Changing the chord names to German or semi-German notation

The english naming of chords (default) can be changed to german (\germanChords replaces B and Bes with H and B) or semi-german (\semiGermanChords replaces B and Bes with H and Bb).

scm = \chordmode {
  c1/c | cis/cis
  b1/b | bis/bis | bes/bes

\layout {
  ragged-right = ##t
  \context {
    \consists "Instrument_name_engraver"

  \new ChordNames {
    \set instrumentName = #"default"
  \new ChordNames {
    \set instrumentName = #"german"
    \germanChords \scm
  \new ChordNames {
    \set instrumentName = #"semi-german"
    \semiGermanChords \scm
  \new ChordNames {
    \set instrumentName = #"italian"
    \italianChords \scm
  \new ChordNames {
    \set instrumentName = #"french"
    \frenchChords \scm
  \context Voice { \scm }

[image of music]

LilyPond snippets v2.25.20 (development-branch).