Manuals for LilyPond 2.25.25
The LilyPond manuals generally come in three formats: split HTML, big HTML, and PDF. Split HTML is good for reading online. Big HTML (and some of these files can be very big) contains the whole manual as a single page. PDF is available for downloading and using offline. To get to these three formats, follow the links that read ‘details of’ and then the manual name.
- Text input: LilyPond is a text-based music engraver. Read this first!
- Learning: a “must-read” gentle introduction to LilyPond. (details of Learning)
- Glossary: (optional reading) musical terms and translations. (details of Glossary)
- Essay: (optional reading) background information about computer engraving. (details of Essay)
Regular use
- Notation: syntax reference. (details of Notation)
- Usage: running the programs. (details of Usage)
- Snippets: short tricks and tips. (details of Snippets)
Infrequent Use
- FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions.
- Web: this document. (details of Web)
- Changes: what’s new? (details of Changes)
- Extending: fancy tweaks. (details of Extending)
- Internals: tweaks reference. (details of Internals)
Other material
- All: previous stable versions and current as a compressed archive.
- LilyPond Snippet Repository: user-created examples, hints and tips.
- Video Tutorials: Ben Lemon, a LilyPond user, has created a range of video tutorials on his blog and which are aimed at new users.
- LilyPond’s Scheme: an external tutorial to learn Scheme, the language used to program LilyPond. Recommended if you are an absolute beginner when it comes to programming.
- Extending LilyPond: an external documentation resource about extending LilyPond in Scheme. It also contains a Scheme tutorial, which is recommended if you have some experience with programming in another language.
- Development: manuals for the unstable version.
- FDL: these manuals are published under the GNU Free Documentation License.
Learning | Learning. | |
Glossary | Glossary. | |
Essay | Essay. | |
Notation | Reference. | |
Usage | Usage. | |
Snippets | Snippets. | |
FAQ | FAQ. | |
Web | Web. | |
Changes | NEWS. | |
Extending | Programming. | |
Internals | Internals. | |
All | All manuals. | |
FDL | Licence. |