A.14 アーティキュレーションの一覧

以下のリストは、音符に付加することのできる Feta フォントのスクリプト (例: ‘f\accent’, ‘f->’) の一覧です。例はそれぞれ上 (up)下 (down)デフォルト (neutral) の順番に示しています。

アーティキュレーション スクリプト

\accent または ->

[image of music]


[image of music]

\marcato または -^

[image of music]

\portato または -_

[image of music]

または -!

[image of music]

\staccato または -.

[image of music]

\tenuto または --

[image of music]



[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]

フェルマータ スクリプト


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]



[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]

\stopped or -+

[image of music]



[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]



[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]

LilyPond — 記譜法リファレンス v2.23.82 (開発版).