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Unmetered music
In music such as cadenzas, it may be desirable to disable
automatic measure demarcation and all that it entails: numbering
bars, resetting accidentals, etc. Music between \cadenzaOn
and \cadenzaOff
does not count toward the length of a
\relative c'' { % Show all bar numbers \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible c4 d e d \cadenzaOn c4 cis d8[ d d] f4 g4. \cadenzaOff d4 e d c }![]()
To divide an unmetered passage into irregular measures,
temporarily re-enable timing and use \partial
to create a
tiny measure. The \bar
command alone does not start a new
cadenzaMeasure = { \cadenzaOff \partial 1024 s1024 \cadenzaOn } \relative c'' { % Show all bar numbers \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible c4 d e d \cadenzaOn c4 cis \bar "!" d8[ d d] \cadenzaMeasure f4 g4. \cadenzaMeasure \cadenzaOff d4 e d c }![]()
Automatic beaming is disabled by \cadenzaOn
. Therefore, all
beaming in cadenzas must be entered manually. See Manual beams.
\relative { \repeat unfold 8 { c''8 } \cadenzaOn cis8 c c c c \bar"|" c8 c c \cadenzaOff \repeat unfold 8 { c8 } }![]()
These predefined commands affect all staves in the score, even when
placed in just one Voice
context. To change this, move the
from the Score
context to the
context. See Polymetric notation.
Within a cadenza section, automatic breaks are disabled: since there
is no metric, it is not possible to determine automatically where
they would be appropriate. Therefore, in a long cadenza passage,
you must insert possible break points at appropriate places using
the \allowBreak
command or other solutions in Line breaking.
\relative { c'4 f g c, d f g c \cadenzaOn c4 cis8 \allowBreak d[ cis c cis] \allowBreak d[ f g a] \allowBreak ais[ g f g] \allowBreak d4 f8 \allowBreak d[ cis] c4 \allowBreak a8[ c] g4 }![]()
Predefined commands
See also
Music Glossary: cadenza.
Notation Reference: Visibility of objects, Polymetric notation, Manual beams, Accidentals.
Snippets: Rhythms.
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