Changing beam thickness and spacing

To make beams thicker or thinner alter the Beam.beam-thickness property. To adjust the spacing between beams alter the Beam.length-fraction property.

\relative f' {
  \time 1/8
  \override Beam.beam-thickness = #0.4
  \override Beam.length-fraction = #0.8
  c32 c c c
  \revert Beam.beam-thickness  % 0.48 is default thickness
  \revert Beam.length-fraction  % 1.0 is default spacing
  c32 c c c
  \override Beam.beam-thickness = #0.6
  \override Beam.length-fraction = #1.3
  c32 c c c

[image of music]

LilyPond snippets v2.25.20 (development-branch).