A.13 Liste der Artikulationszeichen

Die Skripte unten sind in der Feta-Glyphe definiert und können an Noten angehängt werden (etwa ‘c\accent’).


\accent or ->

[image of music]


[image of music]

\marcato or -^

[image of music]

\portato or -_

[image of music]

or -!

[image of music]

\staccato or -.

[image of music]

\tenuto or --

[image of music]

Ornamentale Skripte


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]



[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]

Instrumentenspezifische Skripte


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]

\stopped or -+

[image of music]



[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]

Skripte der alten Notation


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]

LilyPond – Notationsreferenz v2.23.82 (Entwicklungszweig).