Combining two parts on the same staff

The part combiner tool (i.e., the \partCombine command) allows the combination of several different parts on the same staff. Text directions such as “solo” or “a2” are added by default; to remove them, simply set the property printPartCombineTexts to #f.

For vocal scores (hymns), there is no need to add “solo/a2” texts, so they should be switched off. However, it might be better not to use them if there are any solos, as they won’t be indicated. In such cases, standard polyphonic notation may be preferable.

This snippet presents the three ways two parts can be printed on a same staff: standard polyphony, \partCombine without texts, and \partCombine with texts.

musicUp = \relative c'' {
  \time 4/4
  a4 c4.( g8) a4 |
  g4 e' g,( a8 b) |
  c b a2.

musicDown = \relative c'' {
  g4 e4.( d8) c4 |
  r2 g'4( f8 e) |
  d2 \stemDown a

\score {
    \new Staff \with {
      instrumentName = "standard polyphony"
    } << \musicUp \\ \musicDown >>

    \new Staff \with {
      instrumentName =
        \markup { \typewriter "\\partCombine" without text}
      printPartCombineTexts = ##f
    } \partCombine \musicUp \musicDown

    \new Staff \with {
      instrumentName =
        \markup { \typewriter "\\partCombine" with text}
    } \partCombine \musicUp \musicDown

  \layout {
    indent = 6.0\cm
    \context {
      % Setting this to a large value avoids a bar line at the
      % beginning that would connect the three staves otherwise.
      \override SystemStartBar.collapse-height = 30

[image of music]

LilyPond snippets v2.25.20 (development-branch).