Sintaxis | Descripción | Ejemplo |
1 2 8 16 | duraciones |
![[image of music]](../a7/lily-f3afef3a.png) |
c4. c4.. | puntillos |
![[image of music]](../7d/lily-49b544ae.png) |
c d e f g a b | escala |
![[image of music]](../3a/lily-d0f02014.png) |
fis bes | alteración |
![[image of music]](../53/lily-49574969.png) |
\clef treble \clef bass | claves |
![[image of music]](../8c/lily-d9290c41.png) |
\time 3/4 \time 4/4 | compás |
![[image of music]](../e4/lily-54920ce6.png) |
r4 r8 | silencio |
![[image of music]](../6d/lily-13250dec.png) |
d ~ d | ligadura de unión |
![[image of music]](../76/lily-ba034041.png) |
\key es \major | armadura |
![[image of music]](../08/lily-3f659613.png) |
note' | subir una octava |
![[image of music]](../5d/lily-106ac42b.png) |
note, | bajar una octava |
![[image of music]](../1f/lily-db5edf8a.png) |
c( d e) | ligadura de expresión |
![[image of music]](../79/lily-2eb948de.png) |
c\( c( d) e\) | ligadura de fraseo |
![[image of music]](../f1/lily-46c2cb52.png) |
a8[ b] | barra |
![[image of music]](../ae/lily-7a71e3a4.png) |
<< \new Staff … >> | más pentagramas |
![[image of music]](../f6/lily-dee1d7b1.png) |
c-> c-. | articulaciones |
![[image of music]](../7f/lily-f6eef2e9.png) |
c2\mf c\sfz | matices dinámicos |
![[image of music]](../1d/lily-c9c722a6.png) |
a\< a a\! | crescendo |
![[image of music]](../ed/lily-460def26.png) |
a\> a a\! | decrescendo |
![[image of music]](../3c/lily-ebc0a4d8.png) |
< > | acorde |
![[image of music]](../6a/lily-93bc84c9.png) |
\partial 8 | anacrusa o compás incompleto |
![[image of music]](../6b/lily-70f697ef.png) |
\tuplet 3/2 {f g a} | tresillos |
![[image of music]](../a2/lily-19ae1780.png) |
\grace | mordentes |
![[image of music]](../ff/lily-e70fb1df.png) |
\lyricmode { twinkle } | escribir la letra | twinkle |
\new Lyrics | imprimir la letra |
![[image of music]](../b7/lily-79e78e46.png) |
twin -- kle | separador de sílabas |
![[image of music]](../e7/lily-ba95a97e.png) |
\chordmode { c:dim f:maj7 } | acordes |
![[image of music]](../1a/lily-71af9815.png) |
\new ChordNames | imprimir los nombres de los acordes |
![[image of music]](../9b/lily-2f2a65ec.png) |
<<{e f} \\ {c d}>> | polifonía |
![[image of music]](../61/lily-b71662b4.png) |
s4 s8 s16 | silencios de separación | |