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Fret diagram markups
Fret diagrams can be added to music as a markup to the desired note. The markup contains information about the desired fret diagram. There are three different fret diagram markup interfaces: standard, terse, and verbose. The three interfaces produce equivalent markups, but have varying amounts of information in the markup string. Details about the syntax of the different markup strings used to define fret diagrams are found at Instrument-specific markup.
The standard fret diagram markup string indicates the string number and the fret number for each dot to be placed on the string. In addition, open and unplayed (muted) strings can be indicated.
<< \new ChordNames { \chordmode { c1 d:m } } \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" <c e g c' e'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram "6-x;5-3;4-2;3-o;2-1;1-o;" } <d a d' f'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram "6-x;5-x;4-o;3-2;2-3;1-1;" } } >>![]()
Barré indications can be added to the diagram from the fret diagram markup string.
<< \new ChordNames { \chordmode { f1 g } } \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" <f, c f a c' f'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram "c:6-1-1;6-1;5-3;4-3;3-2;2-1;1-1;" } <g, d g b d' g'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram "c:6-1-3;6-3;5-5;4-5;3-4;2-3;1-3;" } } >>![]()
The size of the fret diagram, and the number of frets in the diagram can be changed in the fret diagram markup string.
<< \new ChordNames { \chordmode { f1 g } } \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" <f, c f a c' f'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram "s:1.5;c:6-1-1;6-1;5-3;4-3;3-2;2-1;1-1;" } <g, b, d g b g'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram "h:6;6-3;5-2;4-o;3-o;2-o;1-3;" } } >>![]()
The number of strings in a fret diagram can be changed to accommodate different instruments such as banjos and ukuleles with the fret diagram markup string.
<< \new ChordNames { \chordmode { a1 } } \new Staff { % An 'A' chord for ukulele a'1^\markup { \fret-diagram "w:4;4-2-2;3-1-1;2-o;1-o;" } } >>![]()
Fingering indications can be added, and the location of fingering labels can be controlled by the fret diagram markup string.
<< \new ChordNames { \chordmode { c1 d:m } } \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" <c e g c' e'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram "f:1;6-x;5-3-3;4-2-2;3-o;2-1-1;1-o;" } <d a d' f'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram "f:2;6-x;5-x;4-o;3-2-2;2-3-3;1-1-1;" } } >>![]()
Dot radius and dot position can be controlled with the fret diagram markup string.
<< \new ChordNames { \chordmode { c1 d:m } } \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" <c e g c' e'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram "d:0.35;6-x;5-3;4-2;3-o;2-1;1-o;" } <d a d' f'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram "p:0.2;6-x;5-x;4-o;3-2;2-3;1-1;" } } >>![]()
Fret-diagrams may be printed left-handed
\markup \center-column { "C" "(left-handed)" \override #`(fret-diagram-details . ((handedness . ,LEFT))) \fret-diagram "6-x;5-3-3;4-2-2;3-o;2-1;1-o;" }![]()
The \fret-diagram-terse
markup string omits string numbers; the string
number is implied by the presence of semicolons. There is one semicolon
for each string in the diagram. The first semicolon corresponds to the
highest string number and the last semicolon corresponds to the first string.
Mute strings, open strings, and fret numbers can be indicated.
<< \new ChordNames { \chordmode { c1 d:m } } \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" <c e g c' e'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram-terse "x;3;2;o;1;o;" } <d a d' f'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram-terse "x;x;o;2;3;1;" } } >>![]()
Barré indicators can be included in the \fret-diagram-terse
markup string.
<< \new ChordNames { \chordmode { f1 g } } \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" <f, c f a c' f'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram-terse "1-(;3;3;2;1;1-);" } <g, d g b d' g'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram-terse "3-(;5;5;4;3;3-);" } } >>![]()
Fingering indications can be included in the \fret-diagram-terse
markup string.
<< \new ChordNames { \chordmode { c1 d:m } } \new Staff { \override Voice.TextScript.fret-diagram-details.finger-code = #'below-string \clef "treble_8" <c e g c' e'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram-terse "x;3-3;2-2;o;1-1;o;" } <d a d' f'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram-terse "x;x;o;2-2;3-3;1-1;" } } >>![]()
Other fret diagram properties must be adjusted using
when using the \fret-diagram-terse
Only one indication per string can be included in a
markup. To have multiple indications
per string use a fret diagram or \fret-diagram-verbose
The \fret-diagram-verbose
markup string is in the format of
a Scheme list. Each element of the list indicates an item to be
placed on the fret diagram.
<< \new ChordNames { \chordmode { c1 d:m } } \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" <c e g c' e'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram-verbose #'( (mute 6) (place-fret 5 3) (place-fret 4 2) (open 3) (place-fret 2 1) (open 1) ) } <d a d' f'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram-verbose #'( (mute 6) (mute 5) (open 4) (place-fret 3 2) (place-fret 2 3) (place-fret 1 1) ) } } >>![]()
Fingering indications and barrés can be included in a
markup string. Unique to the
interface is a capo indication that
can be placed on the fret diagram. The capo indication is
a thick bar that covers all strings. The fret with the
capo will be the lowest fret in the fret diagram.
Fingering indication dots can be colored as well as parenthesized; the parenthesis’s color can also be altered independently.
Markups can be placed into the dots as well.
<< \new ChordNames { \chordmode { f1 g c c b } } \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" \override Voice.TextScript .fret-diagram-details.finger-code = #'below-string <f, c f a c' f'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram-verbose #'( (place-fret 6 1) (place-fret 5 3) (place-fret 4 3) (place-fret 3 2) (place-fret 2 1) (place-fret 1 1) (barre 6 1 1) ) } <g, b, d g b g'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram-verbose #'( (place-fret 6 3 2) (place-fret 5 2 1) (open 4) (open 3) (open 2) (place-fret 1 3 3) ) } <c g c' e' g'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram-verbose #'( (capo 3) (mute 6) (place-fret 4 5 1) (place-fret 3 5 2) (place-fret 2 5 3) ) } \override Voice.TextScript.size = 1.4 <c g c' e' g'>1^\markup { \fret-diagram-verbose #'( (place-fret 6 3 1 red parenthesized default-paren-color) (place-fret 5 3 1 inverted) (place-fret 4 5 2 blue parenthesized) (place-fret 3 5 3 blue) (place-fret 2 5 4 blue) (place-fret 1 3 1 inverted) ) } \override Voice.TextScript.size = 1.5 <b, fis b dis' fis'>1^\markup \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((finger-code . in-dot))) \fret-diagram-verbose #`( (place-fret 5 2 1) (place-fret 4 4 "fis" red) (place-fret 3 4 "b" red) (place-fret 2 4 ,#{ \markup \concat { \vcenter "d" \fontsize #-5 \musicglyph "accidentals.sharp"} #} red) (place-fret 1 2 1) ) } >>![]()
All other fret diagram properties must be adjusted using
when using the \fret-diagram-verbose
The graphical layout of a fret diagram can be customized according
to user preference through the properties of the
. Details are found at
fret-diagram-interface; see Fret diagrams explained and developed for an exhaustive
example. For a fret diagram markup, the interface properties
belong to Voice.TextScript
Selected Snippets
Changing fret orientations
Fret diagrams can be oriented in three ways. By default the top string or fret in the different orientations will be aligned.
\include "predefined-guitar-fretboards.ly" << \chords { c1 c1 c1 } \new FretBoards { \chordmode { c1 \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.orientation = #'landscape c1 \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.orientation = #'opposing-landscape c1 } } \new Voice { c'1 c'1 c' } >>![]()
Customizing markup fret diagrams
Fret diagram properties can be set through
. For markup fret diagrams, overrides can
be applied to the Voice.TextScript
object or directly to the
<< \chords { c1 | c | c | d } \new Voice = "mel" { \textLengthOn % Set global properties of fret diagram \override TextScript.size = 1.2 \override TextScript.fret-diagram-details.finger-code = #'in-dot \override TextScript.fret-diagram-details.dot-color = #'white %% C major for guitar, no barre, using defaults % terse style c'1^\markup { \fret-diagram-terse "x;3-3;2-2;o;1-1;o;" } %% C major for guitar, barred on third fret % verbose style % size 1.0 % roman fret label, finger labels below string, straight barre c'1^\markup { % standard size \override #'(size . 1.0) { \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ( (number-type . roman-lower) (finger-code . in-dot) (barre-type . straight))) { \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6) (place-fret 5 3 1) (place-fret 4 5 2) (place-fret 3 5 3) (place-fret 2 5 4) (place-fret 1 3 1) (barre 5 1 3)) } } } %% C major for guitar, barred on third fret % verbose style % landscape orientation, arabic numbers, M for mute string % no barre, fret label down or left, small mute label font c'1^\markup { \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ( (finger-code . below-string) (number-type . arabic) (label-dir . -1) (mute-string . "M") (orientation . landscape) (barre-type . none) (xo-font-magnification . 0.4) (xo-padding . 0.3))) { \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6) (place-fret 5 3 1) (place-fret 4 5 2) (place-fret 3 5 3) (place-fret 2 5 4) (place-fret 1 3 1) (barre 5 1 3)) } } %% simple D chord % terse style % larger dots, centered dots, fewer frets % label below string d'1^\markup { \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ( (finger-code . below-string) (dot-radius . 0.35) (dot-position . 0.5) (fret-count . 3))) { \fret-diagram-terse "x;x;o;2-1;3-2;2-3;" } } } >>![]()
See also
Notation Reference: Instrument-specific markup.
Snippets: Fretted strings.
Internals Reference: fret-diagram-interface.
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