Various scripts may be used for texts (like titles and lyrics) by entering them in UTF-8 encoding, and using a Pango based backend. Depending on the fonts installed, this fragment will render Bulgarian (Cyrillic), Hebrew, Japanese and Portuguese.

You may have to install additional fonts.

Red Hat Fedora

  linux-libertine-fonts (Latin, Cyrillic, Hebrew)
  google-noto-serif-jp-fonts (Japanese)

Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu

  fonts-linuxlibertine (Latin, Cyrillic, Hebrew)
  fonts-noto-cjk (Japanese)

% 'Linux Libertine' fonts also contain Cyrillic and Hebrew glyphs.
\paper {
  property-defaults.fonts.serif =
    "Linux Libertine O, Noto Serif CJK JP, Noto Serif JP"

bulgarian = \lyricmode {
  Жълтата дюля беше щастлива, че пухът, който цъфна, замръзна като гьон.

hebrew = \lyricmode {
  זה כיף סתם לשמוע איך תנצח קרפד עץ טוב בגן.

japanese = \lyricmode {
  いろはにほへど ちりぬるを
  わがよたれぞ  つねならむ
  うゐのおくや  まけふこえて
  あさきゆめみじ ゑひもせず

% "a nice song for you"
portuguese = \lyricmode {
  à vo --  uma can -- ção le -- gal

\relative c' {
  c2 d
  e2 f
  g2 f
  e2 d
\addlyrics { \bulgarian }
\addlyrics { \hebrew }
\addlyrics { \japanese }
\addlyrics { \portuguese }

[image of music]

LilyPond snippets v2.25.20 (development-branch).