Placement of right-hand fingerings
It is possible to exercise greater control over the placement of
right-hand fingerings by setting a specific property, as demonstrated
in the following example.
#(define RH rightHandFinger)
\relative c {
\clef "treble_8"
\set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up down)
<c\RH 1 e\RH 2 g\RH 3 c\RH 4 >4
\set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up right down)
<c\RH 1 e\RH 2 g\RH 3 c\RH 4 >4
\set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(left)
<c\RH 1 e\RH 2 g\RH 3 c\RH 4 >2
\set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(right)
c\RH 1