Adding indicators to staves which get split after a break

This snippet defines the commands \splitStaffBarLine, \convUpStaffBarLine, and \convDownStaffBarLine. These add arrows at a bar line to denote that several voices sharing a staff will each continue on a staff of their own in the next system, or that voices split in this way recombine.

#(define-markup-command (arrow-at-angle layout props angle-deg length fill)
   (number? number? boolean?)
   (let* (
           (PI-OVER-180 (/ (atan 1 1) 34))
           (degrees->radians (lambda (degrees) (* degrees PI-OVER-180)))
           (angle-rad (degrees->radians angle-deg))
           (target-x (* length (cos angle-rad)))
           (target-y (* length (sin angle-rad))))
     (interpret-markup layout props
        #:translate (cons (/ target-x 2) (/ target-y 2))
        #:rotate angle-deg
        #:translate (cons (/ length -2) 0)
        #:concat (#:draw-line (cons length 0)
                   #:arrow-head X RIGHT fill)))))

splitStaffBarLineMarkup = \markup \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0) {
  \arrow-at-angle #45 #(sqrt 8) ##t
  \arrow-at-angle #-45 #(sqrt 8) ##t

splitStaffBarLine = {
  \once \override Staff.BarLine.stencil =
  #(lambda (grob)
      (ly:bar-line::print grob)
      X RIGHT
      (grob-interpret-markup grob splitStaffBarLineMarkup)

convDownStaffBarLine = {
  \once \override Staff.BarLine.stencil =
  #(lambda (grob)
      (ly:bar-line::print grob)
      X RIGHT
      (grob-interpret-markup grob #{
        \markup\with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0) {
          \translate #'(0 . -.13)\arrow-at-angle #-45 #(sqrt 8) ##t

convUpStaffBarLine = {
  \once \override Staff.BarLine.stencil =
  #(lambda (grob)
      (ly:bar-line::print grob)
      X RIGHT
      (grob-interpret-markup grob #{
        \markup\with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0) {
          \translate #'(0 . .14)\arrow-at-angle #45 #(sqrt 8) ##t

\header { tagline = ##f }

\paper {
  ragged-right = ##t
  short-indent = 10\mm

separateSopranos = {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = "AI AII"
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "AI AII"
  \change Staff = "up"
convSopranos = {
  \change Staff = "shared"
  \set Staff.instrumentName = "S A"
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "S A"

sI = {
  \repeat unfold 4 f''2
  \repeat unfold 4 g''2
  \repeat unfold 4 c''2
sII = {
  \change Staff = "up"
  \repeat unfold 4 d''2
aI = {
  \repeat unfold 4 a'2
  \repeat unfold 4 b'2
  \repeat unfold 4 g'2
aII = {
  \repeat unfold 4 g'2
ten = {
  \repeat unfold 4 c'2
  \repeat unfold 4 d'2
  \repeat unfold 4 c'2
bas = {
  \repeat unfold 4 f2
  \repeat unfold 4 g2
  \repeat unfold 4 c2

\score {
    \new ChoirStaff <<
      \new Staff = up \with {
        instrumentName = "SI SII"
        shortInstrumentName = "SI SII"
      } {

      \new Staff = shared \with {
        instrumentName = "S A"
        shortInstrumentName = "S A"
      } <<
        \new Voice = sopI \sI
        \new Voice = sopII \sII
        \new Voice = altI \aI
        \new Voice = altII \aII
      \new Lyrics \with {
        alignBelowContext = up
      \lyricsto sopII { e f g h }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto altI { a b c d e f g h i j k l }

      \new Staff = men \with {
        instrumentName = "T B"
        shortInstrumentName = "T B"
      } <<
        \clef F
        \new Voice = ten \ten
        \new Voice = bas \bas
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto bas { a b c d e f g h i j k l }
  \layout {
    \context {
      \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
      \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t

[image of music]

LilyPond snippets v2.25.20 (development-branch).