion notes
creating a table A.13 Text markup list commands
creating empty text object A.12.8 Other markup commands
creating horizontal space, in text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
creating horizontal space, in text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
creating text fraction A.12.8 Other markup commands
creating vertical space, in text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
creating vertical space, in text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
creating vertical space, in text A.12.8 Other markup commands
\cresc Dynamics
crescendo Dynamics
crescendo-event Quoting other voices
crescendoSpanner Dynamics
crescendoText Dynamics
\crescHairpin Dynamics
\crescTextCresc Dynamics
cross Special note heads
cross note head Special note heads
cross-staff arpeggio Arpeggio
cross-staff arpeggio bracket Staff-change lines
cross-staff beam Changing staff manually
cross-staff chord Staff-change lines
cross-staff collision Changing staff manually
cross-staff line Staff-change lines
cross-staff note Changing staff manually
cross-staff note Staff-change lines
cross-staff parenthesis-style arpeggio Arpeggio
cross-staff stem Staff-change lines
cross-staff tremolo Tremolo repeats
cross-voice arpeggio Arpeggio
\crossStaff Staff-change lines
\crossStaff A.22 Available music functions
CSS color codes Coloring objects
cue clef Clef
cue note Quoting other voices
cue note Formatting cue notes
cue note, formatting Formatting cue notes
cue note, removing Formatting cue notes
cue, in vocal score Musical cues
cue, musical Musical cues
\cueClef Formatting cue notes
\cueClef A.22 Available music functions
\cueClefUnset Formatting cue notes
\cueClefUnset A.22 Available music functions
\cueDuring Formatting cue notes
\cueDuring A.22 Available music functions
\cueDuring, and tags Using tags
\cueDuringWithClef Formatting cue notes
\cueDuringWithClef A.22 Available music functions
CueVoice Formatting cue notes
cuica A.17 Percussion notes
currentBarNumber Bar numbers
currentBarNumber Time administration
custodes Custodes
custom fret diagram Fret diagram markups
custom fret diagram Fret diagram markups
custom fret diagram, adding Predefined fret diagrams
custom fretboard fret diagram Predefined fret diagrams
custom metronome mark markup Metronome marks
custom rehearsal mark Rehearsal marks
custom string tuning Custom tablatures
customized fret diagram Fret diagram markups
customizing chord name Customizing chord names
\customTabClef A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
custos Custodes
cymbal, various A.17 Percussion notes

D.C. Segno repeat structure
D.C., manual Manual repeat marks
D.S. Segno repeat structure
D.S., forced at start Segno repeat appearance
D.S., manual Manual repeat marks
da capo Segno repeat structure
da capo, manual Manual repeat marks
dal segno Segno repeat structure
dal segno, forced at start Segno repeat appearance
dal segno, manual Manual repeat marks
dampened note, on fretted instrument Indicating harmonics and dampened notes
dash patterns, slur Slurs
dash patterns, slur Slurs
\dashBang Articulations and ornamentations
\dashDash Articulations and ornamentations
\dashDot Articulations and ornamentations
dashed phrasing slur Phrasing slurs
dashed slur Slurs
dashed tie Ties
\dashHat Articulations and ornamentations
\dashLarger Articulations and ornamentations
\dashPlus Articulations and ornamentations
\dashUnderscore Articulations and ornamentations
dead note, percussion Ghost notes
\deadNote Special note heads
\deadNote A.22 Available music functions
\deadNotesOff Special note heads
\deadNotesOn Special note heads
debug-beam-scoring \paper variables for debugging
debug-beam-scoring A.24 Paper variables
debug-slur-scoring \paper variables for debugging
debug-slur-scoring A.24 Paper variables
debug-tie-scoring \paper variables for debugging
debug-tie-scoring A.24 Paper variables
debugging, vertical spacing 4.6.1 Displaying spacing
decorating text Graphic notation inside markup
\decr Dynamics
\decresc Dynamics
decrescendo Dynamics
decrescendoSpanner Dynamics
decrescendoText Dynamics
dedication Default layout of bookpart and score titles
default Automatic accidentals
default Automatic accidentals
\default Rehearsal marks
\default Footnotes in music expressions
default accidental style Automatic accidentals
default accidental style Automatic accidentals
default bar line Automatic bar lines
default bar line, changing Bar lines
default context property, changing 5.1.5 Changing context default settings
default note duration Durations
default note name Accidentals
default pitch Durations
default vertical direction (-) Articulation direction indicators
default, offsetting 5.3.7 The \offset command
default-staff-staff-spacing Within-system spacing properties
\defaultchild 5.1.7 Context layout order
\defaultTimeSignature Time signature
define predefined fretboard Predefined fret diagrams
\defineBarLine Bar lines
\defineBarLine A.22 Available music functions
defining bar line Bar lines
delayed turn ornamentation Articulations and ornamentations
\deminutum Gregorian square neume ligatures
\deminutum Gregorian square neume ligatures
\denies 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
\denies 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
\denies 5.1.7 Context layout order
\descendens Gregorian square neume ligatures
\descendens Gregorian square neume ligatures
desk parts 1.6.3 Writing parts
diagram, chord for fretted instruments Fret diagram markups
diagram, fret Fret diagram markups
diagram, fret, customized Fret diagram markups
diagram, fret, transposing Predefined fret diagrams
diamond note head Special note heads
diamond-shaped note head Harmonics
dichromatism, suitable colors A.7 List of colors
\dim Dynamics
dim Common chords
dimension 5.4.3 Dimensions
dimension units 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
dimension-variables A.24 Paper variables
dimensions, of bounding box A.12.8 Other markup commands
\dimHairpin Dynamics
diminuendo Dynamics
\dimTextDecr Dynamics
\dimTextDecresc Dynamics
\dimTextDim Dynamics
\dir-column A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
direction, automatic, of stem, on center line Stems
direction, default (-) Articulation direction indicators
direction, default, of stem, on center line Stems
direction, down (_) Articulation direction indicators
direction, up (^) Articulation direction indicators
\discant A.12.7 Accordion registers
discant symbol, accordion Discant symbols
display vertical layout 4.6.1 Displaying spacing
\displayLilyMusic 3.7.1 Displaying LilyPond notation
\displayLilyMusic A.22 Available music functions
\displayMusic A.22 Available music functions
\displayScheme A.22 Available music functions
distance, absolute 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
distance, between staves 4.4.1 Flexible vertical spacing within systems
distance, scaled 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
divided lyrics Divisi lyrics
divided voices Score layouts for choral
divisi staves Hiding staves
divisio Divisiones
\divisioMaior Divisiones
\divisioMaxima Divisiones
\divisioMinima Divisiones
divisiones Divisiones
dodecaphonic Automatic accidentals
dodecaphonic accidental style Automatic accidentals
dodecaphonic-first Automatic accidentals
dodecaphonic-first accidental style Automatic accidentals
dodecaphonic-no-repeat Automatic accidentals
dodecaphonic-no-repeat accidental style Automatic accidentals
doit Falls and doits
\dorian Key signature
Dorian Key signature
\dotsDown Durations
\dotsNeutral Durations
\dotsUp Durations
dotted note Durations
dotted note, change number of dots Durations
dotted note, moving horizontally Collision resolution
dotted phrasing slur Phrasing slurs
dotted slur Slurs
dotted tie Ties
double bar line Bar lines
double bar line Automatic bar lines
double bar line Automatic bar lines
double bar line Section divisions
double flat Accidentals
double sharp Accidentals
double slurs, for legato chords Slurs
double-dotted note Durations
double-time signature Polymetric notation
\doubleflat A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\doublesharp A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
doubleSlurs Slurs
down direction (_) Articulation direction indicators
down-bow indication Bowing indications
\downbow Articulations and ornamentations
\downbow Bowing indications
\downbow Fermata scripts
\downmordent Articulations and ornamentations
\downmordent Articulation scripts
\downprall Articulations and ornamentations
\downprall Articulation scripts
\draw-circle Graphic notation inside markup
\draw-circle A.12.3 Graphical markup
\draw-dashed-line A.12.3 Graphical markup
\draw-dotted-line A.12.3 Graphical markup
\draw-hline A.12.3 Graphical markup
\draw-line Graphic notation inside markup
\draw-line A.12.3 Graphical markup
\draw-squiggle-line A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing beam, within text A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing box, with rounded corners A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing box, with rounded corners, around text A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing circle, within text A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing dashed line, within text A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing dotted line, within text A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing ellipse, around text A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing graphic object Graphic notation inside markup
drawing line, across a page A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing line, within text A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing oval, around text A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing path A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing polygon A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing solid box, within text A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing squiggled line, within text A.12.3 Graphical markup
drawing triangle, within text A.12.3 Graphical markup
\dropNote Chord inversions and specific voicings
\dropNote A.22 Available music functions
drum Basic percussion notation
drum Percussion staves
drum staff Instantiating new staves
drum, various A.17 Percussion notes
\drummode Instantiating new staves
\drummode Basic percussion notation
\drummode 3.1 Input modes
drumPitchNames Custom percussion staves
drumPitchTable Custom percussion staves
\drums Basic percussion notation
\drums 3.1 Input modes
DrumStaff Instantiating new staves
drumStyleTable Custom percussion staves
duration line 2.8.3 Graphical notation
duration, default Durations
duration, isolated Durations
duration, of note Durations
duration, scaling Scaling durations
\dwn Arabic note names
\dynamic New dynamic marks
\dynamic A.12.1 Font markup
dynamic mark, multiple on one note Dynamics
dynamic mark, new New dynamic marks
dynamic-event Quoting other voices
\dynamicDown Dynamics
DynamicLineSpanner Dynamics
DynamicLineSpanner Dynamics
\dynamicNeutral Dynamics
dynamics Dynamics
dynamics in MIDI 3.6.4 Controlling MIDI dynamics
dynamics in MIDI, custom Dynamic marks in MIDI
dynamics, absolute Dynamics
dynamics, breaking vertical alignment Dynamics
dynamics, centered in keyboard music References for keyboards
dynamics, editorial New dynamic marks
dynamics, extender line, hiding Dynamics
dynamics, parenthesis New dynamic marks
dynamics, text spanner, customize Text spanners
dynamics, text, style Dynamics
dynamics, vertical alignment Dynamics
dynamics, vertical positioning Dynamics
\dynamicUp Dynamics

easy notation Easy notation note heads
easy notation, using numbers Easy notation note heads
easy play note head Easy notation note heads
\easyHeadsOff Easy notation note heads
\easyHeadsOn Easy notation note heads
editorial dynamics New dynamic marks
effects in MIDI 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
electric snare A.17 Percussion notes
\ellipse A.12.3 Graphical markup
embedded graphics Graphic notation inside markup
embedding files, in PDF 3.5.4 Embedding files in PDF output
embedding graphic object Graphic notation inside markup
Emmentaler font A.8 The Emmentaler font
empty chord Grace notes
empty chord Dynamics
empty chord Changing staff manually
empty staff Hiding staves
\EnableGregorianDivisiones A.23 Context modification identifiers
\enablePolymeter A.22 Available music functions
encapsulated postscript output 3.5.3 Alternative output formats
enclosing text in box, with rounded corners A.12.3 Graphical markup
enclosing text within a box A.12.1 Font markup
end repeat Manual repeat marks
\endcr Dynamics
\enddecr Dynamics
\endSpanners 5.4.6 Line spanners
\endSpanners A.22 Available music functions
engraver, including in context 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
Engraver_group 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
ensemble music References for opera and stage musicals
entering lyrics Entering lyrics
entering multiple tuplets Tuplets
\episemFinis Gregorian articulation signs
\episemInitium Gregorian articulation signs
EPS output 3.5.3 Alternative output formats
EPS, image A.12.3 Graphical markup
\epsfile Graphic notation inside markup
\epsfile A.12.3 Graphical markup
equalization, instrument, replacing MIDI default Setting MIDI volume
\espressivo Articulations and ornamentations
\espressivo Dynamics
\espressivo A.15 List of articulations
espressivo articulation Dynamics
\etc Text markup introduction
\etc Substitution function examples
evenFooterMarkup A.24 Paper variables
evenHeaderMarkup A.24 Paper variables
\eventChords A.22 Available music functions
exception, chord names Customizing chord names
\expandEmptyMeasures Compressing empty measures
expanding music Scaling durations
explicitClefVisibility Special considerations
explicitKeySignatureVisibility Special considerations
expression in MIDI 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
expression, markup Text markup introduction
extended chord Extended and altered chords
extender Extenders and hyphens
extender line, dynamics, hiding Dynamics
extent, of actual inking A.12.8 Other markup commands
extent, of bounding box A.12.8 Other markup commands
extra natural sign, preventing Accidentals
extra voice for handling breaks 4.3.1 Line breaking
extra-offset Within-system spacing properties
extra-spacing-height Spacing between adjacent columns
extra-spacing-width Spacing between adjacent columns
\eyeglasses A.12.8 Other markup commands
Ez_numbers_engraver Easy notation note heads

\f Dynamics
F clef Clef
F clef A.11 Clef styles
fall Falls and doits
false (#f) A.26 Predefined type predicates
false note, percussion Ghost notes
\featherDurations Feathered beams
\featherDurations A.22 Available music functions
feathered beam Feathered beams
feature, OpenType font Font features
feature, OpenType font A.12.1 Font markup
\fermata Caesuras
\fermata Articulations and ornamentations
fermata Articulations and ornamentations
\fermata A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\fermata Ornament scripts
fermata Ornament scripts
fermata, Henze Articulations and ornamentations
fermata, Henze Ornament scripts
fermata, long Articulations and ornamentations
fermata, long Ornament scripts
fermata, on bar line Caesuras
fermata, on multi-measure rest Full measure rests
fermata, short Articulations and ornamentations
fermata, short Ornament scripts
Ferneyhough hairpin Dynamics
Feta font A.8 The Emmentaler font
\ff Dynamics
\fff Dynamics
\ffff Dynamics
\fffff Dynamics
figured bass Introduction to figured bass
figured bass, alignment Displaying figured bass
figured bass, alteration, glyphs Entering figured bass
figured bass, alteration, position Entering figured bass
figured bass, extender lines Entering figured bass
figured bass, vertical distance of elements Displaying figured bass
\figured-bass A.12.1 Font markup
figuredBassAlterationDirection Entering figured bass
figuredBassPlusDirection Entering figured bass
figuredBassPlusStrokedAlist Entering figured bass
\figuremode Introduction to figured bass
\figuremode 3.1 Input modes
\figures Introduction to figured bass
\figures 3.1 Input modes
files, embedding in PDF 3.5.4 Embedding files in PDF output
\fill-line Text alignment
\fill-line A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\fill-with-pattern 3.3.7 Table of contents
\fill-with-pattern A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\filled-box Graphic notation inside markup
\filled-box A.12.3 Graphical markup
final bar line Bar lines
final bar line Automatic bar lines
final bar line Section divisions
final bar line, in Gregorian chant Divisiones
final bar line, in Kievan chant Kievan bar lines
\finalis Divisiones
finalis Divisiones
\fine Automatic bar lines
\fine Section divisions
\fine Al-fine repeats
\fine Segno repeat structure
\fine Kievan bar lines
fine Segno repeat structure
\finger Fingering instructions
\finger A.12.1 Font markup
\finger A.22 Available music functions
finger change Fingering instructions
fingering Fingering instructions
fingering chart Fingerings
fingering vs. string number String number indications
fingering, adding to fret diagram Automatic fret diagrams
fingering, and multi-measure rest Full measure rests
fingering, glide Gliding fingers
fingering, inside of staff Fingering instructions
fingering, line between Gliding fingers
fingering, orientation Fingering instructions
fingering, right-hand, for fretted instruments Right-hand fingerings
fingering, right-hand, placement Right-hand fingerings
fingering, stem support Fingering instructions
fingering, symbols for wind instruments Fingerings
fingering, thumb Articulations and ornamentations
fingering, thumb Fingering instructions
fingering, thumb Fermata scripts
fingeringOrientations Fingering instructions
first-page-number \paper variables for page numbering
first-page-number A.24 Paper variables
\first-visible A.12.8 Other markup commands
\fixed Absolute octave entry
\fixed A.22 Available music functions
flag, mensural Mensural flags
\flageolet Articulations and ornamentations
\flageolet Fermata scripts
flags, flat Manual beams
flared hairpin Dynamics
flat Accidentals
\flat A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
flat flags Manual beams
flat, double Accidentals
flex program A.21 Technical glossary
\flexa Gregorian square neume ligatures
floor tom tom A.17 Percussion notes
follow voice Staff-change lines
followVoice Staff-change lines
font A.21 Technical glossary
font family Selecting font and font size
font family, setting Changing fonts
font feature, OpenType Font features
font feature, OpenType A.12.1 Font markup
font size Selecting font and font size
font size (notation) Selecting notation font size
font size (notation), scaling Selecting notation font size
font size (notation), standard Selecting notation font size
font size, setting 4.2.2 Setting the staff size
font switching Selecting font and font size
font, changing for entire document Changing fonts
font, Emmentaler A.8 The Emmentaler font
font, external files Finding fonts
font, Feta A.8 The Emmentaler font
font, finding Finding fonts
font, Parmesan A.8 The Emmentaler font
font-interface Selecting notation font size
font-size Selecting notation font size
font-size Selecting notation font size
\fontCaps A.12.1 Font markup
FontConfig 1.8.3 Fonts
fonts Changing fonts
fontSize Selecting notation font size
\fontsize Selecting font and font size
\fontsize A.12.1 Font markup
foot mark Articulations and ornamentations
foot mark Fermata scripts
footer 3.3 Titles and headers
footer, page Default layout of headers and footers
\footnote Footnotes in music expressions
\footnote A.12.8 Other markup commands
\footnote A.22 Available music functions
footnote 3.3.4 Creating footnotes
footnote, event-based Footnotes in music expressions
footnote, in music expressions Footnotes in music expressions
footnote, in stand-alone text Footnotes in stand-alone text
footnote, time-based Footnotes in music expressions
footnote-footer-padding A.24 Paper variables
footnote-number-raise A.24 Paper variables
footnote-numbering-function A.24 Paper variables
footnote-padding A.24 Paper variables
footnote-separator-markup \paper variables concerning headers and markups
footnote-separator-markup A.24 Paper variables
Forbid_line_break_engraver Tuplets
forced vertical direction of grobs Articulation direction indicators
forget Automatic accidentals
forget accidental style Automatic accidentals
format, rehearsal mark Rehearsal marks
formatting, cue notes Formatting cue notes
formatting, in lyrics Entering lyrics
formatting, text spanner Text spanners
four-bar music 4.3.1 Line breaking
four-string-banjo Banjo tablatures
\fp Dynamics
\fraction A.12.8 Other markup commands
fragment Formatting cue notes
fragment, music 3.5 Controlling output
fragment, quoting Quoting other voices
framing text Graphic notation inside markup
\freeBass A.12.7 Accordion registers
French clef Clef
French clef A.11 Clef styles
\frenchChords Customizing chord names
Frenched score Hiding staves
Frenched staff Ossia staves
Frenched staff Hiding staves
fret Default tablatures
fret diagram Fret diagram markups
fret diagram Predefined fret diagrams
fret diagram, adding custom Predefined fret diagrams
fret diagram, adding fingering Automatic fret diagrams
fret diagram, automatic Automatic fret diagrams
fret diagram, changing orientation Fret diagram markups
fret diagram, custom Fret diagram markups
fret diagram, customized Fret diagram markups
fret diagram, customized Fret diagram markups
fret diagram, left-handed Fret diagram markups
fret diagram, mandolin Predefined fret diagrams
fret diagram, markup Fret diagram markups
fret diagram, transposing Predefined fret diagrams
fret diagram, ukulele Predefined fret diagrams
fret diagram, with chord names Predefined fret diagrams
\fret-diagram Fret diagram markups
\fret-diagram A.12.6 Instrument-specific markup
fret-diagram-interface Fret diagram markups
\fret-diagram-terse Fret diagram markups
\fret-diagram-terse A.12.6 Instrument-specific markup
\fret-diagram-terse markup Fret diagram markups
\fret-diagram-verbose Fret diagram markups
\fret-diagram-verbose A.12.6 Instrument-specific markup
\fret-diagram-verbose markup Fret diagram markups
fretboard fret diagram, customized Predefined fret diagrams
fretboard, alternate table Predefined fret diagrams
fretboard, define predefined Predefined fret diagrams
FretBoards Predefined fret diagrams
fretted instrument, chord shape Predefined fret diagrams
fretted instrument, dampened note Indicating harmonics and dampened notes
fretted instrument, harmonics Indicating harmonics and dampened notes
fretted instrument, indicating position and barring Indicating position and barring
fretted instrument, predefined string tunings Custom tablatures
fretted instrument, right-hand fingering Right-hand fingerings
\fromproperty A.12.8 Other markup commands
full score 2.1.6 Opera and stage musicals
full score References for opera and stage musicals
full-measure rest Full measure rests
funk shape note head Shape note heads
\funkHeads Shape note heads
\funkHeadsMinor Shape note heads

G clef Clef
\general-align Text alignment
\general-align A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\germanChords Customizing chord names
ghost note Parentheses
ghost note, percussion Ghost notes
glide Gliding fingers
\glide Gliding fingers
\glide A.22 Available music functions
gliding fingering Gliding fingers
\glissando Glissando
glissando Glissando
glissando, across repeats Glissando
glissando, and repeats Segno repeat appearance
glissando, breakable Glissando
glissando, chords in tablatures Default tablatures
glissando, contemporary Glissando
glissando, timing marks Glissando
\glissandoMap Glissando
global replacement, automatic, of strings ASCII aliases
global variable A.21 Technical glossary
glyph A.21 Technical glossary
glyph set, accidental A.10 Accidental glyph sets
glyph, alternate accidentals Alternate accidental glyphs
glyph, bounding box A.12.8 Other markup commands
glyph, for figured bass alteration Entering figured bass
\grace Grace notes
\grace A.22 Available music functions
grace note Grace notes
grace note Bagpipe definitions
grace note, and lyrics Stanzas with different rhythms
grace note, and strict spacing Grace notes
grace note, changing layout settings Grace notes
grace note, changing layout settings Grace notes
grace note, following Grace notes
grace note, synchronization Grace notes
grace note, tweaking Grace notes
grace note, tweaking Grace notes
grammar, for LilyPond A.21 Technical glossary
grand staff Grouping staves
graphic notation Graphic notation inside markup
graphic object, drawing Graphic notation inside markup
graphic object, embedding Graphic notation inside markup
graphical object A.21 Technical glossary
graphical object interface A.21 Technical glossary
graphics, embedding Graphic notation inside markup
graphics, embedding Graphic notation inside markup
Gregorian accidental Gregorian accidentals and key signatures
Gregorian articulation Gregorian articulation signs
Gregorian articulation, accentus Gregorian articulation signs
Gregorian articulation, accentus Repeat sign scripts
Gregorian articulation, circulus Gregorian articulation signs
Gregorian articulation, circulus Repeat sign scripts
Gregorian articulation, episem finis Gregorian articulation signs
Gregorian articulation, episem initium Gregorian articulation signs
Gregorian articulation, ictus Gregorian articulation signs
Gregorian articulation, ictus Repeat sign scripts
Gregorian articulation, semicirculus Gregorian articulation signs
Gregorian articulation, semicirculus Repeat sign scripts
Gregorian key signature Gregorian accidentals and key signatures
Gregorian music, modern transcription Setting a chant
Gregorian square neumes ligature Gregorian square neume ligatures
Gregorian transcription staff Instantiating new staves
GregorianTranscriptionStaff Instantiating new staves
grid line Grid lines
grid lines, changing appearance Grid lines
gridInterval Grid lines
Grid_line_span_engraver Grid lines
Grid_point_engraver Grid lines
grob 5.2.2 Layout interfaces
grob A.21 Technical glossary
grob, and whiteout Ties
grob, and whiteout Painting objects white
grob, overwriting Ties
grob, overwriting Painting objects white
grob, property 5.3.3 \override and \revert
grob, vertical position Articulation direction indicators
grob, visibility of 5.4.7 Visibility of objects
grob-interface A.21 Technical glossary
\grobdescriptions A.22 Available music functions
grouping beats Setting automatic beam behavior
grow-direction Feathered beams
guiro A.17 Percussion notes
guitar note head Special note heads
guitar tablature 2.4 Fretted string instruments
guitar, chord chart Showing melody rhythms
guitar, strumming rhythm, showing Showing melody rhythms
guitar, strumming rhythm, showing Showing melody rhythms
gutter \paper variables for two-sided mode

hairpin Dynamics
hairpin, al niente Dynamics
hairpin, aligning ends to NoteColumn directions Dynamics
hairpin, angled Rotating layout objects
hairpin, constante Dynamics
hairpin, Ferneyhough Dynamics
hairpin, flared Dynamics
hairpin, minimum length Dynamics
hairpin, moving ends of Dynamics
hairpin, stopping at bar lines Dynamics
half open high hat A.17 Percussion notes
half-open high hat Articulations and ornamentations
half-open high hat Custom percussion staves
\halfopen Articulations and ornamentations
\halfopen Custom percussion staves
\halfopen Fermata scripts
\halign Text alignment
\halign A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
hammer on Default tablatures
hand clap A.17 Percussion notes
Harmonia Sacra note head Shape note heads
\harmonic Special note heads
\harmonic Harmonics
\harmonic Default tablatures
harmonic indication, in tablature notation Default tablatures
harmonic note head Special note heads
harmonic, in tablatures Default tablatures
\harmonicByFret Default tablatures
\harmonicByFret A.22 Available music functions
\harmonicByRatio Default tablatures
\harmonicByRatio A.22 Available music functions
\harmonicNote A.22 Available music functions
harmonics, artificial Harmonics
harmonics, flageolet Articulations and ornamentations
harmonics, flageolet Fermata scripts
harmonics, natural Harmonics
harmonics, on fretted instrument Indicating harmonics and dampened notes
\harmonicsOff Harmonics
\harmonicsOn Harmonics
\harmonicsOn A.22 Available music functions
harp References for harps
harp pedal Harp pedals
harp pedal diagram Harp pedals
\harp-pedal A.12.6 Instrument-specific markup
\haydnturn Articulations and ornamentations
\haydnturn Articulation scripts
\hbracket Graphic notation inside markup
\hbracket A.12.3 Graphical markup
\hcenter-in A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\header 3.2.5 File structure
header 3.3 Titles and headers
header, page Default layout of headers and footers
Hel-arabic note name Arabic note names
help, balloon Balloon help
Henze fermata Articulations and ornamentations
Henze fermata Ornament scripts
\henzelongfermata Articulations and ornamentations
\henzelongfermata Ornament scripts
\henzeshortfermata Articulations and ornamentations
\henzeshortfermata Ornament scripts
hidden note Hidden notes
\hide Making objects transparent
\hide A.22 Available music functions
\hideKeySignature Bagpipe definitions
\hideNotes Hidden notes
\hideSplitTiedTabNotes Default tablatures
\hideStaffSwitch Staff-change lines
hiding accidentals, on tied notes at start of system Accidentals
hiding ancient staves Hiding staves
hiding dynamics extender line Dynamics
hiding rhythmic staves Hiding staves
hiding staves Hiding staves
hiding Vaticana staves Hiding staves
high bongo A.17 Percussion notes
high conga A.17 Percussion notes
high hat A.17 Percussion notes
high hat, half open Articulations and ornamentations
high hat, half open Custom percussion staves
high hat, half open A.17 Percussion notes
high hat, open Articulations and ornamentations
high hat, open A.17 Percussion notes
high hat, pedal Articulations and ornamentations
high hat, pedal Custom percussion staves
high hat, pedal A.17 Percussion notes
high timbale A.17 Percussion notes
high tom tom A.17 Percussion notes
highlight, staff Staff highlights
horizontal alignment, lyrics Placing syllables horizontally
horizontal beams Default tablatures
horizontal bracket Analysis brackets
horizontal padding in markup Text alignment
horizontal shift of notes Collision resolution
horizontal spacing 4.5 Horizontal spacing
horizontal spacing, between columns Spacing between adjacent columns
horizontal spacing, between non-musical items Spacing between adjacent non-musical items
horizontal text alignment Text alignment
horizontal-shift \paper variables for shifts and indents
horizontal-shift A.24 Paper variables
HorizontalBracketText Analysis brackets
horizontally centering text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
Horizontal_bracket_engraver Analysis brackets
\hspace Text alignment
\hspace A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
Hufnagel 2.9 Ancient notation
Hufnagel 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles
\huge Selecting notation font size
\huge Selecting font and font size
\huge A.12.1 Font markup
hymn 2.1.7 Chants psalms and hymns
hymn Setting a chant
hymn, and partial measures Partial measures in hymn tunes
hyperlink, as QR code A.12.8 Other markup commands
hyphen Extenders and hyphens

\ictus Gregorian articulation signs
\ictus Repeat sign scripts
\if Custom layout for headers and footers
\if A.12.5 Conditional markup
\iij Gregorian square neume ligatures
\IIJ Gregorian square neume ligatures
\ij Gregorian square neume ligatures
\IJ Gregorian square neume ligatures
\image A.12.3 Graphical markup
image A.12.3 Graphical markup
image, embedding Graphic notation inside markup
immutable object A.21 Technical glossary
immutable property A.21 Technical glossary
implicit context 5.1.7 Context layout order
importing stencil, into text A.12.8 Other markup commands
improvisation Improvisation
improvisation, Arabic Arabic time signatures
\improvisationOff Improvisation
\improvisationOff Showing melody rhythms
\improvisationOn Improvisation
\improvisationOn Showing melody rhythms
\in 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
in A.24 Paper variables
in-note 3.3.5 Creating in-notes
in-note-direction 3.3.5 Creating in-notes
in-note-padding 3.3.5 Creating in-notes
in-note-padding A.24 Paper variables
in-note-system-padding 3.3.5 Creating in-notes
in-note-system-padding A.24 Paper variables
inch (in) 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
\incipit Incipits
\incipit A.22 Available music functions
incipit, adding Incipits
incipit-width A.24 Paper variables
\inclinatum Gregorian square neume ligatures
\inclinatum Gregorian square neume ligatures
\include 3.2.5 File structure
\include 3.4.1 Including LilyPond files
include settings Using global settings
including files 3.4.1 Including LilyPond files
indent Instrument names
indent \paper variables for shifts and indents
indent 4.5.5 Line width
indent A.24 Paper variables
indicating No Chord in ChordNames Printing chord names
indicating position and barring for fretted instrument Indicating position and barring
individual parts 1.6.3 Writing parts
\inherit-acceptability 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
\inherit-acceptability A.22 Available music functions
\initialContextFrom A.22 Available music functions
inner-margin \paper variables for two-sided mode
inner-margin A.24 Paper variables
inserting music, into text A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
inserting PostScript directly, into text A.12.3 Graphical markup
inserting URL link, into text A.12.3 Graphical markup
\inStaffSegno Automatic bar lines
\inStaffSegno Automatic bar lines
\inStaffSegno Manual repeat marks
\inStaffSegno A.22 Available music functions
instrument Default layout of bookpart and score titles
instrument equalization in MIDI, replacing default Setting MIDI volume
instrument name Instrument names
instrument name 3.6.9 Enhancing MIDI output
instrument name, adding to other contexts Instrument names
instrument name, centering Instrument names
instrument name, changing Instrument names
instrument name, complex Instrument names
instrument name, short Instrument names
instrument, transposing Transpose
\instrumentSwitch A.22 Available music functions
interface A.21 Technical glossary
interface, layout 5.2.2 Layout interfaces
interleaved music Writing music in parallel
Internals Reference 5 Changing defaults
\inversion Inversion
inversion Inversion
\inversion A.22 Available music functions
inversion, modal Modal transformations
\invertChords Chord inversions and specific voicings
\invertChords A.22 Available music functions
invisible note Hidden notes
invisible rest Invisible rests
invisible stem Stems
\ionian Key signature
Ionian Key signature
is-last-bookpart A.24 Paper variables
isolated duration Durations
isolated percent repeat Percent repeats
isolated pitch Durations
\italianChords Customizing chord names
\italic Selecting font and font size
\italic A.12.1 Font markup
item, musical Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks
item, non-musical Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks

jazz chord Customizing chord names
\jump Manual repeat marks
\jump A.22 Available music functions
justified text Text alignment
\justified-lines Text markup introduction
\justified-lines A.13 Text markup list commands
\justify Text alignment
\justify A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\justify-field A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\justify-line A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\justify-string A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
justifying lines of text A.13 Text markup list commands
justifying text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment

keep tagged music Using tags
keepAliveInterfaces Hiding staves
\keepWithTag Using tags
\keepWithTag A.22 Available music functions
\key Key signature
\key Shape note heads
\key A.22 Available music functions
key cancellation, before bar line Spacing between adjacent non-musical items
key signature Accidentals
key signature Key signature
key signature, Gregorian Gregorian accidentals and key signatures
key signature, mensural Mensural accidentals and key signatures
key signature, non-traditional Key signature
key signature, preventing natural signs Key signature
key signature, visibility following explicit change Special considerations
keyboard instrument staff References for keyboards
keyboard music, centering dynamics References for keyboards
keyed instrument staff References for keyboards
Kievan accidental Kievan accidentals
Kievan clef Mensural clefs
Kievan clef A.11 Clef styles
Kievan ligature Kievan melismata
\kievanOff Kievan notes
\kievanOn Kievan notes
KievanStaff Kievan contexts
KievanVoice Kievan contexts
\killCues Formatting cue notes
\killCues A.22 Available music functions
Kirchenpause Compressing empty measures
knee gap, with beams Automatic beams
knee gap, with beams, changing Automatic beams
koron Persian music notation

\label 3.3.6 Reference to page numbers
\label A.22 Available music functions
label-alist-table A.24 Paper variables
label-page-table A.24 Paper variables
laissez vibrer Ties
\laissezVibrer Ties
landscape A.24 Paper variables
\language A.22 Available music functions
language, note names in other Note names in other languages
language, pitch names in other Note names in other languages
\languageRestore A.22 Available music functions
\languageSaveAndChange A.22 Available music functions
\large Selecting notation font size
\large Selecting font and font size
\large A.12.1 Font markup
\larger Selecting font and font size
\larger Selecting font and font size
\larger A.12.1 Font markup
last-bottom-spacing List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables
last-bottom-spacing A.24 Paper variables
layer Painting objects white
\layout 3.2.5 File structure
\layout 4.2.1 The \layout block
\layout Output definitions – blueprints for contexts
\layout Changing all contexts of the same type
layout interface 5.2.2 Layout interfaces
layout object A.21 Technical glossary
\layout, and \book 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book
\layout, and \bookpart 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book
layout, file 4.2.2 Setting the staff size
layout, major 7 chord Customizing chord names
layout, vertical, debugging 4.6.1 Displaying spacing
layout-set-staff-size 4.2.2 Setting the staff size
lead sheet Printing chord names
ledger line Staff symbol
ledger line, internal Staff symbol
ledger line, modifying Staff symbol
\left-align Text alignment
\left-align A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
left-aligning text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\left-brace A.12.8 Other markup commands
\left-column A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
left-handed fret diagram Fret diagram markups
left-margin \paper variables for widths and margins
left-margin A.24 Paper variables
length of multi-measure rest Full measure rests
length of note Durations
lexer A.21 Technical glossary
\lheel Articulations and ornamentations
\lheel Fermata scripts
\ligature A.22 Available music functions
ligature Ligatures
ligature, in text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
ligature, Kievan Kievan melismata
ligature, mensural White mensural ligatures
ligature, square neumes Gregorian square neume ligatures
LilyPond grammar A.21 Technical glossary
\line A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
line break Bar lines
line break, beams Automatic beams
line break, beams Automatic beams
line break, cadenzas Unmetered music
line break, managing with extra voice 4.3.1 Line breaking
line break, unmetered music Unmetered music
line comment 3.2.1 Structure of a score
line comment 3.2.5 File structure
line, barré Indicating position and barring
line, between fingerings Gliding fingers
line, cross-staff Staff-change lines
line, grid Grid lines
line, staff-change Staff-change lines
line, staff-change follower Staff-change lines
line, to indicate duration 2.8.3 Graphical notation
line-thickness A.24 Paper variables
line-width Text alignment
line-width \paper variables for widths and margins
line-width 4.5.5 Line width
line-width A.24 Paper variables
\linea Gregorian square neume ligatures
\linea Gregorian square neume ligatures
\lineprall Articulations and ornamentations
\lineprall Articulation scripts
lines, vertical, between staves Grid lines
list of colors A.7 List of colors
list of keys in woodwind diagrams Woodwind diagrams
list of markups Text markup introduction
list of woodwind diagrams Woodwind diagrams
\locrian Key signature
Locrian Key signature
long fermata Articulations and ornamentations
long fermata Ornament scripts
\longa Durations
\longa Rests
longa rest Rests
\longfermata Articulations and ornamentations
\longfermata Ornament scripts
\lookup A.12.8 Other markup commands
low bongo A.17 Percussion notes
low conga A.17 Percussion notes
low timbale A.17 Percussion notes
low tom tom A.17 Percussion notes
\lower Text alignment
\lower A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
lowering text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\ltoe Articulations and ornamentations
\ltoe Fermata scripts
lute tablature Lute tablatures
lute tuning Lute tablatures
ly:minimal-breaking Minimal page breaking
ly:one-line-auto-height-breaking One-line-auto-height page breaking
ly:one-line-breaking One-line page breaking
ly:one-page-breaking One-page page breaking
ly:optimal-breaking Optimal page breaking
ly:page-turn-breaking Optimal page turning
\lydian Key signature
Lydian Key signature
\lyricmode Entering lyrics
\lyricmode Aligning lyrics to a melody
\lyricmode 3.1 Input modes
\lyrics 3.1 Input modes
lyrics, aligning to a melody Aligning lyrics to a melody
lyrics, aligning with sporadic melody 5.1.3 Keeping contexts alive
lyrics, and markup Entering lyrics
lyrics, and melodies Automatic syllable durations
lyrics, and tied notes Lyrics and repeats
lyrics, assigned to one voice Single-staff polyphony
lyrics, avoid bar lines Placing syllables horizontally
lyrics, divided Divisi lyrics
lyrics, entering Entering lyrics
lyrics, formatting Entering lyrics
lyrics, horizontal alignment Placing syllables horizontally
lyrics, increasing space between Placing syllables horizontally
lyrics, keeping inside margin Text scripts
lyrics, keeping inside margin Placing syllables horizontally
lyrics, on grace notes Stanzas with different rhythms
lyrics, positioning Ossia staves
lyrics, positioning Placing lyrics vertically
lyrics, punctuation Entering lyrics
lyrics, repeating Lyrics and repeats
lyrics, repeats with alternative endings Lyrics and repeats
lyrics, separate, on single line Placing lyrics vertically
lyrics, shared among voices Polyphony with shared lyrics
lyrics, skip Invisible rests
lyrics, skipping notes Lyrics and repeats
lyrics, using variables Working with lyrics and variables
lyrics, version 2.12 spacing Placing lyrics vertically
lyrics, with beam Setting automatic beam behavior
\lyricsto Aligning lyrics to a melody
\lyricsto Automatic syllable durations
\lyricsto Automatic syllable durations

m Common chords
magnification->font-size Selecting notation font size
magnification->font-size 4.2.2 Setting the staff size
\magnify Selecting font and font size
\magnify A.12.1 Font markup
magnifying text A.12.1 Font markup
\magnifyMusic Selecting notation font size
\magnifyMusic A.22 Available music functions
\magnifyStaff 4.2.2 Setting the staff size
\magnifyStaff A.22 Available music functions
magstep Selecting notation font size
magstep 4.2.2 Setting the staff size
magstep 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
maj Common chords
\major Key signature
major Key signature
major 7 chord, layout Customizing chord names
major seven symbol Customizing chord names
majorSevenSymbol Customizing chord names
majorSevenSymbol Customizing chord names
makam Extending notation and tuning systems
makam References for Turkish classical music
makam Turkish note names
makam, example Turkish key signatures
makamlar Extending notation and tuning systems
makamlar References for Turkish classical music
makamlar Turkish note names
make-dynamic-script New dynamic marks
make-footer A.24 Paper variables
make-header A.24 Paper variables
make-relative Substitution functions and relative octave entry
\makeClusters Clusters
\makeClusters A.22 Available music functions
\makeDefaultStringTuning A.22 Available music functions
manual bar line Bar lines
manual beam Automatic beams
manual beam Manual beams
manual beam, direction shorthand for Manual beams
manual beam, grace notes Manual beams
manual engraving of ties Ties
manual line break 4.3.1 Line breaking
manual measure line Bar lines
manual rehearsal mark Rehearsal marks
manual repeat mark Manual repeat marks
manual staff change Changing staff manually
maqam Extending notation and tuning systems
maqam References for Arabic music
maracas A.17 Percussion notes
\marcato Articulations and ornamentations
marcato Articulations and ornamentations
\marcato A.15 List of articulations
margin, text running over Text scripts
\mark Rehearsal marks
\mark Text marks
\mark A.22 Available music functions
mark, on every staff Rehearsal marks
mark, phrasing Phrasing slurs
mark, rehearsal Rehearsal marks
mark, rehearsal, below staff Metronome marks
mark, rehearsal, format Rehearsal marks
mark, rehearsal, manual Rehearsal marks
mark, rehearsal, style Rehearsal marks
mark, text Text marks
\markalphabet A.12.8 Other markup commands
\markLengthOff Metronome marks
\markLengthOff Text marks
\markLengthOn Metronome marks
\markLengthOn Text marks
\markletter A.12.8 Other markup commands
\markup Text objects overview
\markup Text marks
\markup Separate text
\markup Separate text
\markup Text markup introduction
\markup 3.1 Input modes
markup Text markup introduction
markup expression Text markup introduction
markup list Text markup introduction
markup mode, quoted text Text markup introduction
markup mode, special characters Text markup introduction
markup object Text objects overview
markup syntax Text markup introduction
markup text Text markup introduction
markup text, aligning Text alignment
markup text, alignment command Text alignment
markup text, decorating Graphic notation inside markup
markup text, framing Graphic notation inside markup
markup text, justified Text alignment
markup text, line width Text alignment
markup text, multi-page Text markup introduction
markup text, padding Graphic notation inside markup
markup text, word-wrapped Text alignment
markup, aligning Text alignment
markup, centering on page Text alignment
markup, conditional Custom layout for headers and footers
markup, image A.12.3 Graphical markup
markup, in lyrics Entering lyrics
markup, multi-line Text alignment
markup, multi-measure rest Full measure rests
markup, multi-page Text markup introduction
markup, music notation inside Music notation inside markup
markup, on multi-measure rest Full measure rests
markup, rhythm A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
markup, score inside Music notation inside markup
markup, text, inside slurs Slurs
markup, two-column Separate text
markup-markup-spacing List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables
markup-markup-spacing A.24 Paper variables
markup-system-spacing List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables
markup-system-spacing A.24 Paper variables
\markuplist Separate text
\markuplist Text markup introduction
\markupMap A.22 Available music functions
Mark_engraver Rehearsal marks
matter, prefatory Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks
matter, prefatory Spacing between adjacent non-musical items
max-systems-per-page \paper variables for line breaking
max-systems-per-page A.24 Paper variables
\maxima Durations
\maxima Rests
maxima rest Rests
measure check Bar and bar number checks
measure counter Measure counts
measure grouping Setting automatic beam behavior
measure line Bar lines
measure line Automatic bar lines
measure line, invisible Bar lines
measure line, manual Bar lines
measure number Bar numbers
measure number Time administration
measure number check Bar and bar number checks
measure number, and repeats Segno repeat appearance
measure number, style Bar numbers
measure repeat Percent repeats
measure subgrouping Setting automatic beam behavior
measure, partial Upbeats
measure, partial, in hymns Partial measures in hymn tunes
measure, pickup Upbeats
measureBarType Bar lines
measureLength Setting automatic beam behavior
measureLength Time administration
measurePosition Upbeats
measurePosition Time administration
Measure_grouping_engraver Setting automatic beam behavior
measuring units 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
Medicaea, Editio 2.9 Ancient notation
Medicaea, Editio 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles
medium interval References for Arabic music
\melisma Multiple notes to one syllable
melisma Multiple notes to one syllable
melisma Extenders and hyphens
melisma, with beams Automatic beams
\melismaEnd Multiple notes to one syllable
melismata Multiple notes to one syllable
melody rhythm, showing Showing melody rhythms
mensural 2.9 Ancient notation
mensural 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles
mensural clef Mensural clefs
mensural clef A.11 Clef styles
mensural flag Mensural flags
mensural ligature White mensural ligatures
mensural music, transcription of Grouping staves
mensural notation, signum congruentiae Repeat sign scripts
MensuralStaff Instantiating new staves
MensuralStaff Mensural contexts
MensuralVoice Mensural contexts
mensuration sign Mensural time signatures
Mensurstriche Mensurstriche layout
Mensurstriche layout Grouping staves
\mergeDifferentlyDottedOff Collision resolution
\mergeDifferentlyDottedOn Collision resolution
\mergeDifferentlyHeadedOff Collision resolution
\mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn Collision resolution
merging notes Collision resolution
merging rests Merging rests
merging text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
merging text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
meter Time signature
meter Default layout of bookpart and score titles
meter style Time signature
meter, polymetric Polymetric notation
metronome mark Metronome marks
metronome mark, below staff Metronome marks
metronome mark, custom markup Metronome marks
mezzo-soprano clef Clef
mezzo-soprano clef A.11 Clef styles
\mf Dynamics
microtone Note names in other languages
microtone, tab Custom tablatures
mid tom tom A.17 Percussion notes
MIDI Instrument transpositions
\midi 3.2.5 File structure
\midi Output definitions – blueprints for contexts
MIDI 3.6 Creating MIDI output
MIDI, balance 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
MIDI, block 3.6.3 The MIDI block
MIDI, channels 3.6.7 MIDI channel mapping
MIDI, chorus level 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
MIDI, context definitions Setting MIDI block properties
MIDI, custom dynamics Dynamic marks in MIDI
MIDI, dynamics 3.6.4 Controlling MIDI dynamics
MIDI, effects 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
MIDI, equalization 3.6.4 Controlling MIDI dynamics
MIDI, expression 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
MIDI, instrument 3.6.9 Enhancing MIDI output
MIDI, metadata 3.3.3 Creating output file metadata
MIDI, one channel per voice 3.6.7 MIDI channel mapping
MIDI, pan position 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
MIDI, replacing default instrument equalization Setting MIDI volume
MIDI, reverb 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
MIDI, stereo balance 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
MIDI, supported notation 3.6 Creating MIDI output
MIDI, tracks 3.6.7 MIDI channel mapping
MIDI, transposition Instrument transpositions
MIDI, unsupported notation 3.6.1 Supported notation for MIDI
MIDI, using repeats 3.6.6 Using repeats with MIDI
MIDI, volume 3.6.4 Controlling MIDI dynamics
midiBalance 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
midiChannelMapping 3.6.7 MIDI channel mapping
midiChorusLevel 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
midiDrumPitches Custom percussion staves
midiExpression 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
midiPanPosition 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
midiReverbLevel 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
millimeter (mm) 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
min-systems-per-page \paper variables for line breaking
min-systems-per-page A.24 Paper variables
minimum length, hairpin Dynamics
minimum-Y-extent Within-system spacing properties
minimumFret Default tablatures
minimumFret Automatic fret diagrams
minimumPageTurnLength Optimal page turning
minimumRepeatLengthForPageTurn Optimal page turning
\minor Key signature
minor Key signature
minorChordModifier Customizing chord names
mirroring markup A.12.3 Graphical markup
mixed Piano pedals
\mixolydian Key signature
Mixolydian Key signature
\mm 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
mm A.24 Paper variables
modal inversion Modal transformations
modal transformation Modal transformations
modal transposition Modal transformations
\modalInversion Modal transformations
\modalInversion A.22 Available music functions
\modalTranspose Modal transformations
\modalTranspose A.22 Available music functions
mode Key signature
modern Automatic accidentals
modern accidental Automatic accidentals
modern accidental style Automatic accidentals
modern accidental style Automatic accidentals
modern style accidental Automatic accidentals
modern transcription of Gregorian music Setting a chant
modern-cautionary Automatic accidentals
modern-cautionary accidental style Automatic accidentals
modern-cautionary accidental style Automatic accidentals
modern-voice Automatic accidentals
modern-voice-cautionary Automatic accidentals
modern-voice-cautionary accidental style Automatic accidentals
moderntab clef Custom tablatures
modifier, in chord Common chords
modifying contexts 5.3.2 \set and \unset
modifying properties 5.3.2 \set and \unset
\mordent Articulations and ornamentations
\mordent Articulation scripts
movements, multiple 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book
\mp Dynamics
multi-line comment 3.2.1 Structure of a score
multi-line comment 3.2.5 File structure
multi-line markup Text alignment
multi-line text Text alignment
multi-measure notes, contracting Compressing empty measures
multi-measure notes, expanding Compressing empty measures
multi-measure rest Full measure rests
multi-measure rest, and fingerings Full measure rests
multi-measure rest, attaching fermata Full measure rests
multi-measure rest, attaching text Full measure rests
multi-measure rest, length Full measure rests
multi-measure rest, markup Full measure rests
multi-measure rest, numbering Compressing empty measures
multi-measure rest, positioning Full measure rests
multi-measure rest, script Full measure rests
multi-measure rest, style Compressing empty measures
multi-measure rest, with markup Full measure rests
multi-measure rest, within text, by duration A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
multi-measure rest, within text, by number of measures A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
multi-measure rests, contracting Compressing empty measures
multi-measure rests, expanding Compressing empty measures
\multi-measure-rest-by-number A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
multi-note acciaccatura Grace notes
multi-page markup Text markup introduction
multi-voice accidental Automatic accidentals
MultiMeasureRestScript Full measure rests
MultiMeasureRestText Full measure rests
multiple dynamic marks, on one note Dynamics
multiple phrasing slurs Phrasing slurs
multiple slurs Slurs
multiple voices Collision resolution
music expression, copying How to prevent sharing of music expressions
music expression, sharing How to prevent sharing of music expressions
music fragment 3.5 Controlling output
music, beginners’ Easy notation note heads
music, inside markup Music notation inside markup
music, unmetered Time administration
musica ficta Annotational accidentals (musica ficta)
musical cue Musical cues
musical item Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks
musical theater 2.1.6 Opera and stage musicals
\musicglyph A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\musicLength A.22 Available music functions
\musicMap A.22 Available music functions
musicological analysis Analysis brackets
musicQuotes A.21 Technical glossary
mutable object A.21 Technical glossary
mutable property A.21 Technical glossary
mute bongo A.17 Percussion notes
mute conga A.17 Percussion notes
mute timbale A.17 Percussion notes
muted note, percussion Ghost notes

\n Dynamics
N.C. symbol Printing chord names
N.C. symbol, customizing Printing chord names
\name 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
\name 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
name of singer Adding singers’ names to stanzas
name, character Character names
\natural A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
natural harmonics Harmonics
natural pitch Accidentals
natural sign Accidentals
natural sign, extra, preventing Accidentals
natural sign, preventing in key signatures Key signature
neo-modern Automatic accidentals
neo-modern accidental style Automatic accidentals
neo-modern-cautionary Automatic accidentals
neo-modern-cautionary accidental style Automatic accidentals
neo-modern-voice Automatic accidentals
neo-modern-voice accidental style Automatic accidentals
neo-modern-voice-cautionary Automatic accidentals
neo-modern-voice-cautionary accidental style Automatic accidentals
neomensural 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles
nested repeat Segno repeat appearance
nested staff bracket Nested staff groups
nesting of staves Nested staff groups
\new 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts
new context 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts
new dynamic mark New dynamic marks
new spacing section 4.5.2 New spacing section
new staff Instantiating new staves
\newSpacingSection 4.5.2 New spacing section
niente, al, hairpin Dynamics
no-chord symbol Printing chord names
no-chord symbol, customizing Printing chord names
no-reset Automatic accidentals
no-reset accidental style Automatic accidentals
\noBeam Manual beams
\noBreak 4.3.1 Line breaking
noChordSymbol Printing chord names
non-ASCII character 3.4.4 Special characters
non-default tuplet numbers Tuplets
non-empty text Text scripts
non-musical item Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks
non-musical item, horizontal spacing Spacing between adjacent non-musical items
non-musical symbol Graphic notation inside markup
NonMusicalPaperColumn Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks
nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing Within-system spacing properties
nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing Within-system spacing properties
nonstaff-unrelatedstaff-spacing Within-system spacing properties
\noPageBreak Manual page breaking
\noPageBreak A.22 Available music functions
\noPageTurn Optimal page turning
\noPageTurn A.22 Available music functions
\normal-size-sub A.12.1 Font markup
\normal-size-super Selecting font and font size
\normal-size-super A.12.1 Font markup
\normal-text A.12.1 Font markup
\normal-weight A.12.1 Font markup
\normalsize Selecting notation font size
\normalsize Selecting font and font size
\normalsize A.12.1 Font markup
notation, explaining Balloon help
notation, font size Selecting notation font size
notation, graphic Graphic notation inside markup
notation, inside markup Music notation inside markup
\note A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
note cluster Clusters
note collision Collision resolution
note continuation 2.8.3 Graphical notation
note duration Durations
note duration, default Durations
note grouping bracket Analysis brackets
note head Selecting notation font size
note head style Special note heads
note head style A.9 Note head styles
note head, Aiken Shape note heads
note head, Aiken, thin variant Shape note heads
note head, ancient Mensural note heads
note head, ancient Kievan notes
note head, Christian Harmony Shape note heads
note head, cross Special note heads
note head, diamond Special note heads
note head, diamond-shaped Harmonics
note head, easy notation Easy notation note heads
note head, easy play Easy notation note heads
note head, funk Shape note heads
note head, guitar Special note heads
note head, Harmonia Sacra Shape note heads
note head, harmonic Special note heads
note head, improvisation Improvisation
note head, parlato Special note heads
note head, practice Easy notation note heads
note head, Sacred Harp Shape note heads
note head, shape Shape note heads
note head, shape, merging Shape note heads
note head, slashed Improvisation
note head, Southern Harmony Shape note heads
note head, special Special note heads
note head, Walker Shape note heads
note length Durations
note name, Arabic Arabic note names
note name, default Accidentals
note name, Dutch Accidentals
note name, Hel-arabic Arabic note names
note name, other languages Note names in other languages
note name, printing Note names
note pitch, default Durations
note, colored Coloring objects
note, colored in chords Coloring objects
note, cross-staff Changing staff manually
note, cross-staff Staff-change lines
note, dotted Durations
note, dotted, moving horizontally Collision resolution
note, double-dotted Durations
note, ghost Parentheses
note, hidden Hidden notes
note, horizontal shift Collision resolution
note, invisible Hidden notes
note, parenthesized Parentheses
note, smaller Formatting cue notes
note, spacing horizontally 4.5.2 New spacing section
note, splitting Automatic note splitting
note, transparent Hidden notes
note, transposition of Transpose
note, within text, by duration A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
note, within text, by log and dot-count A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\note-by-number A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
note-event Quoting other voices
NoteColumn Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks
\notemode 3.1 Input modes
noteNameFunction Note names
NoteNames Note names
noteNameSeparator Note names
Note_heads_engraver Automatic note splitting
Note_name_engraver Note names
\null Text alignment
\null A.12.8 Other markup commands
NullVoice Polyphony with shared lyrics
\number A.12.1 Font markup
number, bar Bar numbers
number, in easy notation Easy notation note heads
number, measure Bar numbers
number-footnote-table A.24 Paper variables
\numericTimeSignature Time signature

object, colored Coloring objects
object, coloring Painting objects white
object, markup Text objects overview
object, overwriting Painting objects white
object, rotating Rotating layout objects
object, visibility of 5.4.7 Visibility of objects
octavation Ottava brackets
octave changing mark Absolute octave entry
octave check Octave checks
octave correction Octave checks
octave entry, absolute Absolute octave entry
octave entry, relative Relative octave entry
octave specification, absolute Absolute octave entry
octave specification, relative Relative octave entry
octave transposition Clef
octave transposition, optional Clef
\octaveCheck Octave checks
\octaveCheck A.22 Available music functions
oddFooterMarkup A.24 Paper variables
oddHeaderMarkup A.24 Paper variables
\offset 5.3.7 The \offset command
\offset A.22 Available music functions
offsetting 5.3.7 The \offset command
\omit Removing the stencil
\omit A.22 Available music functions
\on-the-fly A.12.8 Other markup commands
\once 5.3.4 The \once command
\once 5.3.7 The \offset command
\once Modifying broken spanners
\once A.22 Available music functions
OneStaff Grouping staves
\oneVoice Single-staff polyphony
\open Articulations and ornamentations
\open Bowing indications
\open Fingerings
\open Fermata scripts
open bongo A.17 Percussion notes
open conga A.17 Percussion notes
open high hat Articulations and ornamentations
open high hat A.17 Percussion notes
open string indication Bowing indications
open timbale A.17 Percussion notes
OpenType, font feature Font features
OpenType, font feature A.12.1 Font markup
opera 2.1.6 Opera and stage musicals
operation, inversion Inversion
operation, modal Modal transformations
operation, modal inversion Modal transformations
operation, retrograde Retrograde
operation, transposition Modal transformations
optional octave transposition Clef
opus Default layout of bookpart and score titles
oratorio 2.1.5 Choral
orchestra, notation for References for opera and stage musicals
orchestral music References for opera and stage musicals
orchestral strings 2.3 Unfretted string instruments
ordering, vertical, of scripts Articulations and ornamentations
organ pedal mark Articulations and ornamentations
organ pedal mark Fermata scripts
orientation of fret diagram, changing Fret diagram markups
orientation, of fingerings Fingering instructions
orientation, of string numbers Fingering instructions
orientation, of stroke finger Fingering instructions
\oriscus Gregorian square neume ligatures
\oriscus Gregorian square neume ligatures
ornament Grace notes
ornament, down pralltriller Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, down pralltriller Articulation scripts
ornament, Haydn turn Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, Haydn turn Articulation scripts
ornament, lower mordent Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, lower mordent Articulation scripts
ornament, mordent Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, mordent Articulation scripts
ornament, mordent, lower Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, mordent, lower Articulation scripts
ornament, mordent, upper Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, mordent, upper Articulation scripts
ornament, pralltriller Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, pralltriller Articulation scripts
ornament, pralltriller, down Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, pralltriller, down Articulation scripts
ornament, pralltriller, long Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, pralltriller, long Articulation scripts
ornament, pralltriller, up Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, pralltriller, up Articulation scripts
ornament, reverse turn Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, reverse turn Articulation scripts
ornament, signum congruentiae Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, slash turn Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, slash turn Articulation scripts
ornament, trill Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, trill Articulation scripts
ornament, turn Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, turn Articulation scripts
ornament, up pralltriller Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, up pralltriller Articulation scripts
ornament, upper mordent Articulations and ornamentations
ornament, upper mordent Articulation scripts
ornamentation, turn, delayed Articulations and ornamentations
orphan-penalty A.24 Paper variables
ossia Ossia staves
ossia Hiding staves
ossia, positioning Ossia staves
\ottava Ottava brackets
ottava Ottava brackets
\ottava A.22 Available music functions
ottava spanner, modify slope Ottava brackets
ottava text Ottava brackets
ottava, for single voice Ottava brackets
ottavation Ottava brackets
ottavation-numbers Ottava brackets
ottavation-ordinals Ottava brackets
ottavation-simple-ordinals Ottava brackets
ottavationMarkups Ottava brackets
Ottoman music References for Turkish classical music
Ottoman, classical music Extending notation and tuning systems
outer-margin \paper variables for two-sided mode
outer-margin A.24 Paper variables
output definition Output definitions – blueprints for contexts
output-count A.21 Technical glossary
output-def A.21 Technical glossary
output-filename 3.2.4 Output file names
output-filename A.24 Paper variables
output-scale A.24 Paper variables
output-suffix 3.2.4 Output file names
output-suffix A.21 Technical glossary
output-suffix A.24 Paper variables
outside-staff-horizontal-padding 4.4.3 Vertical collision avoidance
outside-staff-padding 4.4.3 Vertical collision avoidance
outside-staff-priority 4.4.3 Vertical collision avoidance
outside-staff-priority A.19 Default values for outside-staff-priority
\oval A.12.3 Graphical markup
\overlay A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
overlaying contexts Grouping staves
\override 5.3.3 \override and \revert
\override 5.3.5 \set versus \override
\override A.12.8 Other markup commands
override, reverting 5.3.3 \override and \revert
\override-lines A.13 Text markup list commands
\overrideProperty 5.3.5 \set versus \override
\overrideProperty A.22 Available music functions
\overrideTimeSignatureSettings Time signature
\overrideTimeSignatureSettings A.22 Available music functions
overriding property within text markup A.12.8 Other markup commands
\overtie A.12.1 Font markup
overtie-ing text A.12.1 Font markup
overwriting grob Ties
overwriting object Painting objects white

\p Dynamics
\pad-around Graphic notation inside markup
\pad-around A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\pad-markup Graphic notation inside markup
\pad-markup A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\pad-to-box Graphic notation inside markup
\pad-to-box A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\pad-x Graphic notation inside markup
\pad-x A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
padding 5.2.3 Determining the grob property
padding around text Graphic notation inside markup
padding in markup, horizontal Text alignment
padding in markup, vertical Text alignment
padding text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
padding text horizontally A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
page break 4.5.5 Line width
page break, cadenzas Unmetered music
page break, managing with extra voice 4.3.1 Line breaking
page break, unmetered music Unmetered music
page breaking, manual Manual page breaking
page breaks, within markup Text markup introduction
page footer Default layout of headers and footers
page header Default layout of headers and footers
page layout 4.5.5 Line width
page number, auto-numbering \paper variables for page numbering
page number, in roman numerals \paper variables for page numbering
page number, specify first \paper variables for page numbering
page number, suppress \paper variables for page numbering
page numbers, independent for introduction \paper variables for page numbering
page numbers, per book part \paper variables for page numbering
page numbers, referencing 3.3.6 Reference to page numbers
page size 4.1.2 Paper size and automatic scaling
page, orientation Setting the paper size
page-breaking \paper variables for page breaking
page-breaking A.24 Paper variables
page-breaking-system-system-spacing \paper variables for page breaking
page-breaking-system-system-spacing A.24 Paper variables
page-count \paper variables for page breaking
page-count A.24 Paper variables
\page-link A.12.8 Other markup commands
page-number-type \paper variables for page numbering
page-number-type A.24 Paper variables
page-post-process A.24 Paper variables
\page-ref 3.3.6 Reference to page numbers
\page-ref A.12.8 Other markup commands
page-spacing-weight \paper variables for page breaking
page-spacing-weight A.24 Paper variables
\pageBreak Manual page breaking
\pageBreak A.22 Available music functions
\pageTurn Optimal page turning
\pageTurn A.22 Available music functions
\palmMute A.22 Available music functions
\palmMuteOn A.22 Available music functions
pan position in MIDI 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
Pango 1.8.3 Fonts
\paper 3.2.5 File structure
\paper 4.1.2 Paper size and automatic scaling
paper column Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks
paper size 4.1.2 Paper size and automatic scaling
paper size, landscape Setting the paper size
paper size, orientation Setting the paper size
paper variable, predefined 4.1.1 The \paper block
paper-height 4.1.3 Fixed vertical spacing \paper variables
paper-height A.24 Paper variables
paper-width \paper variables for widths and margins
paper-width A.24 Paper variables
papersizename A.24 Paper variables
parallel music Writing music in parallel
\parallelMusic Writing music in parallel
\parallelMusic A.22 Available music functions
parenthesis Parentheses
\parenthesize Parentheses
\parenthesize A.12.3 Graphical markup
\parenthesize A.22 Available music functions
parenthesized accidental Accidentals
parlato Spoken music
parlato note head Special note heads
Parmesan font A.8 The Emmentaler font
parser A.21 Technical glossary
parser variable A.21 Technical glossary
part combiner Automatic part combining
part combiner, changing text Automatic part combining
part song 2.1.5 Choral
\partCombine Automatic part combining
\partCombine Polyphony with shared lyrics
\partCombine A.22 Available music functions
\partCombine and lyrics Automatic part combining
\partCombine and lyrics Polyphony with shared lyrics
\partCombineApart Automatic part combining
\partCombineAutomatic Automatic part combining
\partCombineChords Automatic part combining
\partCombineDown A.22 Available music functions
\partCombineForce A.22 Available music functions
partCombineListener A.21 Technical glossary
\partCombineSoloI Automatic part combining
\partCombineSoloII Automatic part combining
\partCombineUnisono Automatic part combining
\partCombineUp A.22 Available music functions
\partial Upbeats
\partial Simple repeats
\partial A.22 Available music functions
partial measure Upbeats
partial measure, in hymns Partial measures in hymn tunes
parts, desk 1.6.3 Writing parts
parts, individual 1.6.3 Writing parts
parts, section 1.6.3 Writing parts
\path A.12.3 Graphical markup
path, drawing A.12.3 Graphical markup
\pattern A.12.8 Other markup commands
pause mark Caesuras
pause mark Breath marks
PDF metadata 3.3.3 Creating output file metadata
PDF, embedding files 3.5.4 Embedding files in PDF output
pedal diagram, harp Harp pedals
pedal high hat Articulations and ornamentations
pedal high hat Custom percussion staves
pedal high hat A.17 Percussion notes
pedal indication style Piano pedals
pedal indication, bracket Piano pedals
pedal indication, mixed Piano pedals
pedal indication, text Piano pedals
pedal mark, heel Articulations and ornamentations
pedal mark, heel Fermata scripts
pedal mark, organ Articulations and ornamentations
pedal mark, organ Fermata scripts
pedal mark, toe Articulations and ornamentations
pedal mark, toe Fermata scripts
pedal sustain style Piano pedals
pedal, harp Harp pedals
pedal, piano Piano pedals
pedal, sostenuto Piano pedals
pedal, sustain Piano pedals
pedalSustainStyle Piano pedals
percent Percent repeats
percent repeat Percent repeats
percent repeat counter Percent repeats
percent repeat, count visibility Percent repeats
percent repeat, isolated Percent repeats
percussion Basic percussion notation
percussion Percussion staves
percussion clef Basic percussion notation
percussion clef A.11 Clef styles
percussion staff Instantiating new staves
percussion, custom Custom percussion staves
percussion, dead note Ghost notes
percussion, false note Ghost notes
percussion, ghost note Ghost notes
percussion, muted note Ghost notes
percussion, silenced note Ghost notes
Performer_group 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
Persian accidentals (sori, koron) Persian music notation
Persian classical music 2.10.4 Persian classical music
Persian makam Extending notation and tuning systems
Persian makam Extending notation and tuning systems
\pes Gregorian square neume ligatures
Petrucci 2.9 Ancient notation
Petrucci 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles
Petrucci clef Mensural clefs
Petrucci clef A.11 Clef styles
phrase bar line Automatic bar lines
phrase bar line Automatic bar lines
phrase bar line, in Gregorian chant Divisiones
phrase bar line, in hymns Phrase bar lines in hymn tunes
phrase bar line, in Kievan chant Kievan bar lines
phrasing bracket Analysis brackets
phrasing mark Phrasing slurs
phrasing slur Slurs
phrasing slur Phrasing slurs
phrasing slur, dashed Phrasing slurs
phrasing slur, defining dash patterns Phrasing slurs
phrasing slur, dotted Phrasing slurs
phrasing slur, half solid and half dashed Phrasing slurs
phrasing slur, multiple Phrasing slurs
phrasing slur, simultaneous Phrasing slurs
phrasing, in lyrics Multiple notes to one syllable
\phrasingSlurDashed Phrasing slurs
\phrasingSlurDashPattern Phrasing slurs
\phrasingSlurDashPattern A.22 Available music functions
\phrasingSlurDotted Phrasing slurs
\phrasingSlurDown Phrasing slurs
\phrasingSlurHalfDashed Phrasing slurs
\phrasingSlurHalfSolid Phrasing slurs
\phrasingSlurNeutral Phrasing slurs
\phrasingSlurSolid Phrasing slurs
\phrasingSlurUp Phrasing slurs
\phrygian Key signature
Phrygian Key signature
piano Automatic accidentals
piano accidental style Automatic accidentals
piano music, centering dynamics References for keyboards
piano pedal Piano pedals
piano staff Grouping staves
piano staff References for keyboards
piano-cautionary Automatic accidentals
piano-cautionary accidental style Automatic accidentals
PianoStaff References for keyboards
PianoStaff Changing staff automatically
pickup measure Upbeats
pickup, in a repeat Simple repeats
piece Default layout of bookpart and score titles
pitch Absolute octave entry
pitch name Absolute octave entry
pitch name, other languages Note names in other languages
pitch range Ambitus
pitch, default Durations
pitch, isolated Durations
pitch, transposition of Transpose
pitched trill Trills
pitched trill, with accidental Trills
\pitchedTrill Trills
\pitchedTrill A.22 Available music functions
pitches, ‘smart’ transposition Transpose
pitchnames A.21 Technical glossary
Pitch_squash_engraver Showing melody rhythms
pizzicato, Bartók Snap (Bartók) pizzicato
pizzicato, snap Snap (Bartók) pizzicato
placeholder event Chorded notes
placement, lyrics Placing lyrics vertically
placement, right-hand fingering Right-hand fingerings
placing horizontal brackets, around text A.12.3 Graphical markup
placing parentheses, around text A.12.3 Graphical markup
placing vertical brackets, around text A.12.3 Graphical markup
PNG, image A.12.3 Graphical markup
poet Default layout of bookpart and score titles
point (pt) 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
point, big (bp) 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
\pointAndClickOff A.22 Available music functions
\pointAndClickOn A.22 Available music functions
\pointAndClickTypes A.22 Available music functions
\polygon A.12.3 Graphical markup
polymetric meter, with beams Polymetric notation
polymetric signatures Polymetric notation
polyphonic music Collision resolution
polyphony, additional voices Collision resolution
polyphony, in tablatures Default tablatures
polyphony, shared lyrics Polyphony with shared lyrics
polyphony, single-staff Single-staff polyphony
\popContextProperty 5.3.2 \set and \unset
\popContextProperty A.22 Available music functions
\portato Articulations and ornamentations
portato Articulations and ornamentations
\portato A.15 List of articulations
position, figured bass alteration Entering figured bass
position, lyrics Ossia staves
position, multi-measure rest Full measure rests
position, ossia Ossia staves
position, vertical, of grobs Articulation direction indicators
post-events A.15 List of articulations
\postscript Graphic notation inside markup
\postscript A.12.3 Graphical markup
postscript Graphic notation inside markup
power chord Indicating power chords
\pp Dynamics
\ppp Dynamics
\pppp Dynamics
\ppppp Dynamics
practice note head Easy notation note heads
\prall Articulations and ornamentations
\prall Articulation scripts
\pralldown Articulations and ornamentations
\pralldown Articulation scripts
\prallmordent Articulations and ornamentations
\prallmordent Articulation scripts
\prallprall Articulations and ornamentations
\prallprall Articulation scripts
\prallup Articulations and ornamentations
\prallup Articulation scripts
\preBend Default tablatures
\preBend A.22 Available music functions
\preBendHold Default tablatures
\preBendHold A.22 Available music functions
predefined paper variables 4.1.1 The \paper block
predefined string tuning, for fretted instruments Custom tablatures
predefinedDiagramTable Predefined fret diagrams
\predefinedFretboardsOff Automatic fret diagrams
\predefinedFretboardsOn Automatic fret diagrams
prefatory matter Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks
prefatory matter Spacing between adjacent non-musical items
prima volta Alternative endings
print-all-headers \paper variables concerning headers and markups
print-all-headers A.24 Paper variables
print-first-page-number \paper variables for page numbering
print-first-page-number A.24 Paper variables
print-page-number \paper variables for page numbering
print-page-number A.24 Paper variables
printAccidentalNames Note names
printing chord name Printing chord names
printing order Painting objects white
printing reserved character Text markup introduction
printing special character Text markup introduction
printNotesLanguage Note names
printOctaveNames Note names
prob A.21 Technical glossary
properties 5.3.6 \tweak and \single
property object A.21 Technical glossary
property, grob 5.3.3 \override and \revert
property, modifying 5.3.2 \set and \unset
property-defaults A.24 Paper variables
\property-recursive A.12.8 Other markup commands
\propertyOverride A.22 Available music functions
\propertyRevert A.22 Available music functions
\propertySet A.22 Available music functions
\propertyTweak A.22 Available music functions
\propertyUnset A.22 Available music functions
psalm 2.1.7 Chants psalms and hymns
psalm Setting a chant
\pt 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
pt A.24 Paper variables
pull off Default tablatures
punctuation, in lyrics Entering lyrics
\pushContextProperty 5.3.2 \set and \unset
\pushContextProperty A.22 Available music functions
\pushToTag Using tags
\pushToTag A.22 Available music functions
\put-adjacent A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
putting space around text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment

q, chord repetition Chord repetition
q, chord repetition Default tablatures
QR code A.12.8 Other markup commands
\qr-code A.12.8 Other markup commands
quarter tone Accidentals
quarter tone accidental Accidentals
quarter tone, tab Custom tablatures
\quilisma Gregorian square neume ligatures
\quilisma Gregorian square neume ligatures
quote, in lyrics Entering lyrics
quote, in lyrics Multiple syllables to one note
quote, voices Quoting other voices
quoted text Text scripts
quoted text, in markup mode Text markup introduction
quotedCueEventTypes Quoting other voices
quotedEventTypes Quoting other voices
\quoteDuring Quoting other voices
\quoteDuring Formatting cue notes
\quoteDuring A.22 Available music functions
\quoteDuring, and tags Using tags

r Rests
R Full measure rests
ragged-bottom 4.1.3 Fixed vertical spacing \paper variables
ragged-bottom A.24 Paper variables
ragged-last \paper variables for widths and margins
ragged-last 4.5.5 Line width
ragged-last A.24 Paper variables
ragged-last-bottom 4.1.3 Fixed vertical spacing \paper variables
ragged-last-bottom A.24 Paper variables
ragged-right \paper variables for widths and margins
ragged-right 4.5.5 Line width
ragged-right A.24 Paper variables
\raise Text alignment
\raise A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\raiseNote Chord inversions and specific voicings
\raiseNote A.22 Available music functions
raising text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
range of pitches Ambitus
Ratisbona, Editio 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles
\reduceChords Showing melody rhythms
\reduceChords A.22 Available music functions
referencing context 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts
referencing page label, in text A.12.8 Other markup commands
referencing page number, in text A.12.8 Other markup commands
referencing page number, in text A.12.8 Other markup commands
register symbol, accordion Discant symbols
regular line break 4.3.1 Line breaking
rehearsal mark Rehearsal marks
rehearsal mark, below staff Metronome marks
rehearsal mark, format Rehearsal marks
rehearsal mark, manual Rehearsal marks
rehearsal mark, style Rehearsal marks
\relative Relative octave entry
\relative Relative octave entry
relative Relative octave entry
\relative Transpose
\relative Changing staff automatically
\relative Substitution functions and relative octave entry
\relative A.22 Available music functions
relative music, and \autoChange Changing staff automatically
relative octave entry Relative octave entry
relative octave entry, and chords Relative octave entry
relative octave entry, and transposition Relative octave entry
relative octave specification Relative octave entry
relative pitch, chords Chorded notes
religious music 2.1.7 Chants psalms and hymns
reminder accidental Accidentals
removal, in chord Extended and altered chords
\remove 5.1.4 Modifying context plug-ins
remove tagged music Using tags
remove-empty Hiding staves
remove-first Hiding staves
remove-grace-property Grace notes
remove-layer Hiding staves
\RemoveAllEmptyStaves Hiding staves
\RemoveAllEmptyStaves A.23 Context modification identifiers
\RemoveEmptyStaves Hiding staves
\RemoveEmptyStaves A.23 Context modification identifiers
\removeWithTag Using tags
\removeWithTag A.22 Available music functions
removing bar numbers Bar numbers
removing cue notes Formatting cue notes
renaissance music Grouping staves
\repeat 1.4.1 Long repeats
\repeat Written-out repeats
\repeat Alternative endings
repeat Bar lines
repeat bar Bar lines
repeat bar line Automatic bar lines
repeat bar line, underlying Automatic bar lines
repeat number, changing Manual repeat marks
\repeat percent Percent repeats
\repeat segno Automatic bar lines
\repeat segno Automatic bar lines
\repeat segno Segno repeat structure
\repeat tremolo Tremolo repeats
\repeat unfold 1.4.1 Long repeats
\repeat volta Automatic bar lines
\repeat volta Automatic bar lines
\repeat volta Written-out repeats
\repeat volta Alternative endings
repeat volta, changing Manual repeat marks
repeat, al fine Segno repeat structure
repeat, alla coda Segno repeat structure
repeat, alternative bar numbers Segno repeat appearance
repeat, ambiguous Segno repeat appearance
repeat, and glissandi Glissando
repeat, and glissandi Segno repeat appearance
repeat, and lyrics Lyrics and repeats
repeat, and measure number Segno repeat appearance
repeat, and slur Segno repeat appearance
repeat, bar line at start of piece Simple repeats
repeat, bar numbers with letters Segno repeat appearance
repeat, beat Percent repeats
repeat, D.C. Segno repeat structure
repeat, D.C., manual Manual repeat marks
repeat, D.S. Segno repeat structure
repeat, D.S., forced at start Segno repeat appearance
repeat, D.S., manual Manual repeat marks
repeat, da capo Segno repeat structure
repeat, da capo, manual Manual repeat marks
repeat, dal segno Segno repeat structure
repeat, dal segno, forced at start Segno repeat appearance
repeat, dal segno, manual Manual repeat marks
repeat, double, style for volta Automatic bar lines
repeat, e poi la coda Segno repeat structure
repeat, end Manual repeat marks
repeat, manual Manual repeat marks
repeat, measure Percent repeats
repeat, nested Segno repeat appearance
repeat, percent Percent repeats
repeat, percent counter Percent repeats
repeat, percent, count visibility Percent repeats
repeat, percent, isolated Percent repeats
repeat, short Percent repeats
repeat, simple Written-out repeats
repeat, slash Percent repeats
repeat, start Manual repeat marks
repeat, timing information Segno repeat appearance
repeat, tremolo Tremolo repeats
repeat, unfold 1.4.1 Long repeats
repeat, with alternative endings Alternative endings
repeat, with anacrusis Simple repeats
repeat, with bar checks Simple repeats
repeat, with pickup Simple repeats
repeat, with segno Segno repeat appearance
repeat, with ties Ties
repeat, with upbeat Simple repeats
repeat, written-out 1.4.1 Long repeats
repeatCommands Manual repeat marks
repeatCountVisibility Percent repeats
repeated chords, suppressing Predefined fret diagrams
repeated chords, suppressing Printing chord names
repeating lyrics, with alternative endings Lyrics and repeats
repeating tie Ties
repeats in MIDI 3.6.6 Using repeats with MIDI
\repeatTie Ties
\repeatTie Lyrics and repeats
repetition, using q Chord repetition
repetition, using q Default tablatures
\replace A.12.1 Font markup
replacing strings, automatically ASCII aliases
reserved character, printing Text markup introduction
reset-footnotes-on-new-page \paper variables concerning headers and markups
reset-footnotes-on-new-page A.24 Paper variables
\resetRelativeOctave Relative octave entry
\resetRelativeOctave A.22 Available music functions
resizing of staves Ossia staves
\responsum Gregorian square neume ligatures
\responsum A.22 Available music functions
\rest Rests
rest Rests
\rest A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
rest, ancient Mensural rests
rest, church Compressing empty measures
rest, collisions of Full measure rests
rest, condensing ordinary Full measure rests
rest, entering durations Rests
rest, full-measure Full measure rests
rest, invisible Invisible rests
rest, merging Merging rests
rest, multi-measure Rests
rest, multi-measure Full measure rests
rest, specifying vertical position Rests
rest, splitting Automatic note splitting
rest, style Rests
rest, whole, for a full measure Full measure rests
rest, whole-measure Rests
rest, within text, by duration A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
rest, within text, by log and dot-count A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\rest-by-number A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
rest-event Quoting other voices
restNumberThreshold Compressing empty measures
restoring default properties for time signatures Time signature
restrainOpenStrings Default tablatures
\retrograde Retrograde
\retrograde A.22 Available music functions
retrograde transformation Retrograde
reverb in MIDI 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
\reverseturn Articulations and ornamentations
\reverseturn Articulation scripts
\revert 5.3.3 \override and \revert
reverting override 5.3.3 \override and \revert
\revertTimeSignatureSettings Time signature
\revertTimeSignatureSettings A.22 Available music functions
\rfz Dynamics
rgb color Coloring objects
rgb-color Coloring objects
\rheel Articulations and ornamentations
\rheel Fermata scripts
\rhythm A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
rhythm, in text A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
rhythm, showing melody Showing melody rhythms
rhythmic staff Instantiating new staves
RhythmicStaff Instantiating new staves
ride bell A.17 Percussion notes
ride cymbal A.17 Percussion notes
\right-align Text alignment
\right-align A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
right-aligning text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\right-brace A.12.8 Other markup commands
\right-column A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
right-hand fingering, for fretted instruments Right-hand fingerings
right-hand fingering, placement Right-hand fingerings
right-margin \paper variables for widths and margins
right-margin A.24 Paper variables
\rightHandFinger Right-hand fingerings
\rightHandFinger A.22 Available music functions
\romanStringNumbers Bowing indications
\romanStringNumbers String number indications
root of chord Common chords
\rotate A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
rotating object Rotating layout objects
rotating text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\rounded-box Graphic notation inside markup
\rounded-box A.12.3 Graphical markup
\rtoe Articulations and ornamentations
\rtoe Fermata scripts

s Invisible rests
Sacred Harp note head Shape note heads
\sacredHarpHeads Shape note heads
\sacredHarpHeadsMinor Shape note heads
\sans A.12.1 Font markup
SATB 2.1.5 Choral
scalable vector graphics output 3.5.3 Alternative output formats
\scale A.12.3 Graphical markup
\scaleDurations Scaling durations
\scaleDurations Polymetric notation
\scaleDurations A.22 Available music functions
scaling duration Scaling durations
scaling markup A.12.3 Graphical markup
scaling text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
Scheme object A.21 Technical glossary
Scheme variable A.21 Technical glossary
\score 3.2.1 Structure of a score
\score 3.2.5 File structure
\score A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
Score context, replacing 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
score, inside markup Music notation inside markup
score, vocal, adding cues Musical cues
\score-lines A.13 Text markup list commands
score-markup-spacing List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables
score-markup-spacing A.24 Paper variables
score-system-spacing List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables
score-system-spacing A.24 Paper variables
score-title A.24 Paper variables
score-title-properties A.24 Paper variables
scoreTitleMarkup Custom layout for titles
scoreTitleMarkup A.24 Paper variables
Score_engraver 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
Score_performer 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
Scottish highland bagpipe Bagpipe definitions
script, on multi-measure rest Full measure rests
script, vertical ordering Articulations and ornamentations
script-priority Articulations and ornamentations
script-priority A.20 Default values for script-priority
scripts A.15 List of articulations
seconda volta Alternative endings
\section Automatic bar lines
\section Section divisions
\section Kievan bar lines
section bar line Automatic bar lines
section bar line Section divisions
section bar line, in Gregorian chant Divisiones
section bar line, in Kievan chant Kievan bar lines
section label Section labels
section parts 1.6.3 Writing parts
\sectionLabel Segno repeat structure
\sectionLabel Section labels
\sectionLabel A.22 Available music functions
\segno Articulations and ornamentations
segno Segno repeat structure
\segno A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\segno Instrument-specific scripts
segno bar line Bar lines
segno bar line Automatic bar lines
segno bar line Segno repeat appearance
segno, forced at start Segno repeat appearance
segno, forced at start Manual repeat marks
\segnoMark Automatic bar lines
\segnoMark Automatic bar lines
\segnoMark Segno repeat appearance
\segnoMark Manual repeat marks
\segnoMark A.22 Available music functions
selecting font size (notation) Selecting notation font size
self-alignment-X Within-system spacing properties
semai form Arabic time signatures
semi-flat Accidentals
semi-flat Note names in other languages
semi-flat symbol, appearance Arabic note names
semi-flat symbol, Persian (koron) Persian music notation
semi-sharp Accidentals
semi-sharp Note names in other languages
semi-sharp symbol, Persian (sori) Persian music notation
semi-transparent colors Coloring objects
\semicirculus Gregorian articulation signs
\semicirculus Repeat sign scripts
\semiflat A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\semiGermanChords Customizing chord names
\semisharp A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
separate text Separate text
\serif A.12.1 Font markup
sesqui-flat Note names in other languages
sesqui-sharp Note names in other languages
\sesquiflat A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\sesquisharp A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\set Setting automatic beam behavior
\set 5.3.2 \set and \unset
\set 5.3.5 \set versus \override
set-global-staff-size 4.2.2 Setting the staff size
setting extent of text object A.12.8 Other markup commands
setting extent of text object A.12.8 Other markup commands
setting extent of text object A.12.8 Other markup commands
setting extent of text object A.12.8 Other markup commands
setting extent of text object A.12.8 Other markup commands
setting horizontal text alignment A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
setting subscript, in standard font size A.12.1 Font markup
setting superscript, in standard font size A.12.1 Font markup
\settingsFrom A.22 Available music functions
seventh chord Common chords
\sf Dynamics
\sff Dynamics
\sfz Dynamics
\shape Modifying ties and slurs
\shape A.22 Available music functions
shape note Shape note heads
shape note, merging Shape note heads
shaping slurs and ties Modifying ties and slurs
shared property A.21 Technical glossary
sharp Accidentals
\sharp A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
sharp, double Accidentals
shift note Collision resolution
shift rest, automatic Collision resolution
shift symbol, accordion Discant symbols
shift, fingering Gliding fingers
\shiftDurations A.22 Available music functions
shifting voice Collision resolution
\shiftOff Collision resolution
\shiftOn Collision resolution
\shiftOnn Collision resolution
\shiftOnnn Collision resolution
short bar line Bar lines
short bar line, in Gregorian chant Divisiones
short fermata Articulations and ornamentations
short fermata Ornament scripts
short-indent Instrument names
short-indent \paper variables for shifts and indents
short-indent A.24 Paper variables
shortened volta brackets Segno repeat appearance
\shortfermata Articulations and ornamentations
\shortfermata Ornament scripts
show vertical layout 4.6.1 Displaying spacing
showFirstLength 3.5.2 Skipping corrected music
showFirstLength A.21 Technical glossary
\showKeySignature Bagpipe definitions
showLastLength 3.5.2 Skipping corrected music
showLastLength A.21 Technical glossary
\showStaffSwitch Staff-change lines
sidestick A.17 Percussion notes
sidestick A.17 Percussion notes
sign, coda Articulations and ornamentations
sign, coda Instrument-specific scripts
sign, coda, manual Manual repeat marks
sign, coda, variant Articulations and ornamentations
sign, coda, variant Segno repeat appearance
sign, coda, variant Instrument-specific scripts
sign, coda, with repeats Segno repeat structure
sign, conducting Setting automatic beam behavior
sign, segno Articulations and ornamentations
sign, segno Instrument-specific scripts
sign, segno, bar line Bar lines
sign, segno, bar line Segno repeat appearance
sign, segno, manual Manual repeat marks
sign, segno, with repeats Segno repeat structure
sign, segno, with repeats Segno repeat appearance
sign, snappizzicato Articulations and ornamentations
sign, snappizzicato Fermata scripts
sign, variant coda Articulations and ornamentations
sign, variant coda Segno repeat appearance
sign, variant coda Instrument-specific scripts
signature, polymetric Polymetric notation
\signumcongruentiae Articulations and ornamentations
\signumcongruentiae Repeat sign scripts
silenced note, percussion Ghost notes
\simple A.12.1 Font markup
simple repeat Written-out repeats
simple text string, with tie characters A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
simultaneous notes and accidentals Automatic accidentals
simultaneous phrasing slurs Phrasing slurs
simultaneous slurs Slurs
singer name Adding singers’ names to stanzas
\single Footnotes in music expressions
\single 5.3.6 \tweak and \single
\single 5.3.6 \tweak and \single
\single 5.3.7 The \offset command
\single A.22 Available music functions
single bar line Automatic bar lines
single staff with bracket or brace Grouping staves
single-line comment 3.2.1 Structure of a score
single-line comment 3.2.5 File structure
single-staff polyphony Single-staff polyphony
\skip Invisible rests
skip Invisible rests
\skip Lyrics and repeats
\skip A.22 Available music functions
skip typesetting 3.5.2 Skipping corrected music
skipBars Compressing empty measures
skipping notes in lyrics Lyrics and repeats
skipTypesetting 3.5.2 Skipping corrected music
slash repeat Percent repeats
slashChordSeparator Customizing chord names
slashed digit A.12.8 Other markup commands
slashed note head Improvisation
slashed stem Grace notes
\slashed-digit A.12.8 Other markup commands
\slashedGrace Grace notes
\slashedGrace A.22 Available music functions
\slashSeparator \paper variables concerning headers and markups
\slashturn Articulations and ornamentations
\slashturn Articulation scripts
slide, in tablature notation Default tablatures
slope, ottava spanner, modification Ottava brackets
slur Slurs
slur style Slurs
slur, above notes Slurs
slur, adjusting start and end Slurs
slur, and repeats Segno repeat appearance
slur, below notes Slurs
slur, dashed Slurs
slur, dashed phrasing Phrasing slurs
slur, defining dash patterns Slurs
slur, defining dash patterns Slurs
slur, defining dash patterns for phrasing Phrasing slurs
slur, dotted Slurs
slur, dotted phrasing Phrasing slurs
slur, for tuplets Tuplets
slur, half dashed and half solid Slurs
slur, half solid and half dashed phrasing Phrasing slurs
slur, manual placement Slurs
slur, modifying Modifying ties and slurs
slur, multiple Slurs
slur, multiple phrasing Phrasing slurs
slur, phrasing Slurs
slur, phrasing Phrasing slurs
slur, phrasing, defining dash patterns Phrasing slurs
slur, simultaneous Slurs
slur, simultaneous phrasing Phrasing slurs
slur, solid Slurs
slur, text markup inside Slurs
slur-event Quoting other voices
\slurDashed Slurs
\slurDashPattern Slurs
\slurDashPattern A.22 Available music functions
\slurDotted Slurs
\slurDown Slurs
\slurHalfDashed Slurs
\slurHalfSolid Slurs
\slurNeutral Slurs
slurs, double, for legato chords Slurs
\slurSolid Slurs
\slurUp Slurs
\small Selecting notation font size
\small Selecting font and font size
\small A.12.1 Font markup
\smallCaps A.12.1 Font markup
\smaller Selecting font and font size
\smaller Selecting font and font size
\smaller A.12.1 Font markup
smaller note Formatting cue notes
smob A.21 Technical glossary
snap pizzicato Snap (Bartók) pizzicato
\snappizzicato Articulations and ornamentations
\snappizzicato Fermata scripts
snare A.17 Percussion notes
Solesmes 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles
solid slur Slurs
solo part Automatic part combining
soprano clef Clef
soprano clef A.11 Clef styles
sori Persian music notation
sos. Piano pedals
sostenuto pedal Piano pedals
\sostenutoOff Piano pedals
\sostenutoOn Piano pedals
sound 3.6 Creating MIDI output
\sourcefileline 3.2.5 File structure
\sourcefilename 3.2.5 File structure
Southern Harmony note head Shape note heads
\southernHarmonyHeads Shape note heads
\southernHarmonyHeadsMinor Shape note heads
\sp Dynamics
space, between staves 4.4.1 Flexible vertical spacing within systems
space, in lyrics Entering lyrics
space, in lyrics Multiple syllables to one note
space, inside systems 4.4.1 Flexible vertical spacing within systems
space-alist Spacing between adjacent non-musical items
spacer note Invisible rests
spacer rest Invisible rests
spacing 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview
spacing lyrics Placing syllables horizontally
spacing section, new 4.5.2 New spacing section
spacing, display of layout 4.6.1 Displaying spacing
spacing, horizontal 4.5 Horizontal spacing
spacing, vertical 4.4 Vertical spacing
span bar Bar lines
spanner 5.4.4 Spanners
spanner A.21 Technical glossary
spanner, modifying Modifying broken spanners
Span_stem_engraver Staff-change lines
special arpeggio symbol Arpeggio
special character 3.4.4 Special characters
special character, in markup mode Text markup introduction
special note head Special note heads
splash cymbal A.17 Percussion notes
splice into tagged music Using tags
splitting notes Automatic note splitting
splitting rests Automatic note splitting
\spp Dynamics
Sprechgesang Spoken music
square bracket, at start of staff group Grouping staves
square neumes ligature Gregorian square neume ligatures
\staccatissimo Articulations and ornamentations
staccatissimo Articulations and ornamentations
\staccatissimo A.15 List of articulations
\staccato Articulations and ornamentations
staccato Articulations and ornamentations
\staccato A.15 List of articulations
stacking text in a column A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
staff brace, in markup A.12.8 Other markup commands
staff change, automatic Changing staff automatically
staff change, manual Changing staff manually
staff distance 4.4.1 Flexible vertical spacing within systems
staff group Grouping staves
staff group, with square bracket at start Grouping staves
staff initiation Instantiating new staves
staff instantiation Instantiating new staves
staff line, modifying Staff symbol
staff line, stopping and starting Staff symbol
staff size, setting 4.2.2 Setting the staff size
staff switching Staff-change lines
staff symbol Staff symbol
staff, choir Grouping staves
staff, drum Instantiating new staves
staff, empty Hiding staves
staff, Frenched Ossia staves
staff, grand Grouping staves
staff, hiding Hiding staves
staff, highlight Staff highlights
staff, keyboard instruments References for keyboards
staff, keyed instruments References for keyboards
staff, metronome mark below Metronome marks
staff, multiple Grouping staves
staff, nested Nested staff groups
staff, new Instantiating new staves
staff, percussion Instantiating new staves
staff, piano Grouping staves
staff, piano References for keyboards
staff, resizing of Ossia staves
staff, single Instantiating new staves
staff, single, with bracket or brace Grouping staves
staff-affinity Within-system spacing properties
staff-change line Staff-change lines
staff-height A.24 Paper variables
staff-padding Fingering instructions
\staff-space 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
staff-space A.24 Paper variables
staff-staff-spacing Within-system spacing properties
Staff.midiInstrument 3.6.9 Enhancing MIDI output
staffgroup-staff-spacing Within-system spacing properties
\staffHighlight Staff highlights
\staffHighlight A.22 Available music functions
Staff_collecting_engraver Rehearsal marks
Staff_collecting_engraver Text marks
Staff_symbol_engraver Hiding staves
stand-alone text Separate text
standard font size (notation) Selecting notation font size
stanza number Adding stanza numbers
start of system Grouping staves
start repeat Manual repeat marks
start-repeat Manual repeat marks
startAcciaccaturaMusic Grace notes
startAppoggiaturaMusic Grace notes
startGraceMusic Grace notes
\startGroup Analysis brackets
\startStaff Staff symbol
\startStaff Ossia staves
\startTextSpan Text spanners
\startTextSpan 5.4.6 Line spanners
\startTextSpan 5.4.6 Line spanners
\startTrillSpan Trills
staves, divisi Hiding staves
\stdBass A.12.7 Accordion registers
\stdBassIV A.12.7 Accordion registers
\stdBassV A.12.7 Accordion registers
\stdBassVI A.12.7 Accordion registers
stem Stems
stem, automatic direction on center line Stems
stem, cross-staff Staff-change lines
stem, default direction on center line Stems
stem, direction Stems
stem, down Stems
stem, in tablature Default tablatures
stem, invisible Stems
stem, neutral Stems
stem, up Stems
stem, with slash Grace notes
stem-spacing-correction 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview
\stemDown Stems
stemLeftBeamCount Manual beams
stemLeftBeamCount Manual beams
\stemNeutral Stems
stemRightBeamCount Manual beams
stemRightBeamCount Manual beams
\stemUp Stems
\stencil A.12.8 Other markup commands
stencil A.21 Technical glossary
stencil, removing Removing the stencil
stereo balance in MIDI 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects
stopAcciaccaturaMusic Grace notes
stopAppoggiaturaMusic Grace notes
stopGraceMusic Grace notes
\stopGroup Analysis brackets
\stopped Articulations and ornamentations
\stopped Custom percussion staves
\stopped Fingerings
\stopped Fermata scripts
\stopStaff Staff symbol
\stopStaff Ossia staves
\stopStaff Hiding staves
\stopStaffHighlight Staff highlights
\stopTextSpan Text spanners
\stopTextSpan 5.4.6 Line spanners
\stopTextSpan 5.4.6 Line spanners
\stopTrillSpan Trills
\storePredefinedDiagram Predefined fret diagrams
\storePredefinedDiagram Predefined fret diagrams
\storePredefinedDiagram A.22 Available music functions
strict spacing and grace notes Grace notes
strict-beat beaming Setting automatic beam behavior
strictBeatBeaming Setting automatic beam behavior
string bending, in tablature notation Default tablatures
string number Bowing indications
string number String number indications
string numbers, orientation Fingering instructions
string vs. fingering number String number indications
string, automatic replacement ASCII aliases
string, indicating open Bowing indications
\string-lines A.13 Text markup list commands
stringNumberOrientations Fingering instructions
strings, orchestral 2.3 Unfretted string instruments
strings, writing for 2.3 Unfretted string instruments
\stringTuning Custom tablatures
\stringTuning A.22 Available music functions
stringTunings Custom tablatures
stringTunings Predefined fret diagrams
stroke finger, orientation Fingering instructions
strokeFingerOrientations Fingering instructions
strokeFingerOrientations Right-hand fingerings
\stropha Gregorian square neume ligatures
\stropha Gregorian square neume ligatures
strumming rhythm, showing Showing melody rhythms
strumming rhythm, showing Showing melody rhythms
\strut A.12.8 Other markup commands
style, bar number Bar numbers
style, double repeat for volta Automatic bar lines
style, measure number Bar numbers
style, multi-measure rests Compressing empty measures
style, note heads Special note heads
style, rehearsal mark Rehearsal marks
style, rests Rests
style, slur Slurs
style, text dynamics Dynamics
style, voice Voice styles
\styledNoteHeads A.22 Available music functions
\sub Selecting font and font size
\sub A.12.1 Font markup
subbass clef Clef
subbass clef A.11 Clef styles
subdivideBeams Setting automatic beam behavior
subdividing beams Setting automatic beam behavior
subscript Selecting font and font size
subscript text A.12.1 Font markup
substitution function, and relative octave entry Substitution functions and relative octave entry
subsubtitle Default layout of bookpart and score titles
subtitle Default layout of bookpart and score titles
suggestAccidentals Articulations and ornamentations
suggestAccidentals Annotational accidentals (musica ficta)
\super Selecting font and font size
\super A.12.1 Font markup
superscript Selecting font and font size
superscript text A.12.1 Font markup
suppressing repeated chords Predefined fret diagrams
suppressing repeated chords Printing chord names
sus Extended and altered chords
sustain pedal Piano pedals
sustain pedal style Piano pedals
\sustainOff Piano pedals
\sustainOn Piano pedals
SVG output 3.5.3 Alternative output formats
swing A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
swing script The swing script The swing script
switching font Selecting font and font size
syllable duration, automatic Automatic syllable durations
symbol, break-align Spacing between adjacent non-musical items
symbol, breath mark, changing Breath marks
symbol, major seven Customizing chord names
symbol, non-musical Graphic notation inside markup
syntax, markup Text markup introduction
system Grouping staves
system separator mark Separating systems
system start delimiter Grouping staves
system start delimiter, nested Nested staff groups
system-count \paper variables for line breaking
system-count A.24 Paper variables
system-separator-markup \paper variables concerning headers and markups
system-separator-markup A.24 Paper variables
system-system-spacing List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables
system-system-spacing A.24 Paper variables
systems-per-page \paper variables for line breaking
systems-per-page A.24 Paper variables

tab clef Custom tablatures
tab clef A.11 Clef styles
tab microtones Custom tablatures
tab quarter tones Custom tablatures
\tabChordRepeats Default tablatures
\tabChordRepeats A.22 Available music functions
\tabChordRepetition A.22 Available music functions
\tabFullNotation Default tablatures
tablature Instantiating new staves
tablature 2.4 Fretted string instruments
tablature, and beams Default tablatures
tablature, and harmonic indications Default tablatures
tablature, and harmonics Default tablatures
tablature, and polyphony Default tablatures
tablature, and slides Default tablatures
tablature, and stems Default tablatures
tablature, and string bending Default tablatures
tablature, banjo 2.4 Fretted string instruments
tablature, banjo Custom tablatures
tablature, banjo Banjo tablatures
tablature, basic Default tablatures
tablature, bass Custom tablatures
tablature, bass guitar Custom tablatures
tablature, cello Custom tablatures
tablature, chord glissando Default tablatures
tablature, custom Custom tablatures
tablature, custom string tunings Custom tablatures
tablature, default Default tablatures
tablature, double bass Custom tablatures
tablature, guitar 2.4 Fretted string instruments
tablature, guitar Custom tablatures
tablature, hammer on Default tablatures
tablature, lute Lute tablatures
tablature, mandolin Custom tablatures
tablature, predefined string tunings Custom tablatures
tablature, pull off Default tablatures
tablature, ukulele Custom tablatures
tablature, viola Custom tablatures
tablature, violin Custom tablatures
\table A.13 Text markup list commands
table of contents 3.3.7 Table of contents
table of contents, customized functions 3.3.7 Table of contents
\table-of-contents 3.3.7 Table of contents
\table-of-contents A.13 Text markup list commands
TabStaff Instantiating new staves
TabStaff Default tablatures
TabVoice Default tablatures
\tag Using tags
\tag A.22 Available music functions
tag Using tags
tag groups Using tags
\tag, and quoting music Using tags
\tagGroup Using tags
\tagGroup A.22 Available music functions
tagline Default layout of bookpart and score titles
tagline A.24 Paper variables
tam tam A.17 Percussion notes
tambourine A.17 Percussion notes
\taor Bagpipe definitions
taqasim Arabic time signatures
teaching Automatic accidentals
teaching accidental style Automatic accidentals
\teeny Selecting notation font size
\teeny Selecting font and font size
\teeny A.12.1 Font markup
template, Arabic music Arabic music example
\tempo Metronome marks
tempo Metronome marks
tempo, change, without metronome mark Metronome marks
tempo, with rhythm A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\temporary 5.3.7 The \offset command
\temporary Modifying broken spanners
\temporary A.22 Available music functions
tenor clef Clef
tenor clef A.11 Clef styles
tenor clef, choral Clef
tenor G clef A.11 Clef styles
tenor varC clef A.11 Clef styles
\tenuto Articulations and ornamentations
tenuto Articulations and ornamentations
\tenuto A.15 List of articulations
text Piano pedals
text alignment command Text alignment
text column, left-aligned A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
text column, right-aligned A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
text dynamics, style Dynamics
text item, non-empty Text scripts
text mark Text marks
text mark, alignment Text marks
text mark, below staff Text marks
text mark, on every staff Text marks
text mark, vertical stacking Text marks
text markup Text markup introduction
text markup, inside slurs Slurs
text object Text objects overview
text script Text scripts
text script, breaking vertical alignment Dynamics
text script, vertical alignment Dynamics
text size Selecting font and font size
text spanner Text spanners
text spanner, dynamics, customize Text spanners
text spanner, formatting Text spanners
text, aligning Text alignment
text, at beginning of line Text marks
text, at end of score Text marks
text, between notes Text marks
text, centering on page Text alignment
text, decorating Graphic notation inside markup
text, framing Graphic notation inside markup
text, horizontal alignment Text alignment
text, in columns Separate text
text, in columns Text alignment
text, in volta bracket Manual repeat marks
text, justified Text alignment
text, keeping inside margin Text scripts
text, line width Text alignment
text, multi-line Text alignment
text, on bar line Section labels
text, on bar line Text marks
text, on multi-measure rest Full measure rests
text, other languages 1.8.1 Writing text
text, ottavation Ottava brackets
text, outside margin Text scripts
text, padding Graphic notation inside markup
text, separate Separate text
text, spread over multiple pages Text markup introduction
text, stand-alone Separate text
text, top-level Separate text
text, vertical alignment Text alignment
text, word-wrapped Text alignment
\text-accidental A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\text-doubleflat A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\text-doublesharp A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\text-flat A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
text-font-size Selecting font and font size
text-font-size A.24 Paper variables
\text-natural A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\text-sharp A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\textEndMark Text marks
\textEndMark A.22 Available music functions
\textLengthOff Full measure rests
\textLengthOff Full measure rests
\textLengthOff Text scripts
\textLengthOn Full measure rests
\textLengthOn Full measure rests
\textLengthOn Dynamics
\textLengthOn Text scripts
\textMark Text marks
\textMark A.22 Available music functions
\textSpannerDown Text spanners
\textSpannerNeutral Text spanners
\textSpannerUp Text spanners
Text_mark_engraver Text marks
thorough bass Introduction to figured bass
\thumb Articulations and ornamentations
\thumb Fingering instructions
tick bar line Bar lines
tick bar line, in Gregorian chant Divisiones
tick mark Breath marks
tie Ties
\tie A.12.1 Font markup
tie, alternative endings Ties
tie, and volta bracket Ties
tie, appearance Ties
tie, dashed Ties
tie, dotted Ties
tie, from nothing Ties
tie, in chord Ties
tie, in lyrics Multiple syllables to one note
tie, in repeats Ties
tie, laissez vibrer Ties
tie, manual engraving Ties
tie, modifying Modifying ties and slurs
tie, placement Ties
tie, repeating Ties
tie, to nothing Ties
tie, with arpeggios Ties
tie-ing text A.12.1 Font markup
TieColumn Ties
tied note, accidental Accidentals
\tied-lyric A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\tieDashed Ties
\tieDashPattern Ties
\tieDashPattern A.22 Available music functions
\tieDotted Ties
\tieDown Ties
\tieHalfDashed Ties
\tieHalfSolid Ties
\tieNeutral Ties
\tieSolid Ties
\tieUp Ties
tieWaitForNote Ties
timbale A.17 Percussion notes
\time Time signature
\time Setting automatic beam behavior
\time A.22 Available music functions
time administration Time administration
time signature Time signature
time signature style Time signature
time signature style Mensural time signatures
time signature, and volta repeats Time signature
time signature, compound Polymetric notation
time signature, default settings Time signature
time signature, double Polymetric notation
time signature, mensural Mensural time signatures
time signature, mid-measure Upbeats
time signature, polymetric Polymetric notation
time signature, printing only numerator Time signature
time signature, properties, restoring default values Time signature
time signature, visibility Time signature
\times A.22 Available music functions
timeSignatureFraction Polymetric notation
Timing Time administration
timing information and repeats Segno repeat appearance
timing mark, for glissando Glissando
timing, within score Time administration
\tiny Selecting notation font size
\tiny Selecting font and font size
\tiny A.12.1 Font markup
title Default layout of bookpart and score titles
title 3.3 Titles and headers
toc 3.3.7 Table of contents
tocFormatMarkup 3.3.7 Table of contents
tocFormatMarkup A.24 Paper variables
tocIndentMarkup 3.3.7 Table of contents
tocIndentMarkup A.24 Paper variables
\tocItem 3.3.7 Table of contents
\tocItem A.22 Available music functions
tocItemMarkup 3.3.7 Table of contents
tocItemMarkup A.24 Paper variables
\tocItemWithDotsMarkup 3.3.7 Table of contents
tocTitleMarkup 3.3.7 Table of contents
tocTitleMarkup A.24 Paper variables
tom tom A.17 Percussion notes
top-level text Separate text
top-margin 4.1.3 Fixed vertical spacing \paper variables
top-margin A.24 Paper variables
top-markup-spacing List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables
top-markup-spacing A.24 Paper variables
top-system-spacing List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables
top-system-spacing A.24 Paper variables
toplevel-bookparts A.21 Technical glossary
toplevel-scores A.21 Technical glossary
transcription of mensural music Grouping staves
transcription, mensural to modern Ancient and modern from one source
transcription, modern of Gregorian music Setting a chant
transformation, modal Modal transformations
transformation, retrograde Retrograde
\translate Text alignment
\translate A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\translate-scaled Text alignment
\translate-scaled A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
translating text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
translating text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
transparency, semi Coloring objects
\transparent A.12.8 Other markup commands
transparent note Hidden notes
transparent, making objects Making objects transparent
\transpose Relative octave entry
\transpose Transpose
\transpose Transpose
transpose Transpose
\transpose A.22 Available music functions
transposed clef, visibility of Special considerations
\transposedCueDuring Formatting cue notes
\transposedCueDuring A.22 Available music functions
transposing Transpose
transposing clef Clef
transposing fret diagram Predefined fret diagrams
transposing instrument Transpose
transposing instrument Instrument transpositions
\transposition Instrument transpositions
transposition Transpose
\transposition Quoting other voices
\transposition A.22 Available music functions
transposition, and relative octave entry Relative octave entry
transposition, instrument Instrument transpositions
transposition, MIDI Instrument transpositions
transposition, modal Modal transformations
transposition, of notes Transpose
transposition, of pitches Transpose
transposition, pitches, ‘smart’ Transpose
tre corde Piano pedals
treble clef Clef
treble clef A.11 Clef styles
\treCorde Piano pedals
tremolo Tremolo repeats
tremolo Tremolo repeats
tremolo beam Tremolo repeats
tremolo mark Tremolo repeats
tremolo, cross-staff Tremolo repeats
triad Common chords
\triangle Graphic notation inside markup
\triangle A.12.3 Graphical markup
triangle A.17 Percussion notes
\trill Articulations and ornamentations
\trill Trills
trill Trills
\trill Articulation scripts
trill, pitched Trills
trill, with accidental Trills
triplet Tuplets
triplet, formatting Tuplets
\tripletFeel The swing script
true (#t) A.26 Predefined type predicates
tuning, banjo Banjo tablatures
tuning, lute Lute tablatures
tuning, non-Western Extending notation and tuning systems
\tuplet Tuplets
\tuplet Polymetric notation
tuplet Tuplets
\tuplet A.22 Available music functions
tuplet bracket, note head side Tuplets
tuplet bracket, placement Tuplets
tuplet bracket, visibility Tuplets
tuplet bracket, visibility Tuplets
tuplet number , visibility Tuplets
tuplet number, change Tuplets
tuplet number, non-default Tuplets
tuplet slur Tuplets
tuplet, beamed, line break within Tuplets
tuplet, entering multiple Tuplets
tuplet, formatting Tuplets
tuplet, grouping Tuplets
tuplet-slur Tuplets
\tupletDown Tuplets
\tupletNeutral Tuplets
TupletNumber Tuplets
\tupletSpan Tuplets
\tupletSpan A.22 Available music functions
tupletSpannerDuration Tuplets
\tupletUp Tuplets
Turkish makam Extending notation and tuning systems
Turkish makam, example Turkish key signatures
Turkish music References for Turkish classical music
Turkish note name Turkish note names
Turkish, classical music Extending notation and tuning systems
\turn Articulations and ornamentations
\turn Articulation scripts
turn ornamentation, delayed Articulations and ornamentations
\tweak 5.3.5 \set versus \override
\tweak 5.3.6 \tweak and \single
\tweak A.22 Available music functions
tweak, relation to \override 5.3.5 \set versus \override
tweaking 5.3.6 \tweak and \single
tweaking control point 5.3.6 \tweak and \single
tweaking grace note Grace notes
tweaking grace note Grace notes
two-column text Separate text
two-sided \paper variables for two-sided mode
two-sided A.24 Paper variables
\type 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
\type 5.1.6 Defining new contexts
typeface A.21 Technical glossary
typeset text Text markup introduction
typesetting, skip 3.5.2 Skipping corrected music
\typewriter A.12.1 Font markup

U.C. Piano pedals
ukulele Fret diagram markups
ultima volta Alternative endings
una corda Piano pedals
\unaCorda Piano pedals
\underline Selecting font and font size
\underline A.12.1 Font markup
underlining text A.12.1 Font markup
underlying repeat bar line Automatic bar lines
\undertie A.12.1 Font markup
undertie-ing text A.12.1 Font markup
\undo 5.3.7 The \offset command
\undo A.22 Available music functions
unfold 1.4.1 Long repeats
unfold repeat 1.4.1 Long repeats
\unfolded Alternative endings
\unfolded A.22 Available music functions
\unfoldRepeats Alternative endings
\unfoldRepeats 3.6.6 Using repeats with MIDI
\unfoldRepeats A.22 Available music functions
\unHideNotes Hidden notes
Unicode Unicode
units, of measuring 5.4.2 Distances and measurements
universal-color Coloring objects
universal-color A.7 List of colors
\unless Custom layout for headers and footers
\unless A.12.5 Conditional markup
unmetered music Unmetered music
unmetered music Time administration
unmetered music, accidentals Unmetered music
unmetered music, bar lines Unmetered music
unmetered music, bar numbers Unmetered music
unmetered music, beams Unmetered music
unmetered music, line breaks Unmetered music
unmetered music, page breaks Unmetered music
\unset 5.3.2 \set and \unset
up direction (^) Articulation direction indicators
up-bow indication Bowing indications
upbeat Upbeats
upbeat, in a repeat Simple repeats
\upbow Articulations and ornamentations
\upbow Bowing indications
\upbow Fermata scripts
\upmordent Articulations and ornamentations
\upmordent Articulation scripts
\upprall Articulations and ornamentations
\upprall Articulation scripts
\upright A.12.1 Font markup
URL link, as QR code A.12.8 Other markup commands
UTF-8 Text encoding

varbaritone clef Clef
varC clef A.11 Clef styles
\varcoda Articulations and ornamentations
\varcoda A.12.4 Markup for music and musical symbols
\varcoda Instrument-specific scripts
variable, and \book 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book
variable, and \bookpart 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book
variables 3.2.5 File structure
variables, use of Using variables
variant ‘coda’ sign Articulations and ornamentations
variant ‘coda’ sign Segno repeat appearance
variant ‘coda’ sign Instrument-specific scripts
Vaticana, Editio 2.9 Ancient notation
Vaticana, Editio 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles
VaticanaLyrics Gregorian chant contexts
VaticanaScore Gregorian chant contexts
VaticanaStaff Instantiating new staves
VaticanaStaff Gregorian chant contexts
VaticanaVoice Gregorian chant contexts
\vcenter A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\verbatim-file A.12.8 Other markup commands
\version 3.2.5 File structure
\versus Gregorian square neume ligatures
\versus A.22 Available music functions
vertical alignment, dynamics Dynamics
vertical alignment, dynamics, breaking Dynamics
vertical alignment, text Text alignment
vertical alignment, text scripts Dynamics
vertical direction, default, of grobs Articulation direction indicators
vertical direction, forced, of grobs Articulation direction indicators
vertical distance, figured bass elements Displaying figured bass
vertical lines between staves Grid lines
vertical ordering, of scripts Articulations and ornamentations
vertical padding in markup Text alignment
vertical positioning of dynamics Dynamics
vertical spacing 4.4 Vertical spacing
vertical spacing 4.5.5 Line width
vertical spacing, debugging 4.6.1 Displaying spacing
VerticalAxisGroup Within-system spacing properties
vertically centering text A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\verylongfermata Articulations and ornamentations
\verylongfermata Ornament scripts
\veryshortfermata Articulations and ornamentations
\veryshortfermata Ornament scripts
vibraslap A.17 Percussion notes
violin clef Clef
violin clef A.11 Clef styles
\virga Gregorian square neume ligatures
\virga Gregorian square neume ligatures
\virgula Divisiones
visibility of object 5.4.7 Visibility of objects
visibility of transposed clef Special considerations
visibility of tuplet brackets Tuplets
visibility of tuplets Tuplets
vocal score 2.1.6 Opera and stage musicals
vocal score, adding cues Musical cues
voice Automatic accidentals
voice Automatic accidentals
Voice Single-staff polyphony
voice Single-staff polyphony
voice accidental style Automatic accidentals
voice style Voice styles
voice, additional, in polyphonic music Collision resolution
voice, ambitus Ambitus
voice, divided Score layouts for choral
voice, extra, for handling breaks 4.3.1 Line breaking
voice, following Staff-change lines
voice, multiple Collision resolution
voice, \partCombine with \autoBeamOff Automatic beams
voice, quoting Quoting other voices
voice, quoting Formatting cue notes
voice, shifting Collision resolution
voice, with ottavation Ottava brackets
\voiceFour Single-staff polyphony
\voiceFourStyle Voice styles
\voiceNeutralStyle Voice styles
\voiceOne Single-staff polyphony
\voiceOneStyle Voice styles
\voices Single-staff polyphony
\voices A.22 Available music functions
\voiceThree Single-staff polyphony
\voiceThreeStyle Voice styles
\voiceTwo Single-staff polyphony
\voiceTwoStyle Voice styles
\void 3.7.1 Displaying LilyPond notation
\void A.22 Available music functions
volta Written-out repeats
\volta Alternative endings
volta Alternative endings
\volta Alternative endings
volta Written-out repeats
volta Alternative endings
\volta A.22 Available music functions
volta bracket Manual repeat marks
volta bracket, and tie Ties
volta bracket, in additional staves Segno repeat appearance
volta bracket, shortened Segno repeat appearance
volta bracket, with text Manual repeat marks
volta repeat, and time signatures Time signature
volta repeat, bar line at start of piece Simple repeats
volta repeat, below chords Customizing chord names
volta, double repeat style Automatic bar lines
volta, prima Alternative endings
volta, seconda Alternative endings
volta, ultima Alternative endings
\volta-number A.12.1 Font markup
Volta_engraver Segno repeat appearance
vowel transition Gradual changes of vowel
\vshape A.22 Available music functions
\vspace Text alignment
\vspace A.12.2 Markup for text alignment

Walker shape note head Shape note heads
\walkerHeads Shape note heads
\walkerHeadsMinor Shape note heads
whistle A.17 Percussion notes
white mensural ligature White mensural ligatures
whiteout Ties
\whiteout A.12.8 Other markup commands
whiteout Painting objects white
whitespace 3.2.5 File structure
\whiteTriangleMarkup Customizing chord names
whole rest, for a full measure Full measure rests
wind instrument References for wind instruments
wind instruments, fingering symbols Fingerings
\with 5.1.4 Modifying context plug-ins
\with Changing just one specific context
\with-color Coloring objects
\with-color A.12.8 Other markup commands
\with-dimension A.12.8 Other markup commands
\with-dimension-from A.12.8 Other markup commands
\with-dimensions A.12.8 Other markup commands
\with-dimensions-from A.12.8 Other markup commands
\with-link A.12.8 Other markup commands
\with-outline A.12.8 Other markup commands
\with-string-transformer A.12.1 Font markup
\with-true-dimension A.12.8 Other markup commands
\with-true-dimensions A.12.8 Other markup commands
\with-url A.12.3 Graphical markup
\withMusicProperty A.22 Available music functions
\withRelativeDir A.22 Available music functions
woodblock A.17 Percussion notes
woodwind diagram, key lists Woodwind diagrams
woodwind diagram, list Woodwind diagrams
woodwind diagrams, modifying Woodwind diagrams
\woodwind-diagram A.12.6 Instrument-specific markup
word-wrapped text Text alignment
\wordwrap Text alignment
\wordwrap A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\wordwrap-field A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
\wordwrap-lines Text markup introduction
\wordwrap-lines A.13 Text markup list commands
\wordwrap-string A.12.2 Markup for text alignment
writing music in parallel Writing music in parallel
written-out repeat 1.4.1 Long repeats

X-offset Within-system spacing properties
x11 color Coloring objects
x11 color Coloring objects
x11-color Coloring objects
x11-color Coloring objects
x11-color A.7 List of colors
\xNote Special note heads
\xNote A.22 Available music functions
\xNotesOff Special note heads
\xNotesOn Special note heads

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LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.20 (development-branch).